Chapter 10: Plans for Us

Undesired Wife

Chapter 10

Plans for Us


Yeojin's POV

"Sweetheart how is your arm?" mom came in and ask as she placed a plate of cookies on my night stand. I looked at the arm that was now open and free, no bandages or cast. Its been two weeks since we got back from the school trip, and well, things are changing alot. To start Ahreum is starting to be really nice to me, which I didnt really trust. Also Kai has been over alot lately, most of the times he comes over to hang out with Sehun but other times he would make me plan out the wedding with him. Our parents let us decide on the date ourselfs, but that didnt turn out so well. I wanted to wait until the start of next year, but Kai wanted to hurry and get it over with so he wanted to have the wedding next month. 

"Shockingly" -.- My parents and his parents agreed with him. So our wedding was plan for next month, so that basically gives me less then 5 weeks. "Sweetheart?" I shook my head and stare at my mom's worried expression. I guess i must havve spaced out. My eyes softened as I see her smiling, "It's all better now mom, no worries" She nodded before informing me that Kai had arrived. I sighed before nodding to her.

Once she closed the door I got up and went to my closet, Kai had decided to plan a meeting with the wedding planner today without telling me until yesterday night.


I threw on a plain white shirt with a pair of denim shorts, topped with my varsity jacket. I have a thing for sweaters. As I head downstairs I recieve a text from an unknown number. Curious, I read the text

Hey I'm Cho, I can't believe I got your number~ Kekekeke, I just love you alot and I was so sad when I heard you had a fiance. Can you meet me at _______ cafe today? Please reply as soon as possible, I'll be waiting. 


I had no idea who this person was, how did he get my number. What the h*** is happening, I stared at the message once more. "Yeojin hurry up! We're going to be late. Stop being a tur-"

"Shut up Kai!" I shouted before placing my phone in my pocket. This annoying creature will die in my hands one day, he stood at the door with a bored expression. I walked past him and walk over to his car parked next to my mom's car. "Took you long enough" I heard his voice as he ran up beside me. "Well who's fault was it to make an appointment without even telling me?" I snap and enter the car.

Once we both we're in the car, my phone buzzed again, 

Why are you with him? Didn't you read my text? I said I love you :((((

Chills shot down my spine, okay this is getting to creepy.

Whoever you are, you need to stop texting me. I have no idea who you are. Leave me alone

I waited for awhile and he texted me again.

I'm not your stalker...............okay maybe I am but please Yeojin, please come meet me. 

My eyes nearly fell out, as a frustrated groan escaped. "Great I caught a stalker without even knowing" I mumbled to myself but I guess Kai heard it because he snatched the phone out of my hand "He-"

"Who is this guy?" he question while reading the texts.I scoffed, how am I suppose to know? I watch as he decided to text this guy, wonder how this will turn out. He handed the phone back to me and I read the message he texted to this Cho guy. 

I'm with him because he is super hot and model like. He's my dream husband

"YAHHH!" I punched his arm and glared at him wincing. How dare he write this, although I thought the Cho guy was a creep and I so desperately wanted to drop kick him, it doesn't mean that I would ever say that Kai is my dream husband. Never in a million years. He smirked at me once his arm stopped hurting, I glared at him once more before turning back to the phone. 

He isn all that great. I heard that he wears wigs because he has a bald spot. And rumors has it that he uses girl products to keep his skin so good. I'm much better ;)

I burst into laughter and nearly cried as tears started springing. Kai watched me confusingly, I decided to show him the phone. I watch as his eyes widened bigger and bigger at each accusation Cho made of Kai. I removed it away and saw Kai fuming, "Give me the phone" I stared at him before handing him the phone. He dialed the unknown phone number, what the is he doing? I tried to reach for my phone but he held my hands tightly together. "Stay still Yeojin" 

I continue to reach for my phone but then I stop hearing a voice on the phone, calmly i removed my hands and sat back down in my seat. He pressed the speaker and I hear Cho's voice boom through the phone, he sounded happy when he called my name. 

"Yeojin? Yeojin are you there? I'm so glad you called me. I can't believe my love is actually calling me right now" I wanted Kai to hang up, tugging on his shirt got his atention, I pleaded him with my eyes but he marely shook his head, "Look whoever you are, I don't give a about. But I want you to leave Yeojin alone! She is my fiance and soon to be wife, so please do us a kind favor and dont ever text her again" 

Kai shot into the phone and hanged up. I sat there with my jaw down, I couldn't believe he just said that to my stalker. "Let's go" He said before getting out of the car. I looked out the window and we had already arrived at the wedding boutique, I guess i was too engross in the fact that I had attained a stalker somehow. I wasn't even famous enough to earn a stalker, the only people who knew me are the people at my school, I'm known as the "Tough Girl"

At first I totally hated that name, but now I appreciate it. No one really bothers except those stupid queenka, although I am one myself. "Are you coming or not?" Kai snapped and it brought me back to reality. I stare at him and saw him staring right back at me with the wedding planner next to him. 

With a nod, I walk out of the car and follow them inside.


"Okay so since we're done with that, your dress Yeojin, and your suit Kai" She ringed for two helpers. One helper took me while the other stole Kai to the other way. Why do I even care? As we walk into that side of the store my eyes fall into a spell,


It was utterly beautiful, dresses everywhere and a cute little area to sit down on and chat. Too bad mom and dad won't make it, I frowned before following my helper. 

Narrator's POV

"Kai how about this one?" The helper pointed at a black suit, with a black bow tie. Kai marely shrugged and headed into the changing to try it on. While Kai was trying on his suit, Sehun walked in with Baekhyun, Mrs.Oh and Mr. and Mrs.Kim

They all headed to where Kai's helper was, everyone sat on the chairs porvided and waited for the groom to walk out, "How does it loo-" Kai stopped talking as soon as he walked out and saw his mom's grinning face with everyone else looking at him. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Sehun, then Baekhyun, "Why are you guys  here?" He asked before fixing his bow. Mrs.Kim pointed at the wedding planner who was currently on the phone.

"She called us. I can't belive you didnt even tell us! Kim Jongin, you are such a bad son" Mr.Kim scolded Kai, but at the same time he was amazed by how handsome his son looked.


"Aigoo, now where is our beautiful bride?" Mrs.Kim asked and Mrs.Oh's eyes lit up at the thought of her daughter. The helper kindly lead them to the other side of the room, Kai followed behind after greeting his friends, Baekhyun and Sehun. "I'm scared to see how your sister is going to look" Kai gulped as the other two chuckled. "Why? Afraid of getting an ugly bride?" Baekhyun asked and Kai only nodded. 

"Dude, promise me, Yeojin will be the prettiest girl you ever see walk down the aisle" Baekhyun patted his chest and checked his phone. Kai only sighed, what if none of these dresses were good enough for her, what if she caused trouble because she didnt like the design? "I don't know, i feel like none of these dresses will fit her well-"

Kai turned the corner and his jaw dropped. Yeojin stood there hugging her mother while his parents praised her on how beautiful she looked. And Kai agreed, Yeojin was utterly breathtaking. Yeojin herself was already breath talong but the dress enhanced her beauty even more. It hugged her curves perfectly.


Baekhyun smirked at his boss/friend, he knew that Kai has also fallen for Yeojin's beauty. And he couldn't believe Kai doubted Yeojin's beauty, Yeojin would shine no matter what it is she wore. "Come on let's take a picture" Mrs.Kim's voice brought the two back to life as Kai catch Yeojin looking back at him for a second.  Kai hesitantly walked over to Yeojin, he gave her a small nod before turning to the camera.

Yeojin scoffed also turning to the camera, "Saying you look nice to me wouldn't hurt that much would it?" She arched her eyebrows. He gulped nervously when she held on tightly to his suit. Kai has never been this close to Yeojin, it felt new to him, but he did like it alittle. "You look nice. Happy now?" He groaned and she smiled. "Totally" 

After standing in this pose for ten minutes their parents finally allowed them to sit down. Everyone stood near them, "So since your wedding is near, we, as in us parents, decided to let Yeojin move in with us" Mrs.Kim squeal like a teenage girl on date with her crush. Kai and Yeojin stared wide eye, looking at their parents, to Sehun, then Baekhyun and finally each other. "Sehun give me your water bottle" Yeojin demanded as she reached her hand out.

"And once you two get marry, we are going to buy you your own place to live" Yeojin spit out her water and everyone rushed backwards. Kai couldnt make one sound as he stare at his mother lifelessly. 'Living in one house together with, (he turned to Yeojin), with this monster' Then he remembered, "Mom there's only two rooms though!" Kai said, they had more than 5 rooms but most of them were used as a storage, they changed one room for Mrs.Kim's art room, one room for Mr.Kim's office and one room for Kai's dance room, the others were given to their maids. 

When his mother grinned Kai felt like a knife had cut my head off, "You two will be sharing a room, and by a room I mean your room Jongin." This caught Yeojin's attention. She had to share a room with her ex best friend, her old crush, and the guy she totally hates. 

Although Jongin didn't like the idea he snicker when he saw Yeojin's reaction. 

"Welcome Yeojin"

If you havent read chapter 9 then please that chapter, I had updated chapter 9 yesterday.

Love you <33333

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I'm sorry for taking forever to update. Please forgive your babo authornim.


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oohverdosed #1
update please, i love this story so much:(
I finished Rang Prattanah because of thiss. Thank you so much
Chapter 18: No, no. You still have a chance, Jongin. Just work on it.
AhnNa123 #4
Chapter 17: a/n plz update whats wrong
vitey_sanhong #5
Chapter 14: omg authornim i love this story, keep up the good work im waiting for more ~~ it ok we will just wait
Chapter 17: Short. Too short. But, at least we have some development. He kissed her. Why?
dragmystyle #7
Chapter 15: Please continue this Author-nim! I'm really curious who "Cho" is.
atyaf12 #8
Chapter 14: Omg I love this story :)
Hehhehe can't wait for the next chapter >.<
It's okay take your time. I know how you feel it's my last year of high school and my exams are starting next week. And I am just like going crazy stressed.o.o
It's fine take your time and good luck with your exams hope you pass all of them ^.^
Heheheh thanks for updating :)