Chapter 4

An Escape with Infinite

Your Umma and Appa helped you carry your items to the airport, while Nana held her own belongings as she didn't need as much as you. You and your family was walking around lost, because you didn't know where to meet them. Just then your phone rang, it was an unknown number. You listened, all you could hear was a group of people bickering, then you looked up to see Infinite, it was Sungjong that has called you. Sungjong must've noticed you on the phone also, and ran up to you. "Excuse me, are you Park Jieun?" Sungjong was even cuter in person, you nodded yes in awe. He grew a wide smile and bowed down to you. "Annyeong Haseyo, i'm Lee Sungjong!" He looked up at you and hugged you into his arms. You're too shocked, and he can tell. The rest of the members walk up to you, and introduce themselves one by one. Now they're all introducing themselves to Nana, but you noticed Myungsoo was sitting on a bench asleep, listening to his iPod. You decided to walk over to him and sit beside him.

"Annyeong Haseyo!" You said with a smile when you sat down next to him. He didn't seem to notice. You were debating whether or not to pull the earplugs out of his ears, but in the end you decided not there, because it was rude. So you sat patiently by his side, for him to notice. Dongwoo noticed you sitting next to Myungsoo, bored. So he walked over to Myungsoo and said, "Myungsoo-ah! Don't be disrespectful to our guest, say hello!" He pointed at you, and that's when Myungsoo finally noticed you were sitting by his side, which he was shocked to find out. You felt embarressed when he found out you were by his side, so you got up and walked past Dongwoo. Dongwoo ran after you, while Myungsoo still sat there. 


You ran up to Nana and said goodbye to your parents and gave them hugs. They watched as you left, you can see them tearing up, and you too a little bit. 

As you were walking into the Airplane, you noticed Nana was way ahead with Hoya. Nana seemed to enjoy the conversation because she was smiling and laughing a lot. You didn't wanna bother her so you followed behind in the back. As you guys got onto the plane, you had to sit in the middle, between Woohyun and Myungsoo. 

For some reason you would think that when you meet Infinite, you would be a extremely hyper girl, but you felt really shy and nervous around them. Myungsoo was staring out the window, you were in the middle, and Woohyun was talking to Sunggyu who sat across on the other side.  You decided to listen to your iPod. First to be played?

Be Mine - Infinite

You started to doze off, and your head fell upon Woohyun's arm. Woohyun took a glance at your iPod, and noticed Be Mine was playing. He smirked. He pulled off your earbuds, and that woke you up. Woohyun's lips came beside your ear, "Be mine, I love you, okay?" You started to blush, but you felt butterflies in your stomach at the same time. Woohyun gave you his charming smile and quietly said, "You can sleep on my arm if you want, it's all yours!" He placed the earbuds back in your ears, carefully placed your head on his arm, and kissed your head. 

Myungsoo looked from the side, and noticed you sleeping on Woohyun's arm, and Woohyun's head laying on top of yours, both soundly asleep. It looked comfortable to be in Woohyun's position to him.. but he shakes it off, and continues listening to his music. But then he felt a tap on his arm, "Myungsoo-ah, can you lift Jieun off my arm? I need to use the restroom." Myungsoo placed his arms around your shoulders, and pulled you to lay back in the middle of the chair, so Woohyun could get up. After he left, Myungsoo placed his earbuds back in his ears, and then he felt something hit his arm. He turned his head to see you've fallen onto his arm. He moves a bit, attempting to pull you off, but you start to move around, and he's afraid of waking you up. "Sigh.. i don't want to wake her up.." He leaves you alone, and continues to listen to his own music. 

Woohyun came back to see you now on Myungsoo's arm, while an irritated look was plastered on Myungsoo's face. This made Woohyun a little sad, but more jealous. He plopped down onto his seat, and felt annoyed the rest of the plane ride.

"We are about to land, please buckle up and stay seated." You wake up and look up to see a flawless face. You rub your eyes a bit, and notice you were now on Myungsoo's arm. Shocked, you quickly sat straight up which woke him up. He looks at you, "I see you're not awake. Did my arm make a comfortable pillow?" There was Myungsoo's famous Poker Face. You couldn't tell if you were supposed to be scared or not, so you just looked down to your feet until you landed. 

When all of you got out of the plane, there was a van to carry all of you guys to the cabin, it took about only 30 minutes. You sat next to Nana, as Nana sat next to Hoya. When the van came to a stop, you looked outside. Not only was it a cabin, it was a huge cabin! 


a/n: i tried to write "differently", heh. sorry for not writing the past few days. ;A; been busy &didnt' really know how to start, i hope this is an okay chapter? :3 Hehe, i like the Woohyun scene i made up. -3- because.. well woohyun's one of my biases of inifnite, heh. BUT, Myungsoo's the main man of this story! so expect more of him! hehhehe~

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Onf din even get me started with that song!!!! I. FRIGGIN. LOVE. IT!!!! It's so eargasmic!!! I was like "*O* holy crap, this song is dope and they're pretty cute! I just found a new group that I like :3"
man, if i won that ticket---------
ok let's not go there.
OOO. He bit her. ~
TT~TT<br />
I guess I'll just have to be a good reader and wait for you..<br />
*le creys*
Aww, you're on hiatus? :(<br />
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:o You'll be writing a fic on MN? Me too! Well, I'm alr halfway done..and Seyong's th main character too! Kekeke. *air five!* :D
mysteriousaura209 #7
L. Joe is so sly!<3
Lol I liked your response don't there <br />
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Nope, he ain't gon be calm about it... All. Hell. Will. Break. Loose!<br />
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V (lol I Dunn thunk the arrow thing worked out XD)
youronlyboyfriend #9
@Sywing, Myungsoo falls in love with L.Joe, the end. ^^