Chapter 2

An Escape with Infinite

-- The Letter --

Congratulations! You are the winner of the week-long get away with Infinite!

You and one of your friends of choice will get to go to a snow cabin with Infinite starting on the Sunday after you've won. 

You must meet Infinite at Incheon International Airport at no later than 7:30AM. 

If any further questions, please call (555)555-5555.

-- The End -- 

You peered into the envelope. Inside, there was two first class plane tickets. 

The man smiled at you.

"If you have any questions, call the number. I have to go, but congratulations on winning! I hope you enjoy your trip!"

And with that, he left. Min Hye was leaning against the counter smiling at you.

"I was so happy to see you come in today, i've been hoping you'd purchase the album at the right time, and you did!"

She gave you a thumbs up, and just now is when it really hit you that you get to spend a week with Infinite.

"Wait.. I get to stay with Infinite for one week? One WHOLE Week?!"

You started to jump and ran over to Min Hye and hugged her.

"Ahhh! I'm so happy!" 

You were too excited, you couldnt' stop yourself from screaming. 

But Min Hye noticed that customers were getting disturbed, so she put a finger to your lips.

"Shhh.. you're scaring away my customers Jieun." She chuckled.

You blushed, and gave her one last hug before you said farewell.


You were about to reach your house when you saw a familiar figure walking into your gates.

"Naaaaanaaa Unnnnie!" You ran towards her as fast as you could.

She could obviously see the happiness in your eyes,

"Hmm? Why are you so happy Jieun?"

"hehe, Unnie! Take a look at this!"

You handed her the envelope, and she scanned through it.

"Ahh, so this is why. So who are you taking with you?" Nana let out a small grin.

"None than other, Lee Nana!" You jumped and hugged her, and she hugged you back. 

"Good, you need someone to protect you from Infinite." She chuckled and you two walked inside the house. 


You, Nana, and your parents were at the dinner table having dinner. 

"Umma! Appa! Look at this!"

You handed them the envelope and waited for their faces.

"Ahh.. So you finally get to meet your Infinite Oppas, Jieun?" Your umma warmly smiled at you, while your appa was still reading the paper.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" You looked at your appa, he sat there with a blank look.

"Um.. Appa? Are you okay?" 

"Jieun.." His facial expression was still very blank, which started to scare you. Nana also had a worried look on her face, she was worried for you.

"Jieun.. YOU'RE LEAVING YOUR UMMA AND APPA FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK??!!" Your appa pretended to cry. 

"Appa! You scared me! Don't do that again!" He looked up at you and started to chuckle. 

"Ahhh, Jieun. Congratulations! Umma and Appa will for sure dearly miss you... you'll be leaving after tomorrow, that's so soon!"

He gave you a sad puppy look.

"Appa! You're overreacting!" You laughed at him because you knew he was messing around with you. 

"Okay, okay. Maybe I am. Well.." he look at the letter again.

"Nana, will you be going along with Jieun?"

Nana looked up, smiled and nodded.

"Good, i need someone to protect Jieun!" He chuckled to himself as he brought his plate into the kitchen.

Nana looked at you, 

"You hear that Jieun? I have to protect you! No touching Infinite!" She started to laugh at you.

"WHAAT?! UNNIE! You're just trying to torture me!" Nana started to laugh even more, but she too, got up and brought her plate to the kitchen.

You looked at your umma, 

"Go rest baby, i'll take you and Nana shopping for some clothing that fits the weather over there tomorrow." She walked up to you, kissed your head, grabbed your plate and walked into the kitchen.


After you finished brushing your teeth, you walked into your room to see Nana already asleep on the bed beside yours. You looked at the time, it was already late, so it was time for you to fall asleep. You sat down on your dresser and started to brush your hair. The envelope with the tickets was also on your dresser, so you took out the letter and re-read it one last time. You smiled, kissed the letter then turned off your lamp, and got into bed. Tomorrow, you'll be shopping with your Umma and Nana. 


a/n: ugh.. after writing this i don't like my writing style. ;___; i'll try to.. improve it. So it appears more like a actual story, instead of like.. sentence, sentence, sentence. But yes, i'm sorry for a boring start. T_T One more chapter, then Infinite will appear, i promise! <3

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Onf din even get me started with that song!!!! I. FRIGGIN. LOVE. IT!!!! It's so eargasmic!!! I was like "*O* holy crap, this song is dope and they're pretty cute! I just found a new group that I like :3"
man, if i won that ticket---------
ok let's not go there.
OOO. He bit her. ~
TT~TT<br />
I guess I'll just have to be a good reader and wait for you..<br />
*le creys*
Aww, you're on hiatus? :(<br />
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:o You'll be writing a fic on MN? Me too! Well, I'm alr halfway done..and Seyong's th main character too! Kekeke. *air five!* :D
mysteriousaura209 #7
L. Joe is so sly!<3
Lol I liked your response don't there <br />
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Nope, he ain't gon be calm about it... All. Hell. Will. Break. Loose!<br />
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V (lol I Dunn thunk the arrow thing worked out XD)
youronlyboyfriend #9
@Sywing, Myungsoo falls in love with L.Joe, the end. ^^