Chapter 13

An Escape with Infinite

Hi ^^ Since I'm going to have a cabin trip soon, I think that's a sign to finish this story up :D So I think i'll try to quickly wrap up this story~ Well..not quickly, but maybe end it around 20 ? -3- Keke. But dont' worry Myungsoo lovers! d: I have a new ff~ I'll post it up later since I haven't started it yet. Although there's a foreword+"teaser" atm. :3 k, bai~ Short short short shoooort update for now~ Let me plan this out ^^

"Why the hell are you in here?" Myungsoo said staring down at L.Joe. 

"I just wanted to visit Jieun, chill down dude." L.Joe blew his hair up and smirked. 

"But you scared her! I bet you wanted to her!" Myungsoo kicked L.Joe in the leg which caused him to let out a tiny scream.

"Ow! I wouldn't her!" L.Joe yelled at Myungsoo, but Myungsoo just gave a face of annoyance.

"Aish, just go back to your place already!" Myungsoo pushed L.Joe across the floor and out the door. He then shuts it and locks it. He turns around with a smirk on his face, then the boys started to laugh. 

You let out a sigh. You were feeling grumpy because you were awoken in the middle of your sleep, and all you wanted right now was for them all to leave and to go to sleep.

"Excuse me, but may I go back to sleep now? I'm tired!" You angrily pouted at them, so they all started heading out the door. You could see Nana laugh while walking out. 

"Goodnight yeobo~ I love you!" Woohyun called out while making a heart with his hands. But Myungsoo pushed him out the door with a laugh.

"She doesn't want your love! Go to sleep you greasy tree!" Woohyun also laughed and shut the door behind him, leaving you and Myungsoo in the room. 

Hearing the door shut, you happily covered yourself in the blankets and made yourself comfortable in the big bed. You snuggled your face up into the pillow and was feeling some peace once again. 

You heard the lights flick off and the lock click on the door, you then heard footsteps heading towards the bed area. You suddenly felt cold air come up from your back from the blanket being lifted. Someone cold came in and slipped in next to you. 

"Goodnight Jieun-ah" Myungsoo said from your back.

"Muh? Why are you in the bed! You're making me feel cold from the air!" You grumbled feeling grumpy again. You heard him let out a chuckle.

"I'm sorry, i'll keep you warm." You heard him rustle as he turned around and wrapped his arm around your waist close to you. 

You could feel your face heating up and your eyes widening, but it was all dark and you couldn't see anything. You wanted to scream, but it felt right. So you let it slip. 

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." He whispered by your ear. You could tell by his voice he was smiling.

"Okay, you better not bite me then!" You snuggled into the pillow as you felt something bite your neck.

"Ah! Hey! I said don't bite me! What are you?! A vampire?!" You rubbed the part where he bit as he started to laugh quietly.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself, well, go to sleep now!" After that, he snuggled his chin onto your shoulder and the two of you fell asleep.

wahahaha. d: i noticed i actually made myungsoo progress with no real evidence... WELL, IT'S OKAY, YOU GUYS LIKE MYUNGSOO RIGHT? :D (or as i like to call him, myungpoo! >:l) hehe. okay~ ^^ This story shall be off hiatus! Oh & The other story is here;

OHOHOH, DID YOU GUYS SEE B.A.P'S WARRIOR?!!? >:D WAHHAHA, Jongup's really hot omfg. -3-.. :3 Okayokay,  baaai~

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Onf din even get me started with that song!!!! I. FRIGGIN. LOVE. IT!!!! It's so eargasmic!!! I was like "*O* holy crap, this song is dope and they're pretty cute! I just found a new group that I like :3"
man, if i won that ticket---------
ok let's not go there.
OOO. He bit her. ~
TT~TT<br />
I guess I'll just have to be a good reader and wait for you..<br />
*le creys*
Aww, you're on hiatus? :(<br />
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:o You'll be writing a fic on MN? Me too! Well, I'm alr halfway done..and Seyong's th main character too! Kekeke. *air five!* :D
mysteriousaura209 #7
L. Joe is so sly!<3
Lol I liked your response don't there <br />
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Nope, he ain't gon be calm about it... All. Hell. Will. Break. Loose!<br />
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V (lol I Dunn thunk the arrow thing worked out XD)
youronlyboyfriend #9
@Sywing, Myungsoo falls in love with L.Joe, the end. ^^