A Boy Who Will


“Isn’t it bad luck to see you in your prom dress before the actual prom?”

“Where did you hear that from? It’s bad luck to wear the crown before the prom, not let you see me in my dress.”

“Oh,” he shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets, tagging along behind her as she wove in and out of the endless racks of prom dresses.

Of course, Onew loved Jessica and it wasn’t that he disliked prom, but he found this whole prom-dress-choosing thing very… tedious.

“This is perfect!”

She held up a strapless white gown, with sparkles and sequins lining the top and the waist area, and turned to him, smiling.

“I think it’d suit you wonderfully. We should just buy this one--it’s the best out of the rest here, princess.”

She thought for a minute before reaching up to peck him on the cheek, nodding in agreement. He took the dress from her and steered her, with his hands on her shoulder to get in line.

It was a fairly long queue, and minutes later there were people behind them already.

For some reason the girls seemed to take the opportunity to ask Onew if he had a date for prom. He was handsome and charming, so it was pretty understandable. However, Jessica seemed to think otherwise. 

“Sorry girls,” he said, when he saw Jessica’s steaming expression, and took her hand, holding it up, “I’m taken.”

Needless to say her jealousy had disappeared almost immediately. 

I want a boy who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous.

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Chapter 5: I wish you will make more like this it's freakin cute!
monegasque #2
I thought onew was going too pass away (not saying I want it to happen)that's why Jessica is writing the the l
ist so I started crying inside the toilet
ondubu #3
just reread this again. hnnnn so cute!
jjongiebbyluv #4
OMG. If only there was a guy in the world like Onew<3
Thank you for writing such a sweet story! Onsica is so cute here!<br />
Onew is so sweet~ this is the most cute drabble ever!
gosh!make me want a boyfriend...
These drabbles are so adorable~ They make me think of those incredibly cliche, yet incredibly cute romantic scenes in Korean dramas. :D
These are the cutest drabble thingies ever <3