Chapter 6: Friends

How Much do Dreams Cost?

Sehun's POV

I was awoken by the sound of my father screaming my name. I rush to his study. 

"What's the matter?"

"What is this? Why have you been getting complaints from customers?" he holds up the three complaint forms I'd recieved 

"I can explain, the ATM machine has been acting up"

"What's wrong with it?!"

"I don't know, I called a man to come fix it but he keeps postponing it"

"Then get another person to fix it" 

"I tried but he's the only one with reasonable prices"

"It doesn't matter the cost, just get it fixed or you'll start losing clients you just gained. I'm trusting you with this Sehun, don't let me down" 

"I'm not going to let you down Father, I promise"

"Maybe I've made too soon of a decision, there's no room for small mistakes like this Sehun. I'll just take over the bank for now, I'll give it back once I see some improvement from you"

"You can't be serious, all because of a malfunctioning ATM machine?"

"This time it was an ATM machine, who knows what other problems you'll have later" 

"C'mon Father, you can trust me with this"

"I've talked about it enough, I'll just enroll you in more finance workshops, then I'll think about handing it back to you" he shooes me off. 

I felt a knot in my throat, but I couldn't shed tears over this

"Don't worry, he just wants to teach you a lesson. I'm sure he'll hand it back over in a month or so" my mom tries to comfort me. 

As I sit in my room, staring up at the ceiling, there was only one person I wanted to see at the moment

I found myself parked in front of Sophie's house, just staring at the door. 

I go up and ring the doorbell, luckily she answers. 

"What's wrong?" she asks me as we take a walk. 

"My father took over managing the bank because I got complaints about the ATM machines" I tell her

"All because of ATM machines? I mean you don't have that much control over them" 

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that I got three complaints within this month"

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I can understand your father wanting things to be perfect, I'm the same way" 

"Perfect is only an illusion though, nothing can be 100 percent perfect" 

"I know that, but there's no harm in trying to reach that 100 percent perfection" 

"So what are you taking my father's side?" I didn't like how that sounded

"Of course not, I still think he was being unnecessary" 

"That's exactly how I feel about the situation as well" 

"Hey you know what makes me feel better?" 

We were now in a thrift store, I had always drove past them but I never been inside one. 

"Why does it smell like an attic in here?"

"Because these clothes have some years on them, but that's the fun part. You never know what you'll find" 

I watch as she tried on coats and made faces in the mirror

"Standing there looking at me is not going to make you feel better, you have to look at stuff too" she shoves me towards the men's section.

I stray away from the clothes and go look at the place with the sign "Knic-Knacs"

After looking at what seemed like an endless amount of VHS tapes, I see this really cool camera, it didn't look as old as the other stuff. 

I pick it up and turn it on, and to my surprise it started working. 

I make my way over to Sophie, who had found her way into the knic-knac section too. She was looking at little figurines. 

"Excuse me Mrs. Henson, how does it feel to be the best Ballerina in the world?" I joke 

"No pictures, no pictures. Okay maybe just one" she poses, although I was recording her

"It's a video camera" 

"I knew that" she plays it off. 

I turn it off and look at the price, it was only five dollars

"Wow, this stuff is cheap"

"Yes, that's the point. Little rich boys have no idea how thrift stores work" she jokes 

I decide to buy it and I keep recording Sophie while we make our way back to her house. 

"Sophie, are we friends yet?" I say, holding up the camera

"I guess at this point we are" she smiles into the camera.

"How does it feel being friends with a little rich boy?" I joke

"Uhm kinda like Cinderalla, or should I say Princess Tiana, but wait Prince Naveem was broke. No it feels like Lady and the Tramp, except it's reverse because in this case I'm the tramp and you're the lady" she laughs at the last part. 

"Weren't all the characters you're relating to poor? You have a nice house, I doubt you're poor" 

"You're right, I'm probably about middle-class" 

"One last thing, can you show us some of you amazing Ballet?"

"Anything for the fans" she boasts and then gets onto her tip-toes and does some elegant ballet moves, "that was just me warming up, the real show will be at my next recital, so stay tune" she gets real close to the camera

"I need to see more emotion" I joke

"Let me see it"

It takes me a while to figure out how to play it back, but eventually I figure it out and Sophie gets real close to watch it 

She brushes up against me and I feel my heart start to pound a little harder. 

"I was born for the camera" she brags and smiles up at me. 

"Yes of course" I add. 

Hanging out with Sophie definitely made me feel better. 

Sophie's POV

"So when can I come into your house, I'd like to see the inside at some point" he asks me

"We just became friends like a few hours ago when I declared it on camera, and now you want to come in my house? You can't rush friendship Sehun" 

"My bad"

"How long was it before you went into your other friends houses?"

He stays quiet

"It's a little embarassing, but you're my first friend Sophie I never had any when I was in school since I had to go home right after and get tutoring" 

"Aww that's kind of sad Sehun" 

"Yeah, that's why I don't reveal it" 

"Okay I'll make a deal. If you let me into your house, I'll let you into mine" 

"It's a deal, let's go" 

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koolkat44 #1
Chapter 12: Awwww, so sweet. The dad needs to chill honestly.
koolkat44 #2
Chapter 11: I loved the ending. How sweet. A romantic kiss.
AmiyaW #3
Chapter 10: this story is so so so so so cute, please update
Chapter 9: This is so cute !!!
koolkat44 #5
Chapter 9: I like the sweetness. I hope both of their fathers are accepting
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 9: Agh there so cute
SHINeeEnthusiast #7
Chapter 9: Omg they are so sweet I have a tooth ache
koolkat44 #8
Chapter 8: They're like the cutest couple.
sevixx #9
Chapter 8: Aww so freakin cute! Love how his mom is on his side about Sophie
sevixx #10
Chapter 7: It's beyond adorable how excited he is just to be able to do a simple thing as visiting her room. I'm with Sophie, I like Jimin already too :p