Chapter 1: They Meet

How Much do Dreams Cost?

Sophie's POV

After a dreadful morning of college lectures, I was on my way to the studio for practice, my first solo recital was coming up so I had to work twice as hard, I couldn't make any mistakes. 

On my way there, I saw the old studio I use watch girls practice Ballet was being turned into a bank

"The last thing this city needs is another bank" I scoff, I rip the "New Grand Bank: Coming Soon" sign down and I make eye contact with this Asian guy

He stares at me, and when the staring gets uncomfortable I just keep walking. 

"Hey wait, come back here" I hear him yell, I stop and spin towards him.

"What's wrong?" I pretend like I had no idea what I just did

"Y-you can't just tear signs down like that" he sounds like he was nervous 

"Okay I apologize, don't be mad" 

"I'm not mad" he simply says

"Well you're not mad, I'm not mad, now we can continue on with our day" I wave at him and keep walking

Sehun's POV

As I was taking pictures of the inside of the old dance studio to show father, I saw this girl staring inside. 

She was so pretty, I thought I was hallucinating, until I see her rip down the sign on the window

Now as I watch her walk off, I had this urge to follow her, but my phone starts ringing

"Did you get the photos, the architectures will be here soon to make a blueprint of the new bank"

"Yeah, I'm on my way" I keep my focus on the girl until she's out of view

While my father discussed how he wanted the bank to look, all I could think about was why that girl tore down the sign. 

"Hey Sehun pay attention, this is going to be the first thing I'm going to let you be in charge once it's built, managing a bank is perfect practice for everything else you'll have to manage soon" he tells me

I snap out of it and focus. 

Sophie's POV


Glissade en Avant


Grand pas Ballonne

Petit Fouette

As I hear those words over, and over until I get them right, I finally get them down.

"You have talent Sophie, have you ever thought about going to Ballet school?" my teacher asks me after practice

"I've thought about it, but I don't know, you think I could make it into one?"

"Yes I do"

"My parents would freak if I drop out of college and go to Ballet school" 

"I completely understand, my parents were the same, but it was one of the best decision's I've ever made in my life" she hands me these pamphlets, "look into it, you have too much talent to just stop here" 

"I'll do some more thinking and get back to you" I put them in my duffel bag and head home

When I get home my father asks me how school was

"Boring, as usual" I respond

"That's only because you're doing your G.E's but once you do classes in your major you'll love it" he assures me

I highly doubt it since my major was Computer Engineering

I go up to my room and bandage up my blisters on my toes, when I get a call from Vanessa

"How was practice?" she asks me

"My teacher told me I should look into Ballet schools" I take the pamphlets out of my bag

"Wow, she thinks you're that good? I say go for it"

"I don't know Vanessa, do you think I could really make it?"

"Of course, I've seen you and you're amazing"

"I have to do some pondering, I'm not so sure about it" 

"Well which ever answer you choose, I'm 100 percent behind you"

That's why I loved her

"Thanks Vanessa, how was your day?"

"I got a job!" she squeals into the phone

"Congrats! Where at?"

"At this new bank they're building, I think it's called Grand Bank" 

"Not that one, that's the one that's being built over the studio I use to watch girl practice Ballet when I was little"

"Really? Oh I'm sorry, but I already accepted it, plus it has a great pay"

"No one really dances it in anymore, I guess I shouldn't hold onto it so hard. I'm glad you got the job, I know how much you've been searching for you" college debt was no joke and she was already so deep in it

"Thanks, but hey I have a test tomorrow, call you later" she says, we say our goodbyes and hang up 

Sehun's POV

I was staring at the New Grand Bank: Coming Soon sign, the first step towards taking over my father's companies. 

I had been standing there so long, I didn't realize that it started snowing. In a pile of paper and gravel, I see a sign. I lift it up and dust it off, it read: Miss Clarice's Ballet 

"Hmm it was a ballet studio" I mumble to myself

"Yeah, it was what made me want to be one" I hear a voice, I look up to see the girl from yesterday

"Oh, it's you again" I give her a small smile

"It's me again, since we seem to be running into each other a lot, might as well tell you my name, it's Sophie Henson" she holds her hand out

"Oh Sehun" I shake her hand

"Cool last name. What kind of last name is that?" she blinks her big, brown, beautiful eyes

"It's Korean" I inform her

"Korean? Interesting. As far as I know, Henson is African American, which is what I am" she jokes

"Thank you for clearing that up, I was so confused" I go along. 

She laughs as I watch the snow fall on her curly bun, I never seen such a pretty girl. 


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koolkat44 #1
Chapter 12: Awwww, so sweet. The dad needs to chill honestly.
koolkat44 #2
Chapter 11: I loved the ending. How sweet. A romantic kiss.
AmiyaW #3
Chapter 10: this story is so so so so so cute, please update
Chapter 9: This is so cute !!!
koolkat44 #5
Chapter 9: I like the sweetness. I hope both of their fathers are accepting
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 9: Agh there so cute
SHINeeEnthusiast #7
Chapter 9: Omg they are so sweet I have a tooth ache
koolkat44 #8
Chapter 8: They're like the cutest couple.
sevixx #9
Chapter 8: Aww so freakin cute! Love how his mom is on his side about Sophie
sevixx #10
Chapter 7: It's beyond adorable how excited he is just to be able to do a simple thing as visiting her room. I'm with Sophie, I like Jimin already too :p