Chapter 10: Love Stew

Cook Up a Love Potion

MARJORIE needed to clear things out with Arnold. He had been so busy since last year that she couldn't get a hold of him lately. She had finished her classes so she couldn't see him all that often. She had keys to his condo so she could get in without having to call him. The guards knew her and so she was able to get in with the lunch boxes that were full of the food she prepared for him. Another reason why they let her in was that she always made extra food for the guards.

“He's upstairs, Miss M. Should we tell him that you are coming?” the guard asked. “We can contact him for you.”

“No, I think I'd like to suprise him.” She walked into the elevator and pressed the number for Arnold's floor.

She got off and walked towards his room. She was taken aback when she saw a couple making out in the hallway.

My gosh ha. Get inside your room already. She didn't want to engage a couple who were in the middle of something. She didn't want to block the girl and make a mess of a perfect evening. She took another peek and saw them walking into Arnold's room!

The lunch boxes feel on the ground and she dashed to the door. She made it just in time to stop the door with her wedge shoes.

“You lying cheating bastard!” she shrieked like a banshee. This was the Marjorie that Arnold was never meant to see. She only came out when she needed to kill someone who hurt her friends. That didn't happen often. This time it was personal. She grabbed the woman's hair and pull her away from Arnold. She pushed the woman to the floor and went for Arnold's face. “You !”

He held her by the arms and she struggled while trying to get him. The woman got up and was behind him in no time. She must've looked like a crazy person because the woman looked at her like she was about to kill her.

“You ! You freaking mother-ing ! You couldn't get another guy and you had to get your ty ing fingers on my man?” she wanted to have at her but Arnold stopped her. “How could you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this from you? Huh? Say something you piece o !”

“I don't...I just...I love her.” was all he said. She knew he was lying. He always blinks twice when he lies. She knew his tell and she had avoided it too many times.

“Oh, yeah? And it has nothing to do with the fact that I wasn't ing putting out? You degenerate ert! You ing ! Just because I wanted to be a on my wedding day, you go out and cheat on me? How many women were there? What's her ing number? Five? Six? Ten?” she pointed at the woman. “You know you are just a piece of meat to this , right? Some time in the next month or so you would be exactly where I am. And you would remember this, you !” she was so angry that she was ready to rip the flesh off both of them. “You messed with the wrong witch, you .” she was so angry that she forgot what her aunt told about their family. They can actually cast curses and make them come true. “You will never be happy together. You can both burn in hell for all I care!” she turned around and dashed out.

She dialed an international number. “Oppa, can you go online in a few minutes? I need to talk to someone. Could you get Jans and Ninz to go online too? I am going to Jen noona's place in a few minutes. I want to talk to you guys.”

“What's the matter?” Eunhyuk asked her.

“My imaginary wedding is off.” was all she said and hung up.



Where is he?” Marjorie asked. “I told him to tell you guys to go online. Why is he not over there?” Everyone in Korea was in Sungmin's house. She was at Jens' room. She was eating a chocolate bar and pacing. Jen pulled her down so that the rest of the guys would see her.

“All he did was text us to get together and go online on Skype. He said your wedding was cancelled? How come we didn't even know about a wedding?” Jans was frantic. “Noona, did you know about this? I thought that Ninz was going next?”

Jens shook her head. “I don't know what she's on. She doesn't want to say anything until you were all online.”

“Start talking, woman. We don't have all night.” Ninz was on edge. “We are preparing to come over there for Jans' Filipino wedding. I am engaged. I never heard that you were. What the hell is this about a canceled wedding?”

“Arnold asked me to marry him shortly after Jans' first wedding. But I am now thinking that was probably a ploy to get me to have with him.” she snorted in anger. “Thank God I didn't let that work on me. That motherer would have gotten more from me than my dignity and my love!”

“I can't believe that you are not even crying right now. If it was me I would be bawling.” Sungmin mentioned.

“I would never do something like that to you!” Jans sounded appauled.

“Figuratively, if I was a girl and I was in her shoes, yobo.” Sungmin explained.

“Please not right now, you two. I need you to tell me where that good for nothing Eunhyuk is! He is the one I want to talk to.” she was getting pissed that he was still a no show.

“I have been calling him. His cell is off. He's out of range or something. He must have turned it or the battery died.” Donghae was covering for Eunhyuk as expected.

“Tell him that I would skin him alive when he comes back to my country.” was all she said on that matter and went ahead to regal her friends about her crazy woman episode.

They had laughed and snorted at appropriate times.

“I would not want to be the Anne Curtis in your No Other Woman moment.” Jans laughed and refered to a movie where the other woman was a popular actress in the Philippines.

“I now know how Cristine's character felt. I wanted to kill them. And excuse me, Arnold is no Derek.” she mentioned the other actors in the movie. The latter was a hunk of hunks. Arnold could not hold a candle to the guy.

“I think you are talking this well considering how much effort you put in this relationship.” Jen mentioned.

“Yeah. And I want to scream at Eunhyuk for ever setting me up with that cheating . Where the hell is he?” she couldn't get over the fact that she would have to repeat this litany to another person when her emotions were frying her logic circuits.

“He'll show up. I will personally deliver him to you when we go there. Bound if necessary.” Donghae . She didn't feel like laughing at all. But the idea presented it's possibilities.

“Do that.” she sighed. Then mellowed down a bit. “I hate that you guys are over that and I can't get hugs from you. I really need a group hug right now.” she leaned against Jens and sighed.

“Don't worrry. We will be there as soon as we can. And we will even let you castrate Eunhyuk for being a no show.” Ninz said.

“Yah! No one authorized a castration! My friend is going to make a great father someday. I refuse to not have nephews and nieces from him!” Donghae was overprotective of his twin as usual.

“How about I castrate you myself?” Ninz future husband.

“Okay, enough of that. You lovebirds just hurry up and see me before Jans' second wedding. I would like to get those hugs before I bake your SECOND wedding cake.” she directed to Jans. “I don't want it to be bittersweet just because of some arse.”

“Will do. Just try to ice cream it up. We'll girl talk face to face soon.” Jans and Ninz blew her a kiss.

Sungmnin waved goodbye and Donghae had something to say before they went offline. “I am sure that he has a good reason for not being here. We'll call you if he ever shows up.”

“I hope he didn't get into an accident.” the idea stuck her suddenly. The SuJu guys have been in several in the past.

“Nah, we would be the first to hear about that if he was. Don't worry. He's probably stuck in traffic somewhere.” Donghae assured her.

“Tell him I would kick him when he gets here.” she snarled teasingly.

“Will do. Feel better, MM.” Donghae waved goodbye and ended the conference.

“Ice cream?” Jens offered.

“With the works please, and liquorice please.” she didn't want to drink. Since that Chinese restaurant incident, she had only partaken of alcohol in the smallest, often for cooking purposes, level.

“Alcohol and ice cream. A girl after my own heart.” Jen laughed and they shared vanilla with all the ts while trying to diss out the bastard who broke my heart.


“WHERE have you been?” Eunhyuk had to take the phone away from his ear. He had the call from Donghae earlier when he this phone. He had to listen to the 45 messages that people have been sending. He sent a message to his manager to cancel his events for the week because of an emergency. He was going to get into a lot of trouble but he authorized his manager to tell them that there was an unavoidable event that happened to his female bestfriend. He mentioned that he would stay longer for the wedding.

He dialed Marjorie's international number and was now talking to a groggy Jens. “Is she still in your house?” he asked.

“Why would her phone be here otherwise?” the woman said to him like she was saying that he was a .

“Don't let her leave. I'll contact you soon.” he knew the Cabrera's house well. He had the information on how to take a cab there and even how to drive to that place. He wanted to go to Arnold's place first to beat the out of him but he didn't know where that was so he has to make do with going to Jen's place to fetch Marj.

“Why did she have to live in this damn country? Why couldn't she just be a freaking drive away. Damn it.” he got into a cab and had said the address in perfect English. “Please drive as fast yet as safely as you can sir. I need to get to my girl friend in one piece.”

“You must love her a lot.” the cab driver said to him in a Filipino accent. “She is very lucky, Filipina?”

“Yes, she is a Filipina.” he smiled.

“I take it back. You are lucky. Filipinas are great life partners. I have been married 26 years to the same woman.” the man was way too friendly but talking to him calmed Eunhyuk a bit.

“How did you do that?” he had to ask. Advice from a random stranger was often the stuff of Buddhist proverbs.

“I cook for her as often as I can.” the man said.

“Wow, that's new.” he was amazed. He has never cooked for any woman before.

“Yeah. And on the occassions that she cooks for me, I eat everything that she serves me.” the man chuckled.

“She must be a great cook.” he remembered Marj and her cooking.

“She couldn't cook to save her life. Like I said, I cook for her as often as I can.” the man laughed loudly and he couldn't help but join in.

“How about your lady, can she cook?” the driver had to ask, did he.

“She's a chef. I accidentally ate a cupcake that had love potion in it. And I have loved her ever since.” the driver laughed at what he said. At this day and time love potions were a myth.

“There is a way to take the spell off, you know.” he sounded like he was concerned about him.

“And why would I want to do that?” he said. “I am in love with a strong, beautiful and amazing woman. I can stay under her spell for as long as she needs me to love her.” he sighed. “And maybe even after that.” he leaned back and the driver didn't ask him anything after that. He gave the man a tip and thanked him for driving so well.


THE DOORBELL woke Majorie up. He knew that the oldies were going to be passed out asleep by that time and that they would never ring the bell if they did go out. So she got up before Jen could, it was the least she could do for sleeping over.

“I am always considerate of people, why am I always the one who gets screwed over?” she snarled at her reflection at the living room wall mirror. She looked like a crazy person with her bed hair and dark cirles under her eyes. “Who is it?” she called out.

“It's me.” she knew that voice so she opened the door immediately.

“This is a dream.” she muttered.


“CAN a dream do this?” Eunhyuk pulled her close to him and embraced her. Based on the wetness of his shirt, she was finally able to cry.

When he pulled her to look at her face all she said was, “What took you so long?” she sobbed.

“The pilot was flying the plane so darn slowly.” he tried to but he ended up wanting to hold her closer to him. “I am sorry I didn't tell you I was coming. I could barely think. As soon as I sent the guys the message I realized I didn't want to hear it over the internet because I couldn't hug you. And I knew what you needed was me to be here for you, really be here. So I took the first plane that would leave, left South Korea with a passport and the clothes on my back.” he chuckled. “Thank God I have an international credit card and that cute 1000 pesos that you gave me before. Otherwise I would have had to wait to get to you.” he held her close to him again.

“Thanks for being here. I really did need more hugs. Jen already gave me some last night. Yours would be additional pain reliever.” she tried to make light of the situation but he knew better.

“I learned something from a very learned cab driver.” he gestured her to the kitchen. “The real secret to a loving relationship of 26 years to forever.”

“What is that pray tell?” she loved that he was here and trying to cheer her up.

“The man should cook for the woman as often as he can.” he took a turner and waved it around like a wand.

“But you can't cook to save your life.” Marj had to laugh.

“Rule number two on that situation.” he gestured two with his fingers.

“There is another rule?” she giggled at his candidness.

“The other person needs to eat what is served without complaint. Because love is the only spice needed to make any food edible.” he grinned at her.

“Just don't poison me.” she mocked him.

“I will make you a Korean breakfast that I have perfected in my trainee days.” he sounded like he was presenting French cuisine.

“You are making me rameyun, aren't you?” Marjorie had a feeling that she right on the money when Eunhyuk showed him a couple of ramen noodle packs.

“Rameyun ala Eunhyuk.” he said with a flair. “Rameyun Sarang.” he corrected. “It heals the heartbreak of men and women the world over.”

Marj put her elbows on the table and supported her face with her hands. “One order of Rameyun Sarang please.”

“I'll make us two. I realized now that I haven't eaten since I left Korea. Rushing over here made me skip dinner.” Marjorie's heart almost melted with what he said.

Arnold was not capable of this kind of devotion. She didn't have to mourn that man anymore than 24 hours.

Once she got a taste of how ramen served with love tasted like. She would never let a man starve her of real love and loyalty. The kind that would draw a man, even one who is just a friend to fly to another country just so he could comfort her personally.


Eunhyuk placed the large Pyrex bowl in the middle of them. He gave her chopsticks and korean spoon. “Let's do this, Kdrama style.” he winked at her.

He placed some noodles on a metal cover of another pot. She had to laugh at him. But when she saw that he was eating a lot already she started to eat too.

The two didn't see Jen taking a video of the two of them from the corner.


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@ssweetdreamer101: Where you busy or something? I haven't read your comments in a while. I finished Eeteuk's too. Check out my blog to check which ones are done. I am on a hiatus for a November since I am writing a 50k novel. It's the NaNoWriMo challenge. And I aim to finish the challenge this year. I am on 13339 words now. I need to write faster. I would be 20k by now had I not redone my novel. I can't post it here since there is no no-right click function here. So I have to post it in wattpad.
ssweetdreamer101 #2
@anj_yesung: There is a final *I checked again I thought I didn't put a final chapter. That is. It seems incomplete but there are other fanfics. So you can check the continuation there (like the weddings etc)
@anj_yesung: as you know I know nothing about SuJu since I am not a certified Elf before these fanfics. ^/^ I was pleased to know Eunhyuk was food lover in real life.
Woah... Is these c0mpleted already? Theres n0 final. My gahd i l0ve hyukie here , hes so damn r0mantic and sweet yeeh... Hehe
ohh then pleas update.. of your done with Teukie.. haha very eager to read ehh.. ahaha peace.. ok ok continue reading this.. i found Hyukkie so cute hear.. pastry lover ehhh :D hehe
@anj_yesung: Yep sorry about that ahaha this story had a life of it's own. But I finished Leader's story too. Post it soon!!!
Oh,so eunhyuk finish first than teukie.. Haha c0ol.
@locrazy: hohoho this is...finished. So I won't be updating this one. But you have to read the next few fanfics since Eunhyuk's wedding and Donghae's wedding will happen in one of the other fanfics. ^.^ since as we know those guys would attend those weddings. ^.^