I Know

You're The Only One I Have
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Jessica opened her eyes to yet another adventure for her to find a job. It's been 2 weeks she's doing this and 2 weeks as well that she's trying to prove herself to Krystal. But nothing changed though, Krystal has been ignoring her from time to time but of course she can't let her be. Jessica promised to herself that no matter what she'll never leave Krystal despite having so much pain and feeling rejected. She's trying to understand what her little sister is going through. She's too young to be left all alone in this cruel world.

When she got up from the bed, she managed to get Krystal her breakfast from a convenience store. She didn't try to cook anymore as she knows very well that Krystal won't ever dare to taste her food. But recently, there's an improvement that Krystal's been eating the food she's buying from outside. It's better this way than making her little sister starve to death.

The money from their parent's savings is running out though. She never did lose a chance to give Krystal her allowance everyday and the house bills from last month needed to be paid as well. Slowly, Jessica's been worried as to where she'll find money to give Krystal her needs for school and other else. She still haven't find a job that will hire her, she never thought it would be this hard to actually find a job.

Jessica did all the things she can do in order to save some money. She has set aside her dreams for a while and dropped from her university. Unlike Krystal, she said that they've lost their parents already to her friends at school that she needed to find a job for them to live. Her friends tried to help her to find a job as well and they didn't fail to recommend her to job opportunities too. But unfortunately, nobody hired her till today. She's running out of patience, but she always think about the promise she had made for Krystal and that keeps her from moving on.

When Jessica prepared all Krystal's needs on the dining table, she left a note that she'll be out the whole day and find a job again. She knows school will keep Krystal safe today so she won't be worried at all. Everything was settled, and she's ready to go for another long job-hunting.

Right after Jessica went away, Krystal came out from her room. She knew Jessica's plan yet again, because it's been consecutive days that she's been looking for a job. She saw the note that her sister left on the dining table.

"Soo Jung! Unnie will go out again today. Don't forget to eat your breakfast! Call Unnie if you need something today. Saranghae!"

Krystal took a seat and started eating with expressionless face. She kept thinking about what her sister's promise. "Will she be able to provide for me? She's still under school right? Why does she need to promise me that, she's clueless and helpless. Does she think I'll forgive and stop hating her just because she's acting like that?" Krystal hated her, that's what she's been telling herself from time to time.


"Okay! You can start working the day after tomorrow, Jessica Jung" The small restaurant owner said.

"Really? Thank you so much! I won't disappoint you!" Jessica replied brightly as she bowed several times to the owner. Although she's been studying music at her university before, it doesn't matter now that what she'll take as a job. Right now on her mind, getting a salary at whatever job is the real goal.

After a long day, Jessica went home. She's excited to tell Krystal about getting a job.

Before she get herself in the house. She heard people laughing inside, and it made Jessica curious on who are the people with her little sister at this time of the night.

"Soo Jung, I'm home!" She said as she went to the dining area to see Krystal's friends.

"Oh! Krystal, your helper is here!" Amber said and Krystal just shrug it off. Although she was watching Jessica's reaction towards the label.

"Yeah! H-hii!" Jessica greeted still with a smile.

"How come? You're so pretty and yet you let yourself be degraded. You know, with that face of yours you could actually become an actress or whatever else in showbiz." Amber still fueling the fire. Although she was really honest. She find Jessica really attractive.

"Stop it will you. Just ignore her and let's play another round of this board game." Krystal somehow scolded Amber but that didn't stop the others to question things about Jessica.

"Why are you standi

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Chapter 15: Author nim...hehe..sorry if I bother you.. can you please update this( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Chapter 15: Author nim.....please continue this.. don't leave us hanging at this point.. aigoo my heart is beating faster..why did you stop writing this awesome fics
isaackenze5831 #3
Chapter 15: Author-nim! Please continue this story, its really good and fun to read, many of us are really waiting for you. Please continue this! We need good JungCest fanfictions like this.
Chapter 15: Is this fanfic still alive? ( TДT) I miss jungsis><
Chapter 15: Yes oh my heart. Let them together at the end pls~~
Manuellita #6
Chapter 15: Update soon please
sicachu9 #7
Chapter 15: My poor hearteu needs this story in my life....;-; it's simply beautiful. Gonna wait more than 5 months for this if I have to. This story is just simply aesthetic.
TimelessStories #8
Chapter 1: Poor Jessica....