Episode 5

We Got Married (Jimin & Hayoung)

STILL at the food court that very same afternoon, the young couple had fun talking about each other's past. The questions were quite personal but the two didn't mind at all, especially Hayoung who really liked to share and entrust everything about her to her dear young husband.

"Have you had a suitor before?" Jimin slowly unraveled his shyness and begun to be bold with his questions.

Apparently, it was a too easy question for Hayoung since she had already answered a related question from him before. "Hmm, I don't think so." She shook her head in return that somehow surprised Jimin a bit but of course in a good way.

"Really? I mean, never? They didn't even ask you? Not even once?" his eyes widened up to the size unlike the usual from the thought. Suddenly, he was excited to hear more about it.

"Yeah, seriously!" Hayoung pressed her lips together while chuckling inside, right then she continued, "Well, I'm not sure if it's me who's not seeing it or they're simply not asking." She slightly shrugged her shoulders before looking straight back at her lovely husband. 

"Wahh," Jimin gawked, "I'm a very lucky man if so." He even added that somehow made Hayoung blush.

"Oh thank you," she bowed her head a bit, "but I think I should be the one saying that." The two of them laughed happily after complimenting each other with nothing else but truthful and sincere words.

"Hmm, how about a crush? Have you gained a crush before?" he was in fact nervous to hear her answer from this curious question of him.

It's not like he did not want to hear it, but because he knew that Hayoung has also been a simple high school girl even before they could meet. He knew what it feels like to be in high school when you will find that one person who could make your heart flutter every time you see each other.

"Hmm," it took Hayoung a short while, probably a minute or two, before she could answer him, "yes?" She was unsure from the tone of her voice until she spoke again. "Yes, I did." This time, she confirmed. It was pretty sincere since she even nodded her head firmly..

"Oh!" Jimin felt the sudden heat ran in his body from the answer. He, all of a sudden felt the one they called 'jealousy' from it. "Who is he?" he was chuckling dryly while speaking but it was too obvious to not be noticed. 

"He's my senior, he already graduated before me." Hayoung was very honest. Of course that's because she feels comfortable with him. She trusted him that he wouldn't take it deep into his heart. "How about you?" she asked him with a curious pose; both of her elbows resting on the table, her wrists sticking together and her chin leaning in between her palms. Even her was nervous to know what he was going to say. 

"I had a one-sided love...before." After hearing those words, Hayoung's expression started to change. Her smile softened a bit and her arms were brought down crossing on the table. 


Hayoung: I envy that girl to be honest, whoever she is. 

The wife's lips were suddenly pressed together when the interviewer asked her if she's upset of the news. 

Hayoung: Hmm, a bit? Because...it's already love. I had a crush during high school but not to the extent that it turned into love? But he did. I'm jealous.

She then covered with her palms because of shyness, and chuckled a bit.


"Ohhh, what happened then?" she was starting to act like the new girlfriend investigating her boyfriend's past. But of course she did it with dignity, in a calm peaceful way. 

On the other hand, Jimin was very much confident to answer.

"I guess I was too shy to ask her back then." His cheeks turned peach pink from the memories, and then scratched the back part of his head from embarrassment. But even his wife felt a bit shy from asking for further information about it.

Suddenly, she wanted to take it all back.

"Ohhh, so you get shy too?" It was like music to his ears when he heard his wife giggle from her place. He nodded at her with an eye smile as a respond. She truly is a calm lady for accepting his confession without getting mad or pissed. 

"Well I guess, sometimes? Just a bit?" Jimin put his thumb and index finger together with a little bit of space in between, like telling her how small it is for him. 

With that, their very first date ended.



BIG HIT Entertainment Building, Sunday Morning in the midst of November

Like business as usual, the Bangtan Boys diligently rehearsed for their upcoming The Red Bullet Tour inside their practice room. Everyone, including their crew, choreographers, Bang Sihyuk, and the Bangtan themselves, worked hard for their very first concert tour. The voices of the vocals filled the practice room with beautiful music while the rap line's fantastic rapping echoed all through out right after. Even their dances did awesome-ly well when they practiced for it. Every thing was in synchronization.

"Okay! Let's take a break!" Those were the words the boys have been waiting for, for hours. And so groaning and , everyone except Jimin lied down to the floor and saw their Chimchim making himself busy with his phone.

Suddenly, Taehyung called out for him. "CHIMCHIM JIMINNIE!" he spoke with his famous 4 dimensional voice and actions. 

"Yessss?" Jimin gladly approached them, sitting in between his Jin hyung and J-Hope hyung and lying down on the eldest's stomach.

They were enjoying their half an hour break when Suga suddenly thought of something. "Ah!" he turned the office chair where he was sitting on, around to face them all. "How's our sister-in-law Chimchim-ah?" he asked that earned an argument from the others. 

"Right! We want to meet her. It's been...almost a month!" J-Hope added as he poke Jimin's right cheek.

"Ah! We're going to meet later, do you want to come?" Jimin was unusually being generous that day. Who wouldn't be? He was in good mood knowing that he's going to see his darling wife again? Everyone nodded excitingly towards him.

"But it's not going to be fun if we just meet her simply, should we plot something?" The other 6 turned their heads towards their second maknae when Taehyung spoke up from behind Jungkook. He was in fact doing some weird dances again.

"Ehh? What kind of plot?" Jimin asked the younger, eventually sitting in an Indian way.

It was not long when Jungkook, whom was being hugged from the back by Taehyung, clapped his hands once as a sign that he thought of something brilliant. But Jimin narrowed his eyes at him.

"How about we do an event for her? We'll participate!" the youngest of them all raised both of his hands in a determined way.

After a few thoughts, the other members agreed to him. An event of course, would help in introducing them to the wife. Because of this, anticipation filled their hearts about the upcoming first meeting between the in-laws.

Everyone gathered up in a circle after that and talked about things in a fast-forward mode. Nevertheless, they were very careful.

The young husband from the side was very anxious about their plan. It might not work, a part of him spoke to him. However, a bigger part of him told Jimin that it would be just fine. In the end, he decided to give s his trust.

A few more high-pitched fast-forwarded conversation and the talking was done. Everyone cheered to the end of the plan and then Taehyung's scary devilish laugh was heard even from outside the room.

"All right, I'm going to call her now." Jimin crawled towards his bag from across the room and dialled his wife's number, while still lying down. To be honest, he just sneaked to get her number from BTOB's Sungjae, who is a close friend of Apink, who referred him to get Hayoung's number from Apink's Namjoo.

As the young husband contacted his loving wife, the other guys of Bangtan were behind him, waiting impatiently for her to pick up. Of course they'd like to see how close Jimin and Hayoung had become after meeting a few. 

"Hello?" As soon as he heard the Apink's maknae's voice, the Bangtan's cutie guy smiled reached from ear to ear. Even the others noticed it that they for being so cheesy.

"Hayoungie-ah?" The guys' jaws drop from so much cheesiness when Jimin spoke with an acting-cute voice. They just couldn't take that side of him, especially now. It was worse than before.

"Ah, yes," he could hear her giggle from the other line, obviously surprised from his sudden call. Thus,  it was just too cute for him that he even giggled along. Again, the others felt cringes all over their bodies and hugged each other as if they're being squished together, "Jiminnie oppa?" The smile on Jimin's face couldn't hide itself from his friends.  

"Yes, it's me." Hayoung was just about to answer when suddenly, Jungkook snatched the phone from Jimin and put it on speaker. 

"How...how are you?" her voice was shaky, hence, it was shaky in a good way, like she was stuttering with a blush from talking with him.

"I'm good, how about you? Are you busy?" Along with Jimin went the cool guys of Bangtan Boys, grinning and rattling silently towards this little interaction of the couple.

"I'm good too, just a bit busy for our comeback." Besides her tired voice, Jimin also noticed Hayoung's noisy background.

"Ohh, where are you?" he asked her, felt curious of it suddenly.

"Me? I'm in school right now." This reply earned some amusements from the brother-in-laws that they yelled 'oohs' and 'ahhs'. "How...how about you?" she asked after then.

"Hmm, I'm practicing right now actually," Jimin chuckled a bit, "should I fetch you?" his voice cracked up at the end of his sentence so everyone laughed at him because of it.

"Ehh? Hmm, it's okay for me...but...you must be busy." 

For a moment, Hayoung was energized from being down when she heard about her husband's proposal. She was in fact, blushing from the other line. "NO, HE'S NOT BUSY AT ALL!" Hayoung giggled even more when she heard a deep voice on the other line, and she guessed it was Taehyung. 

"Yeah, I'm not busy now," Jimin added, "should I go?" Everyone cheered after hearing Hayoung say 'yes' to it. They acted to it as if they were the real friends who feel happy for their friend's success in asking a girl out. 

Right after that, everyone did well to their practice so that they could finish it off early. It only took them two routine turns to be done.

"Wahhh, everyone seems so lively huh? Why? What happened?" They all turned to their dance director who was grinning from ear to ear because of the result of their practice.

"We just couldn't wait to see our little sister-in-law, hyung!" Exclaimed Rap Monster who clapped his hands after. Hence, the instructor was not really surprised. 

"Ohhh, right! Hayoung-sshi, right?" he asked them, Jimin in particular, that earned an exaggerated nod from the boys. 

Everyone wore warm and comfortable clothes when they were all sent out by their managers. "Let's go meet Hayoung-sshi!" Like a flock of freed birds, the Bulletproof Boys stepped inside their van one by one, with Jimin on the passenger's seat. 



SEOUL School of Performing Arts (SOPA), that afternoon

As diligently as she could, Hayoung tried to focus on her lessons as her last subject went on. She has already been distracted by her husband's sudden call during her break time but she still resisted her feelings just to finish her classes for that day. 


Hayoung: I was both...nervous and...excited. I mean, it's the first time another guy, besides my managers and my Dad, would fetch me to school...moreover, my husband, right?

Interviewer: What does it feels like to have somebody fetching you from school?

Hayoung: It's a very lovely feeling in here. 

Pointing at her heart, the wife happily giggled from the cheesy thought.

Hayoung: Hmm, it's very flattering too because...as we all know, Jiminnie oppa is a very busy guy now. So, to find time to fetch me? I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him. Actually, it feels like a Japanese Anime, like those...shoujo mangas?


"Okay, we're going to continue this tomorrow." As soon as their teacher bid them good bye for the day, Hayoung gladly put her things inside her back pack when suddenly, she saw her phone's notification light blinked. She fished it out of her bag's pocket and saw a message from him. And then she read it.


Jiminnie oppa: Hello ^-^


Her smile reached from one ear to another as she read through the one-word message. "I still don't know where he got my number." She told herself to the camera as she typed in her reply message to her Jimin's number which she saved right after receiving the call from him. 


Jiminnie oppa: Hello ^-^

Reply to Jiminnie oppa: Hello :)


Jimin was already on his way to his car when he received the reply message from his wife. This again, never failed to bring him smile. J-Hope, who was in the middle seat behind him, even teased the young husband about blushing that encouraged the others to join him in teasing as well. "Eyy, wifey says hello!" J-Hope mocked with a crinkled nose.


Hayoungie: Hello :)

Reply to Hayoungie: Are you still in class?


He scrolled through his phone a few times, waiting for an update of her message. His hands were twitching to send her a very sweet message, however, he kept it in until he was ready.

"Ahhh, I want to tell her I really miss her." He grinned sheepishly as he whispered to the camera installed in front of him. Soon after then, Hayoung's reply popped out at the end of the message thread. 


Reply to Hayoungie: Are you still in class?

Hayoungie: Nope, I just got out :)


Jimin gasped softly as soon as he read the message. She was already done with her class but he's still on the road, with the heavy traffic ahead of them.

"Omo! Hyung! What should we do?!" Suddenly, the young husband lifted up his head to check of their recent situation. His legs were shaking because of anticipation and nervousness at the same time.

"Why? What's wrong?" Suga, who's beside Jin, asked from the very back seat of the car. 

"Her class has ended, and it's traffic! HYUNG IT'S TRAFFIC!" the 19 year old husband continued to panic as their car moved forward, slowly. 

On the other side of the show, the wife was already walking her way towards the lobby of the campus. When she saw the answer message of her husband, she chuckled. 


Jiminnie oppa: Really? Omo! Omo! I'm stuck in the midst of traffic T^T


She actually found his message very cute than worrisome. In fact, she didn't expect him to send her those kind of messages which makes them look like they're really close with each other. In return, she sent him a cutesy message too.


Jiminnie oppa: Really? Omo! Omo! I'm stuck in the midst of traffic T^T

Reply to Jiminnie oppa: Kekeke it's okay, I'll wait for you <3


Hayoung actually hesitated to keep the heart inside the message but in an instance, she accidentally pressed the 'send' button even without being prepared for it. Suddenly, she gasped. "Omo!" she said, biting her bottom lip.


Interviewer: You seem very happy when you exchanged messages with your wife?

Jimin: Very very happy! It really feels like, I have a girlfriend who's waiting for me. Although my favorite message so far is the one with the heart in it. Gladly, I'll take it with all my heart...her heart.


The Bangtan dancer gasped in surprise when he read the message, unexpectedly, he started laughing and yelling to himself. He did some punches in the air too, that just made everyone to stare at him in confusion.

"He's going crazy!" Jungkook chuckled as he looked around to confirm their location, only to see that they're almost near SOPA. Jungkook knew because he is also studying there. The young husband actually didn't mind it before until he found himself envy of the youngest for being in the same high school as his wife. 

"Oh sorry, I just received something cool!" After saying that, Jimin showed the text message to the camera, and flushed. He even showed it off around the van starting from Taehyung who's lodging behind him.

"Wahhh," they laughed along. "I told you we're close!" Jimin proudly exclaimed. They were already close, indeed!

"Actually, it does suit you Chimchim! You're some kind of a playboy who can charm girls like that!" Suga was already and slightly getting cheesy because of it, and so as the others who found it fluffy already.

Jimin on the other hand just huffed at them. "Eyy, I'm not like that hyung!" he stuck his tongue out at the older. 


Hayoungie: Kekeke it's okay, I'll wait for you <3

Reply to Hayoungie: Asa! I'll be there sooner ;3


Oh Hayoung had already reached the school front door when she received the reply message of her husband, and just like the latter messages, it didn't fail to make her blush and smile. 


Interviewer: What can you say about your conversation with your husband?

Hayoung: It's very nice talking to him. He's actually making my heart flutter every time he sends me messages. Suddenly, I was anticipating for more answers and longer conversations...yeah...it feels like I can talk to him every hour of every day.


"I wonder if they're almost here?" She shoved her hands inside her uniform pockets as she tiptoed a bit to check on the cars that come in their school vicinity. Suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate from inside her pocket. Likewise, she fished it out from there and saw a message notification from Jimin. 


Jiminnie oppa: We're here! <333


Hayoung immediately scanned the place the moment she comprehended the message from him. She lifted up her body, bent it down a bit, and peeked through the car windows just to see if any of it belonged to Bangtan Sonyeondan. Until finally, a familiar-looking black tour van moved inside the campus parking lot. 

Like how she did a few moments ago, Hayoung bent down her body a bit to see the inside clearer. A smile painted on her face the moment she saw Jimin wave his hand from his seat in the car. In return, she also waved her hand towards him, stood still in her spot and waited for them to finish parking. 

The people in the car on the other hand, felt excited all of a sudden. It's their first time meeting up with their sister-in-law and the first time performing an event for a single audience. The other 6 started cheering and whining at the same time.

"Omo hyung, I'm suddenly excited to reveal Jiminnie hyung!" Jungkook held unto his chest as he looked back towards his Suga hyung with his famous round huge eyes, his shocked expression.

"Yah! Be good Kookie-ah! I'm begging you! Please!" Jimin looked at the younger on his back after he unbuckled his seat belt. 


Misun: Aww, he's afraid that s might spill something unnecessary.

Choa: Well I understand the feeling to be honest. Our members are so scary sometimes.


Taehyung, who was beside the car door, did not wait for them to be ready and slid the door wide open that surprised everyone a bit. Still and instead, they just laughed at it.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Taehyung yelled at her with a strong arms swing even if they were a bit far from each other. Apink's maknae was really surprised from their sudden appearance. She thought it was only Jimin who would fetch her. Her eyes widened up when she saw Taehyung waving at her.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" she greeted him back, shyly approaching their van as they all stepped out of it. Jimin on the other hand, checked his own reflection at the mirror first before leaving the car.

He was uncontented of his look that day, even if he was styled very well; black hair, white shirt, black jacket, dark denim jeans and black Converse shoes. Still fixing his hair, Jimin heard the window beside him being knocked by J-Hope from outside.

And so, the young husband hurried up in fixing his hair. Honestly, he only felt the panic by that time. He just realized then that he's already nervous when s finally got to make their first greeting with his young wife.

"Omo, you came too?" Hayoung's question was a bit bluff so everyone chuckled at it. She must not be really expecting it. Smiling sheepishly, the Oh wife the top part of her hair, feeling awkward out of the blue.

"Yes, we wanted to meet our sister-in-law but our brother seems to be busy inside the car." Suga mocked while turning his head towards the front seat of the car where Jimin was. Right then, everyone was led to follow when he chuckled.

"Make it fast, your wife is here!" It was J-Hope who hurried him up when he needed to.

After a while, Jimin finally opened the door and waved at Hayoung. "Jiminnie oppa," his wife spoke softly. "Hayoungie!" his cheeks lifted up to his eyes again. And even if it's just a short interaction between the couple, the brothers-in-law all of a sudden burst out laughing. They still needed to get used to it. 

"Yah, shouldn't you be over there?" the youngest member of Bangtan went behind Jimin and pushed him to where Hayoung was standing. The husband almost stumbled because of this but was able to maintain his balance when Hayoung caught him by his arm.

Everyone gaped at the scene and suddenly felt awkward when Jimin acted as if nothing happened while putting an arm stiffly around Hayoung's shoulder.

But even before he could get carried away with the atmosphere, Jimin spoken up to break the dry laughter from s. "Oh right, we prepared something for you." He said while exchanging looks with the other 6. "Yeah!" they replied to the couple. 

Suddenly excited about it, Hayoung turned her head towards the Bangtan husband and stretched out a smile 'til it reached her ears. She just found herself following the boys towards the middle of the school quadrangle after that, still clueless of what could happen.

"So just stand there sister-in-law, Jimin actually has something to say to you." J-Hope said when Jimin gently retrieved his arm from the youngest Apink member to join s who were already standing ready at their places in front of the wife.

From left to right gone Rap Monster, Suga, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, J-Hope and lastly but not the least, the Golden Maknae Jungkook. Hayoung was also told by Rap Monster to stay put to where she was that she gladly heeded. 

The crowd around them started to grow thick that due to this, Jimin started to feel anxious about the possible result of this small event. He never felt nervous performing on stage but this was a different case, he thought.

"Okay, you ready Chimchim?" Rap Monster lifted up his two thumbs to confirm the start of their plot. And even with a panicking heart, Jimin nodded once. "Uhmm, we request everyone to please shh, silence please, shh!" Laughter filled the open area for a quick moment when Taehyung gestured for them to shut up. But it eventually faded out when they saw Bangtan getting serious.

They started singing with the perfect blending of emotions.


You’re my miss right, miss right
Neol nochindamyeon miss, right? Miss right? (all right)
You’re my miss right, miss right
Girl you want my kiss, right? Miss right (all right)


The people who were watching around Hayoung silently squealed from this. The young wife even heard some call Jimin a very sweet husband to her. "Congratulations Hayoung unnie!" some fans yelled at her that caused Hayoung to take a glance towards them. All she could really do was watch the no-budget event of her husband and blushed all through out of it.


Neoui y mind and your y body
Noe jureum hanakkaji seksihage taeeonan yeoja
Geurae cheong banbajiwa huin tie keonbeoseu hai hana
That makes me wanna party on your body...


Rap Monster was changing some lyrics as to make it sound like it was Jimin who was speaking and referring to her. Jimin couldn't contain his happiness when he saw Hayoung giggle from her place. The rap monster paused to the latter part of the first verse rap for Suga to do it for him, then it continued on until the chorus. It truly was a special new version of the song.


Yes you’re my only girl neoneun naege choego
Neoui harureul algo sipeo, neoui hansumi doego sipeo
Yes you’re my only girl neoneun naege choego
Yeonghwa sogeseona isseul geotman gatdeon geu saram
Baro neoya~


Good shivers ran down Hayoung's body the moment Jimin opened up his mouth to sing. She just felt really good hearing him sing.

The song was cut into J-Hope's bridge part and when he was done with his part, Jimin started speaking the phrases in the song that was supposed to be Rap Monster's. Those were the English words that he learned and memorized while going there.


I told you many qualifications ’bout my miss right
But why you’re my miss right is.. You are..
Just you~


He even caught the red rose that he's been keeping clipped in his pants' back part, and held it until he was closer to Hayoung. Out of the blue, he transposed the song into a medley by himself with the Outro track of their 'Skool Luv Affair' album namely 'Propose.' 


I give it to you
Jogeum eosaekhaesseotjiman ijen da jugo sipeo
I give it to you
Ttaeron ulgo useojuneun naegen neoppuniran geol
For you

Neoreul cheoeum bon sungan
Danbare neomu yeppeun gyobok
Geu moseumman saenggangna
Amudedo mot ga
Neodo ojik nal bwa

Nae mami wae ireonji molla
Na hangsang ni moseumman tteoolla
Naneun rideumi doego noraega doeeo
Neol wihae bulleojulge


Both of them giggled softly when he handed the rose to Hayoung while holding unto his chest with his free hand. Of course his brothers, especially the vocal line, supported their Chimchim through backing him up with the adlibs.


Naegen neo ppunya
Naega meolli isseodo
Hangsang yeope isseojwo
Naegen jeonbuya
Himdeun naeiri wado
Nae son jabajwo

I give it to you
Jogeum eosaekhaesseotjiman
Ijen da jugo sipeo
I give it to you
Ttaeron ulgo useojuneun
Naegen neoppuniran geor
For you

Good to you~


Hayoung clapped her hands together with the others when her husband ended the song with a very cool voice. Suddenly, everyone chanted loudly. "Give her a hug!"

At first, he was hesitant, but he is a guy who gives proper fan-service and so, the Bangtan husband spread out his arms towards her. His wife gladly returned the embrace and even if it's stiffly done, she hugged him by the waist.


Oh Hayoung still blushed at the thought as she reminisced that moment when he did the surprise for her.

Hayoung: I was really surprised. I've never been serenaded before. I like it. A lot. I hope he always does that, and only to me.


Park Jimin just chuckled at it when he was asked how he felt when he succeed in serenading his wife. 

Jimin: I'm happy of course. 

Interviewer: She said she hopes you always do that for her, and only for her.

Jimin: Of course! If she wishes that way then...I'll be here to serenade her whenever she's sad or happy or she just wanted to hear my beautiful voice.

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[WGM-HY] I am still alive guys, in case you're wondering. lol but updated after a long time. thank you for waiting :)


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youngmin22 #1
Chapter 18: Can you make bonus for this story or anything to show about how Hayoung and Jimin feeling?
I really like how cute an adorable they are.
And if you can, please make a sequel?
I love this story.... :)
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 16: Can u make bonus or something? Srsly.... Im crying here... Pls make it sequel or whtever... But tq fr the great story.. :( :')
144385 #3
Chapter 14: YAY BTS are comeing back with a new song! Definitely wanted to see how Hayoung reacted to that. May I ask another question? Do any of you know the We Got Married host (Especially the man that is lil bit short and funny///other than Danny Ahn) because it felt uncomplete when all the fanfiction only knows Misun, Eric, and Choa.
TiffanyMiyoung1 #4
Chapter 14: Please update authornim!!! I <3 the story ~
TiffanyMiyoung1 #5
Chapter 13: So cute ^^
144385 #6
Hey! actually I have a question. Do WGM is actually scripted, on the activity they do also the word they spoke? Do most couple actually have feeling for each other afterward? Are they also caring toward each other behind the scene?

This is random, but yes, I'm curious to death.
Please help by replying this very "random" question.
readers_paradise #7
Chapter 2: I didn't even finish reading this chp yet .....but u felt the need of telling you how I feel right now .......god I am grinning like an idiot .....wow I am already shipping them ....you portrayed them way too good ....actually wgm is the first variety show I came across and it was really fun watching it ......while reading I am just playing scenarios in my head ......how I wish it would be true seeing my two fav's on this show ......Good Job authornim Hwaiting!!! I am really anticipating this story .....I don't care how how long you will take to update chps but I will definitely read it till the end ....I really hope you update more often ....but anyways I am thankful for this fic .....I love you for this paring authournim ^_^
coreesm #8
Chapter 13: the latest chapter make me tear up
honeydewfav #9
This... I can't handle the cheesiness anymore.. hahaha.. It worth enough waiting for ya update... it just *thumbs up*

Btw, good luck for another chapter (and another too) xD