Episode 12

We Got Married (Jimin & Hayoung)

AFTER finishing their wonderful dinner inside the restaurant, the couple decided to continue everything on the ship's back deck. They left their things under the care of the staff and carried only their wine glasses with them. They felt very luxurious doing so. However, Hayoung felt Jimin's presence to be more precious than being in an expensive cruise ship.

"Ahhh, this is so relaxing." Jimin said with his chest pressed against the deck railings. Soon after, he turned around, rested his arms above the surface and leaned his back against it.

"It's not everyday you can do cruise like this." Hayoung sighed softly as she looked at the twilight in front of them. She also stretched out her arms as if she was being separated from the declining sun.

Apparently, Jimin enjoyed looking at her side profile with the wind on her hair than the beautiful scenery behind him. Thus, he still turned around to join her in her admiration for the natural phenomenon. His smile appeared beneath the glass when his lips touched the mouth of it.

"Hayoungie-ah," he called out to her and made Hayoung look at him, "...do you like me? I mean, I haven't heard you tell me you like me." Jimin faced her with his side pressed on the balcony. Hayoung just showed him a smile.

"...I like you, oppa." Hayoung's up front confession led Jimin to think that she's probably drunk. Her bravery has appeared and so Jimin did not squander the opportunity to ask all of his worries away. 

"Ahh really? What do you like about me?" he asked her, saw her leaning forward against the railings with her head resting above her crossed arms. She looked at him with red cheeks before closing her eyes to think.

"Hmm, you're sweet, uhh...you're cute and...you're kinda handsome." Hayoung chuckled at her own when she mentioned the last attribute to Jimin who had his eyes rolling because of it.

"Kinda handsome? I'm handsome, okay? At least compared to Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung." Both of them ended up cracking from Jimin's mockery but it also faded soon. 

"How about you, oppa? Do you like me?" Hayoung's smile transformed into a soft smirk when she looked at her husband, Jimin just made face.

"Uhh, I don't know." He said that earned a hit on his shoulder from Hayoung. The young husband laughed at it at first but soon took it back saying, "nahh I'm just kidding. Of course! I like you more than you like me." He, with that, successfully made Hayoung blushed once again.


Even the hosts felt the cringe from Jimin's sudden pick-up line that they squealed in their places.

Rap Monster: Aishh! This kid!

Misun: Aww, Jimin-sshi knows how to move hearts.

Rap Monster: He's not usually like this! Jimin's kinda corny when it comes to things like hitting on a girl.


"Eyy, you probably say that a lot." Hayoung stuck her tongue out at him as if she didn't believe in what he said. Jimin's mouth parted because of it and was amazed by her cold heart. He chuckled before reaching out to remove some of her hair away from her face. 

"Okay, okay, let me prove it to you." He said that gained a confused look from his wife. But instead of explaining more to her, Jimin decided to prove it through his actions. After all, he needed to use the much better approach.

A smirk fell on his face as he stepped a little closer until their faces are a few centimeters away from each other. The wife slightly flinched to her side when he did. "What is it, oppa?" she chortled sheepishly to herself before being pulled closer by Jimin.

"This is my fourth gift." He announced and to fully surprise her, kissed her forehead.


Misun: Kyahhh!

Rap Monster: Oh my gawd! Park Jimin!

Rapmon was soo affected that he yelled his reaction in English and made everyone laugh.

Choa: OMG! That's so sweet!

The hosts couldn't help it but to squeeze each other because of too much sweetness. Even when the video become slow motion, the hosts couldn't get enough of it.


"Err." Hayoung dug her face in her arms after the sudden kiss. Supposedly, she failed to process everything that happened within a minute. 


Hayoung: To be honest, I was hoping for it.

The young wife fiddled with her fingers as she spoke towards the interviewer. Her cheeks were slightly pink and her smile was so wide it could break .

Hayoung: We're in a romantic place and the atmosphere was just so romantic. I think it's only normal to expect for a kiss? I guess. Is it bad to think that way?


Jimin: Frankly speaking, I did not intend to do that. I guess I was just...drunk? Hahaha 

The husband nervously scratched the side of his forehead as he answered the question like an anxious kid.

Jimin: But I regret nothing. I am actually thankful of the alcohol. If it wasn't for it, I wouldn't have the courage to do that. I've always wanted to do that.


"Ahh right! I have something to give to you." Fortunately, Jimin thought of something to break the momentarily awkwardness afterwards. He was thankful of his mini-me and it saved him from embarrassment.

"What is it?" Hayoung cleared to escape from the small room as well. She stood up straight, facing Jimin. 

"Me!" In her surprise, Jimin jogged towards the WGM crew and took out a white doll. It was the Dooly doll that he bought together with the other gifts and showed it to Hayoung with excitement. 

"Wow! Is that...a Dooly?!" the young wife squealed when she saw the cute little stuff toy in Jimin's hands. Soon after that, she placed her glass on the table beside them and snatched the mini Jimin happily from her husband.

"It's me! Our fans usually call me Dooly 'cause I look like it they say." He reported while going back to his old position. "I can have Jimyoung and you can have Jimin Jr." Hayoung laughed when he said that. Also, she placed a hand on his cheek to give it a gentle pat. 

"Wow, we have 2 children now." She uttered cheerfully as she the head of the Dooly doll. Jimin on the other hand just shrugged his shoulders. 

Apparently, the tour had to end too. After hours of wandering in the middle of the sea, the cruise returned to Seoul. The couple did not want to end it so soon but they couldn't do anything but to leave already. When the cruise approached the dock, Jimin and Hayoung were hesitants to go. 

"Ahh, I think my head aches." The lady complained when she felt like throwing up as they walked out of the ship. Jimin had her assisted but she still felt very sick. Perhaps, due to seasickness plus the drink she had. 

"Oh, don't worry, I'll take you home." Jimin suggested, pointing at BTS' van parked from afar. She was delighted for a moment for she knew that she was about to take a rest. 

When they got inside the van, the couple lodged on their seats. They were too tired to even speak. Instead, Jimin made Hayoung comfortable by placing his extra jacket over her thighs to cover her with it. Subsequently, she felt the warmth from his jacket.

"Are you comfortable?" Jimin asked her, she nodded at him. 

It was not long 'til Hayoung fell into a sleep. Jimin made sure that she's warm and for the rest of their trip, he saw how she slept in one sleeping position. Eventually, he reached out for her head and gently pushed it to his shoulder. It was a bumpy ride so he assured that Hayoung was relaxed. 

Soon after, they both fell asleep. 



ONLY the two have woken up when they felt the car stop. Jimin was the first one to open his eyes. Shortly, he looked around and noticed that they're somewhere else beyond their radar. The filming began despite that, with him being asked to wake up Hayoung. When they were both awaken, the two were asked to step out of the car.

Ignorance filled the two for a quick moment. They were clueless as to where they were. Their eyes wandered and as soon as it landed upon the beautiful structure in front of them, they fascinated it. 


Hayoung: I was susprised! My jaw literally dropped when I saw it. I didn't expect to move in that fast. 


Jimin: I...was shocked. Seriously! I mean like, I didn't expect to have a house already!


Even the people in the studio gasped from amusement. 

Rap Monster: Wahh! Jimin is so lucky!

Eric: Daebak! That's a dream house.


"Wahhh!" Both of them gawked, frozen in their places while holding unto their bag straps. If it weren't for Jimin's interruption that Hayoung would have stayed like that for a while. 

"This is so awesome!" The young husband's grin reached the sky because of the sight. He jumped a few times, soberness suddenly charging in him.

"Park Jimin-sshi? Oh Hayoung-sshi?"

They both looked to their right when an unfamiliar voice called unto their names. The young couple saw a lady on her 40s standing before them, welcoming them with a huge smile on her face. They assumed that it was the landlady and they were not mistaken. The old lady approached them sooner. 

"I'm Mrs. Yoon and I'm the owner of this house that is going to be yours." She stretched out a hand towards the couple that they gladly took one after another. 

"Hello!" they greeted her more with a polite bow and so did the old lady. After a few more his and hellos, the business parties forwarded towards the little black painted steel gate of the house. Mrs. Yoon slid it to the side and welcomed them two inside. 

Timid they were as they entered the doorway a few steps from the entrance. Even with that, the young couple fell in love with how the house appeared to be from outside. It's a two-storey downtown inspired designed house that they both dreamed of. 

There was a narrow hallway right when the landlord opened the wooden door on the left side wall where the land lady led them to. Thereafter, they turned to their left by the end of the hallway and a lighted staircase welcomed them with full of warmth. When they were done appreciating the lighting, they moved up the stairways. By the end of it, they saw an open entrance to the very left.

"Are you ready?" asked the person right before them which they answered with a united nod. The two just couldn't control their emotions right at that moment and they both didn't know what to do. Their legs were shaking and so were their hearts.

"WAHHH!" Hayoung's loud exhaling filled the living room as soon as they got in. Their jaws won't close because of too much awe. By then it didn't feel like they were drunk at all. It was like they were snapped back into their senses, into reality. 

"This is ours?" Jimin reiterated. The happy old woman bobbed her head as if she's their proud mother. 

"OMG! Heol!" Hayoung, still not grasping unto it, kept telling herself that she was just drunk and that she's probably just dreaming. "This is so beautiful!" she said as she walked to the timbered wall from across, behind a single black couch. 

"Ahh, that is a sliding door. You open it and you'll see the bed." Explained the old lady to surprise the young wife even more.

Excited she was, Hayoung slid it open to the side and gasped at the sight of the master's bed. She dropped her on the edge and bounced on it like a child playing with the sample beds in a department store. Soon after, Jimin followed her by throwing his body on the space beside hers.

"So this is the living room with a flatscreen tv and stereo component, the kitchen and the dining," despite knowing that they are distracted, the woman still did her job in orienting the two about the house, "and that's the balcony." She finished nicely with only the wife that listens. "There's also a rooftop. The stairs to the rooftop is over there." She pointed at the doorless entrance on the left side of the dining table.

"Oh really?" Hayoung's cheeks were tired from too much smiling but she just couldn't stop herself from doing so.

"Yes...oh and the bathroom is to your right. That wooden stuff is also a door camouflaged as a wall." She added that urged Hayoung to check it out. 

"Coool!" Her continuous flattery never failed to bring smile to the original owner of the house. "This is so cool Mrs. Yoon. It's so beautiful." She said before giving the older a tight friendly hug. The latter just chuckled from this gesture of her.

"Thank you, my son designed it." She proudly said with a rub on Hayoung's arm. What she said after surprised her even more. "My grandson is actually a fan of Apink." Hayoung's smile turned into a teasing smirk. 

"Ahh really? Say 'hi' to him for me Mrs. Yoon." She muttered happily. 

"Of course! And by the way, do you mind if I ask..for a sign?" Hayoung's eyes enlargened as she bobbed her head. Despite their business outside the bedroom, Jimin was still in the bed. Hayoung only knew that he was already asleep when the old lady mentioned about it. 

"It's okay Mrs. Yoon, he's probably tired 'cause we just came from a trip." The young wife answered while signing on the sketch pad provided by the landlord's assistant. 

When she was done giving the sign, the lady in her 40s detailed more about the house; she told them her everything about where is where and how do the appliances work. Hayoung remembered everything like a normal wife. With that, the orientation was done. 

"Please take care of the house for us." Said Mrs. Yoon before leaving the house keys to Hayoung. The latter bowed politely after taking the precious keys into her hands.

"Of course Mrs. Yoon. Thank you so much! And please have a safe trip." She bid her goodbye. Over the long haul, the wife accompanied the owner out of the house. She walked with her until the entrance of the house outside. 

Seemingly, Jimin was still asleep when Hayoung returned back inside the house. She chuckled weakly to herself seeing her husband sleep soundly on the bed. And she couldn't afford to wake him up.

"Aigoo, my husband must be so tired." She uttered while covering him with the blanket. 


Misun: Awww, their first night together is on the first day at home too.

Rap Monster: Cute! Cute couple!


Hayoung wanted to check out the house even by herself, but she was too tired. Witnessing Jimin's peaceful rest made her feel the same, her energy slowly draining out of her. And so, she decided to join with him in the bed. 


The hosts squealed, gasped and shrieked at the sight of the couple lying side by side. But with this, the video faded into pitch black. 

Misun: Eyyyy! They always cut it on the best part. 



*Click the phrase; two-storey downtown inspired designed house, to see how the house looks like ^^
don't mind the third floor and just think of it as a rooftop...and also the car. hahaha

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[WGM-HY] I am still alive guys, in case you're wondering. lol but updated after a long time. thank you for waiting :)


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youngmin22 #1
Chapter 18: Can you make bonus for this story or anything to show about how Hayoung and Jimin feeling?
I really like how cute an adorable they are.
And if you can, please make a sequel?
I love this story.... :)
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 16: Can u make bonus or something? Srsly.... Im crying here... Pls make it sequel or whtever... But tq fr the great story.. :( :')
144385 #3
Chapter 14: YAY BTS are comeing back with a new song! Definitely wanted to see how Hayoung reacted to that. May I ask another question? Do any of you know the We Got Married host (Especially the man that is lil bit short and funny///other than Danny Ahn) because it felt uncomplete when all the fanfiction only knows Misun, Eric, and Choa.
TiffanyMiyoung1 #4
Chapter 14: Please update authornim!!! I <3 the story ~
TiffanyMiyoung1 #5
Chapter 13: So cute ^^
144385 #6
Hey! actually I have a question. Do WGM is actually scripted, on the activity they do also the word they spoke? Do most couple actually have feeling for each other afterward? Are they also caring toward each other behind the scene?

This is random, but yes, I'm curious to death.
Please help by replying this very "random" question.
readers_paradise #7
Chapter 2: I didn't even finish reading this chp yet .....but u felt the need of telling you how I feel right now .......god I am grinning like an idiot .....wow I am already shipping them ....you portrayed them way too good ....actually wgm is the first variety show I came across and it was really fun watching it ......while reading I am just playing scenarios in my head ......how I wish it would be true seeing my two fav's on this show ......Good Job authornim Hwaiting!!! I am really anticipating this story .....I don't care how how long you will take to update chps but I will definitely read it till the end ....I really hope you update more often ....but anyways I am thankful for this fic .....I love you for this paring authournim ^_^
coreesm #8
Chapter 13: the latest chapter make me tear up
honeydewfav #9
This... I can't handle the cheesiness anymore.. hahaha.. It worth enough waiting for ya update... it just *thumbs up*

Btw, good luck for another chapter (and another too) xD