You've Fallen For Me - Hiatus


Hai, sorry kacau :)

Just nak share fanfic saya yang dah lama kena peram ni.

Ni pasal Suho.

Ayat dia maybe bosan sikit. Maklumlah, fanfic pertama ._.

Alang-alang nak tunggu fanfic ni update (perasan gila) jemput-jemputlah baca ye (tanak? tak kisah pun)

Mengisi masa lapang katanya (uwek)

hahahahahaha sorry semak dengan benda ni .____________________. 







Esok, hari terakhir 2014 ;_______________________________________________________;

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Chapter 11: Hafal thanawi y3ah
Chapter 7: Wei bile mase skola kite ade basketball
Chapter 3: bila baca lama 2 lawak sgt2 cerita you nih but cian my kai (dia xdelah hitam mana)
lwk authornim nih. i like your fanfiction.saranghae
hanbin03 #5
Chapter 9: Update soon !!!! Palli ...... x sabar ni .
sunlight_ #6
Chapter 8: Update soon ✌♡
Mrs_Sacak #7
Chapter 6: waahaha . new subbies. srius saya gelak macam org gila baca chapter ni. My fav chapter. hhahaha . love ur story authornim !Fighting !
Chapter 5: Ok ...walaupon banyak kesalahan...x sbr nk tengk yoyo tu buat apa dalm bilik persalinan..(*-*)
Chapter 4: Woi cawani-san apesal banyak sgt error mistake
AleenaHyuna #10
Chapter 4: Cepat update