The Concert

A Little Prelude in Kyuhyun Major



"What's your opinion on sideburns?"




"What about wigs? You hot for the white and curlies?"


"What?! Kyuhyun, what is this about?!"


"I feel like some of the olden days composers could have been hot, had it not been for sideburns and judge wigs. You feel me?"




"Huh... How do you feel about tailcoats?"


"Kyuhyun, just play the damn song."


"Ugh, fine."


Kyuhyun had given him three tickets, fully aware he wasn't one to venture to strange places alone. Yesung had asked Eunhyuk and Donghae to tag along, but had forgotten it meant he would have to endure their vaguely insulting commentary throughout the whole evening. It was held in some kind of bar, which was odd since Kyuhyun was definitely under aged, and had given him the impression that he was in some sort of small garage band.



"You sure are dressed fancy," Eunhyuk remarked, "if it's to impress your not-so-secret crush, I've got news for you: he's blind he can't tell you wore tragically tight skinny jeans."



"What are you on about?"



They both swung their arms over his shoulders.



"We know," Donghae stated proudly.



"Homeboy may be blind but we see... we see everything."



"Someone has a crush~" They both sang teasingly.



That was ridiculous! Kyuhyun was his student, and he was a minor, and he...they weren't like that! Sure, Yesung enjoyed his presence and his dirty jokes (not that he would ever admit it), but it wasn't like that. He would venture they had some kind of friendship, but he didn't have a crush, definitely not.



They arrived in front of the bar, and much to Yesung's surprise, it was packed with colleges students.



"I had no idea," Yesung mumbled to himself, "his band was so renowned."



"Hmm, didn't Heechul hyung say he was going to be here? I wonder where he is?" Donghae said, "I'll go get us drinks, I'll be right back."



They took a table while waiting for Donghae to come back. Yesung decided to take a look at his surroundings, the place was full of females who seemed anxious for the show to start Kyuhyun was nowhere to be seen. Donghae came back with three beers and a smirk, meaning he was about to make Yesung suffer, blush, or sigh, or all three. He was about to start asking questions but the lights on the stage lit up and he saw Kyuhyun walk up to the microphone. Three other people stepped on stage; one by the percussion, the other standing by a small electric keyboard, and of course, Kyuhyun.



"Good evening everyone," Kyuhyun said with a charming smile, earning him a few hoots from the crowd. His presence on stage, his clothes, his smile...his everything had Yesung mesmerized from the first second. How was this the same person as his whiny student? The person on stage was confident, charming, suave, and it was definitely not the same person that was stumbling over a tango just a week ago. How...?



His style had changed too, he was dressed in tight pants and a shirt the highlighted his lean frame, and more eyeliner than should be legal. He could definitely pass as a college student like everyone else in the about being ! This was giving Yesung a bad feeling, almost like everybody knew about his stupid crush on his student. He chose to push those worries aside and focus on the excellent performance. In terms of technicality, things were working out nicely; Kyuhyun and the pianist were harmonizing very well, and the percussion was never too loud as it might have been expected. The drummer's face was awfully familiar...chiseled jaw, short black hair, and muscle-y arms...was that the campus wide famous Choi Siwon? Yesung knew him, he had been in a few of his music classes, but he also appeared in a few magazines as a model. What was he doing in Kyuhyun’s simile garage band?



Heechul approached as the first song ended, his foreign boyfriend trailing behind him. The story of Yesung's and Heechul's friendship was very strange, they had met a few years ago, at a choir rehearsal. Now, Heechul was not one for choir, but he spotted him from a mile away, announcing he could feel they shared a blood type and befriending him automatically. Of course Heechul was forced leave choir a few weeks later when he came to a concert with his hair dyed bright red and his nails done. They stayed in touch, but the most contact he had with this flamboyant man as through Donghae.



But the real question was, why was Heechul at Kyuhyun's concert?



Actually no, there were several questions floating around Yesung's head, but they could all be summarized by; how did Kyuhyun know all these people?



"Yesung my man, I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? You look fine as hell, too bad he can't enjoy that aspect of you."



It was confirmed, the entire bar knew about his stupid crush. him.



"That's my boyfriend Hangeng," he continued, "he's from China so excuse his nonsense. This morning, I tell you, he asked me whether the elephant ears were stored in the cupboards. He was looking for a parfait spoon. I swear this man will be the death of me. But enough about me, tell me about you. It's the first time I see you in this context, I had no idea your affiliation with Kyuhyun ran this deep."



"He asked me to come to his...this. I expected a garage band, not a room packed with heart-eyed college girls."



Heechul nodded, "he's a natural, isn't he?"



"Something like that.”



“ way. You’re his piano teacher. It just kicked in, you’re his ing piano teacher. He talks about you all the time, and by all the time I mean all the ing time. You know, he’s a fascinating guy and the way he perceives life is incredible so I asked him to describe people. You know, he said you short but delightfully firm, and you sure know how to pack a punch. I’m not sure if that was meant as an innuendo, because you know how he’s like with his talk. He also said you smell like warm and spice, and your voice is like strong, dark, coffee.”



Heechul had gone on for so long, he didn’t seem to want to stop. Yesung had miss his cue to talk, which had caused him to received a strange look from his friend.



“I think it tells a lot about what he thinks of you. And, from what I can see, you want to climb that boy like a tree. You look like a person who climbs trees a lot. Do you?”



This encounter was so strange Yesung couldn’t follow Heechul in his monologue. He was asked a question, he knew that, but what was the question? Was it about him climbing trees or climbing Kyuhyun? Heechul was a hard man to follow in conversation topics, and he was so direct it was offsetting.



“Do you?”



“I don’t really climb trees.”



Heechul gave him a look of amusement, “I was talking about Kyuhyun. Did you have one too many drinks or something? Did someone spike your drink? Do I need to send Hangeng to beat up someone?”



Yesung shook his head; truth be told, he had been so distracted by Kyuhyun on stage he had more difficulty focusing on Heechul than usual. He was certain he wasn’t showing it, but Heechul was more perceptive than he was talkative. Yesung weak reply of y-yeah I drank my beer a bit fast did not fool him one bit.



“This is worse than I thought, you are totally pining for him like a lost little puppy. That’s pathetic...I mean, it’s heartwarming, but seriously, if you want to get somewhere with this, because as I told you Kyuhyun is totally on board with you two getting hot and bothered together, you’re going to have to change tactics. Seriously, it’s slightly pathetic, and by slightly I mean really. Your distant pining isn’t working. He’s blind, he can’t see the longing stares you send him, but I  wouldn’t be surprised if he can sense them, you know, with his weird sixth sense. He knows things, it really makes me wonder if he’s lying about being blind, you know, Daredevil style.”



Yesung shook his head, “he runs into closed doors often enough for me to not doubt his blindness.”



“I bet, whenever he leaves his Chinese giant, he tends to get clumsy, he has a cane, but he says it ruins his aesthetics.” Heechul glanced at the stage, “he doesn’t make a big deal out of it actually, and I’m not sure whether it’s harmful or not. Honestly, I don’t think half of these people know he’s blind...did you know him before his accident?”



“A bit, he was-” but then the crowd cheered loudly and Kyuhyun announced they were done for the evening. A smile erupted on his face and he clapped loudly at his student, completely forgetting about Heechul and their discussion. Screw Heechul’s knowing smirks and his expressive eyebrows, Kyuhyun had sang so wonderfully and he needed to let him know.



The lights on stage turned off and Kyuhyun and his gang went to join Yesung, Heechul and Hangeng at their table. Eunhyuk and Donghae had mysteriously disappeared, either to flirt with people at the bar or to make out in some storage closet. They were an odd pair.



“You guys did very good,” Hangeng said as soon as they sat down.



“You guys skipped a song,” Heechul said, a little critically.



“I didn’t feel like singing it,” Kyuhyun retorted, “it strains my vocal chords, it’s more suited to you.”



“Look at him,” Heechul said nudging Yesung in the arm playfully, “with his technical terms and all. Did you teach him all that crap?”



“Yeah, don’t you remember that from that music class we had together?”



There was a beat of silence before Hangeng piped in “Heechul doesn’t pay attention in class, you’re fighting a lost battle.”



“Why you motherf-”



“Yesung hyung, did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Siwon asked, with that model smile on his handsome face. Yesung still didn’t understand why he was trailing with Kyuhyun, that hadn’t been explained to him.



“You guys are really good, I had no idea. Kyuhyun doesn’t talk very much about his side projects.”



“Yesung,” Kyuhyun replied very calmly, “be careful of what you say, I have just as much leverage as you do. You embarrass yourself on a daily basis.”



Yesung smiled, how typical of him. At this point, it was more endearing than threatening, but if he knew something about the boy, it was that he always acted upon his words. “Siwon, I had no idea you knew Kyuhyun.”



“We were in the same class, in primary school, after he stayed a year back, we still kept in touch.”



“You never told me that,” Yesung said to Kyuhyun in an accusative tone.



“How was I supposed to know you knew him? I can ask you the same.”



Siwon laughed and squeezed Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Yesung hyung, do you know Zhou Mi?”



“No, I don’t believe I’ve had the honour. I’m Yesung, it’s nice to meet you.”



Zhou Mi smiled brightly, “Yesung ssi, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, believe me. I’m a classmate of Kyuhyun, I take notes for him.”



“He’s my man slave,” Kyuhyun interjected.



Hangeng cleared a seat for them, and they sat down and cleared the conversation. Zhou Mi seemed awfully interested in Yesung, probably due to what Kyuhyun had told him. They were cute, the two of them, if Yesung looked at it objectively. They moved in symbiosis, probably due to the fact that Zhou Mi was Kyuhyun’s eyes. Yesung was a bit jealous.



“You study music, yes?”



“Yeah, singing and piano.”



“Interesting. You know Kyuhyun applied to the same university as you. He has a full ride of course.  He told me he wants to keep at the piano. Isn’t that great?”



Yesung blinked, “yeah, that’s great...  If Kyuhyun wants to continue in music, who am I to stop him?” Zhou Mi looked unsatisfied. “What?”



“Nothing, nothing, I just-”



“Mi, stop talking about me.”



Zhou Mi sighed and and pointed a thumb at Kyuhyun, sitting at the other end of the table, “this guy…”



Yesung smiled, he too, had often been caught mumbling by Kyuhyun and his supersonic hearing. Despite his slight jealousy, Yesung found he quite liked the other man. He was weirdly charming, but his accent was foreign. Yesung figured, with a name like that, Zhou Mi was surely Chinese. Nonetheless, he could see why and how he and Kyuhyun got along. “You’ve known each other for how many years?”



Zhou Mi passed his phone over wordlessly. “Since the beginning of high school really, I was a transfer student. For some reason our teacher thought it was good idea for me to take classes for him, even thought I barely spoke any Korean and we had no way to communicate other than oral communication. It worked out fine in the end, I speak better than what I would have ever imagine.”



“Unlike Hangeng,” Heechul snorted.



The man in question just leaned in and whispered something in Heechul’s ear. “That’s true.” He said with a devious smirk on his face. By the looks of it, Hangeng had whispered something wickedly dirty. Yesung didn’t need to know, in fact, it was better if he didn’t. In retrospect, he really understood why Kyuhyun had such a dirty vocabulary.



The conversation died down a bit, and the three of them went back up to the stage to play a few more songs before calling it a night. Before leaving, Yesung was accosted by Kyuhyun, well more like Zhou Mi shoved Kyuhyun in his direction for the two of them to talk.



“Enjoying yourself?”



“Immensely. I’m glad you invited me.”



Kyuhyun smiled, “well I’m off then, I-”



“Say,” Yesung interrupted, “what do you tell your parents to be able to go out to bars?”



A bit of shock showed on his face, but then he smiled, wickedly, “why I tell them my wonderful piano teacher offers me extra practice since I have so much potential.”



“You’re joking.”



Kyuhyun shook his head, “whoops, gotta go, the crowd is calling me.”






Alright guys, I know this has been a long time coming (when did I update last...April???!!!), and also not the chapter you deserved for such a long wait, but this is all I have. Really. Honestly, I was stuck, I didn't know how to take this story further, and still don't but I'm trying. Speaking of trying, I am attempting to write a Valentine's day fic, but I'm not sure it'll be on time because of midterms.
Anyway thanks for waiting 10 months for a chapter (again, sorry), subscribe, comment, let me know what you think of this chapter, and hopefully hopefully I will be able to find the motivation to write more chapters of this. 
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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 17: Omg this is so good. Wish you write more
Chapter 17: Wow this was such an enjoyable read! The way you wrote Kyusung is just *chef’s kiss* I enjoyed the sarcasm and bickering so much. Your sense of humour is immaculate! I also loved all music talk, it makes me want to get back into playing. Aww and the end, so cute and fluffy! Thank you for writing 💙💙
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun, just play the damn song. Nyahaahah so cute
Chapter 17: Can't believe i never read this masterpiece! I should ship Kyusung years ago.
Btw, i really love this line "Kyuhyun, just play that damn song." XD
Chapter 17: this was just amazing, i don't play piano and maybe i didn't understand what they were talking about sometimes but the progressions of the story and the ending was just perfect. Thank you!
392 streak #7
Chapter 17: Eniwei, thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I'm not fond of piano and music, but this story is fun to read, so yeah thank you so much~ <3
392 streak #8
Chapter 17: Like I said before, I love your story~ I read all of the chapters in one day LOL

Because of covid, I have nothing to do beside eat, sleep, read, repeat XD
392 streak #9
Chapter 9: I managed to read until this chapter, and let me tell you that I LOVE THIS STORY!
OneLastDae #10
Chapter 17: I really enjoyed this story. It was pretty well written and sweet and it was a healthy relationship which isn’t always a thing in fic. I love your characterization of both of them, but especially Kyuhyun. The one liners and the sarcasm and the dirty jokes were funny. I just really loved this so thank you so much for writing it! Have a nice day! <3