Ode to Joy

A Little Prelude in Kyuhyun Major

Kyuhyun sat at his piano, absent mindedly playing the first few bars of the last assignment he had for the year. He was alone. That made him a bit, well, sad of course, but it brought back all of the year’s memories that he spend a few minutes reminiscing with warmth spreading in his chest. He had done it. One year at university, studying music, his dream. At this point, he assumed he would pass this last assignment, it was fairly easy and he had already seen it a year ago. Of course, the prof had decided, with some sort of sadistic irony, to make them all play the piano arrangement of Con Te Partiro, claiming it was in preparation for a second year class. Kyuhyun thought the prof was full of and just wanted to make a bad joke about the end of the year being the time of goodbyes.


Kyuhyun didn’t appreciate. He really missed him.


It had been a tough, but strategic move. And whilst yes, at the moment, it was the right decision for his future. Yesung had graduated a week ago and left. Or rather, Kyuhyun had made him leave. He didn’t think he would miss him that much after just one week. It . But at this point, it had been done and it had to be done. No point in dwelling in the past, he had things to do.


A week later, he met up with Donghae and Eunhyuk, just for a last ty movie before they left. They wouldn’t see each other until the next semester, in the fall. They were going back home for the summer, or something like that. They hadn’t exactly disclosed where they were going, but most likely to Donghae’s dad’s, somewhere in the countryside. Together. This made Kyuhyun feel even lonelier at this point.


His roommate and best friend Zhou Mi had also left him. Gone back to China as he did every summer. Kyuhyun had secretly hoped this year would be different and he would stay in Seoul, given that they had an apartment on which they renewed the lease, but no. He was gone too.


Kyuhyun slammed his hands on the piano keys bitterly. goodbyes, he thought bitterly. It just wasn’t fair.


His lovely sister Ahra came to pick him up two days later. He wasn’t going to stay in his apartment alone all summer. It was his time to say goodbye too.


The drive was fairly silent, he had a lot on his mind, but most of it revolved on his summer. He was nervous, which was understandable, but it was not entirely apprehension. It was excitement. He was going on an adventure too.


“So you’re going to Austria, huh.”


Kyuhyun nodded with a small smile. Her comment had brought him out of his head. It was a good thing since he had spent most of the last two weeks just caught up in his thoughts.


“It’s about damn time, Kyu. You’ll have a great time. Just remember to contact my friend once you get there and she’ll help you get around until you get the hang of things.”


“Thanks Ahra, but-”


“Right, right, you’re a grown man and you can take care of yourself. Well, just in case, I put her number in your phone,” she paused and then pat his shoulder, “I’m happy for you. Dad is too, even though he doesn’t really say it. He’s glad you found your calling… and he’s proud of you. He would’ve come but… well you know dad and how he is.” They sat in silence for a little while before she quipped up again, “I saw it coming, you know.”


“What, me studying music or my friend would up royally?”


“He can’t have ed up so bad, since you’re sitting at the airport with a ticket for Austria in your pocket. No, no, I mean you and Yesung. We haven’t really talked about it. You told mom, and she told me, but we, as siblings, have never addressed it directly. I’m cool with it, really, I hope you know that. Not just Yesung, the gay thing too,” she told him, the smile evident in her tone.


“The gay thing?”


“You know what I mean. I’m happy for you. My little bro is finally all grown up.”


“Ahra!” Kyuhyun whined.


“Alright, I’ll stop embarrassing you, I’m just happy for you. And I totally saw it coming.”


The PA system announced his flight. He would have to leave soon. All week, it had been stressing him out, but now, now that it was time, he felt calm, ready to face anything.


“It’ll be strange not having you around this summer.”


“Yeah, it will.”


She didn’t say anything for a minute. “But I’m glad you’re getting to do this. It will be so much fun…I went to Austria a half dozen times, I can tell you for a fact that it will be more wonderful than you can even imagine. If anyone deserves this, it’s you.”


The PA announced the last call for his flight. Con Te Partiro, time to say goodbye. Maybe all goodbyes weren’t so bad.


“You better go. He better take good care of you, or I’ll fly halfway around the world to scold him myself.”


“You’re late,” Kyuhyun said smugly, hearing the distinct footsteps belonging to no other than his wonderful boyfriend.


“Sorry, sorry, the traffic was pretty bad. Ahra-noona, always a pleasure.”


There was some luggage shuffling and Kyuhyun assumed it was time for him to stand up. “Yesung, you know how precious my little brother is. I don’t want to give you the whole threatening spiel, but, seriously, you’re travelling with precious cargo.”


“I know,” he replied with the utmost sincerity. “He deserves this more than anyone, I’ll do everything in my power so it all goes as perfect as possible.”


“Can you two stop talking like I’m not here? Or like I’m an object?”


They both ignored him. “I have a friend in Vienna, and she can help if there’s anything. I also have an ex in Munich that can also get you out of a pinch, but treat it as last resort. We’re on good terms but it would still be a bit awkward for me. Let us know when you’ve landed, take care of him, and Kyuhyun, take care of your boyfriend too, he’s part of the family now.”


“Thanks Ahra,” Kyuhyun told her sincerely. He opened his arms, inviting her for a hug. “I’ll see you in three months. Stay safe and don’t let dad drive you up the walls.”


After clearing security, boarding the plane and finding their seats, Kyuhyun felt himself anxious again. Yesung must’ve sensed it, he reached for his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

“Nervous flyer?”


“Not particularly. I’m happy. Excited even. How is everything over there?”


Yesung had gone away with the organization for a few weeks to ensure that their program was adapted to Kyuhyun’s needs before he even set foot in the country. It had a been long, but surely worth it. They had decided that he was the best option to have as an assistant. He knew music, he knew Kyuhyun, and he would be damned if he didn’t accompany him to Austria, a secret they had shared for so many years. It felt almost intimate to say it, and he was fully aware that he was being ridiculous, and that his boyfriend would scold him for being a sap, but that fact that we’re going to Austria was becoming a reality brought warmth to his chest. His heart swelled with joy.


“So what sappy nonsense are you thinking about now?” Kyuhyun whispered to him.


“We’re going to Austria. Together. Austria, Kyu. I think I’m allowed to have a moment.” He had a flash of that eight year old boy telling everyone loudly and proudly that he would go and play piano in Austria for the whole world to hear. They had gone a long way from being piano students to his father, to piano teacher and student, to boyfriends both studying music at university. And now, this, this opportunity, this chance to push forward together? It was meant to be, he figured. If their paths had been so intertwined from the very beginning, as if destined to end up in this way, he had no doubt their time abroad together was the first of many. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Kyuhyun’s cheek. “I love you so much.”


“You’re just saying that because you get to spend the summer in Vienna because of me.”


Kyuhyun smiled. Yesung smiled back.




“You know, I never figured that my expensive scholarship abroad would have me go back to basics with an Ode to Joy.”


“Oh no, here it is.”


“You would think they would account for my previous expertise.”


“Is that so?”


“Clearly I’m past this. I played Debussy’s Bergamesque Suite, for crying out loud.”


“Are you saying you would rather play something else?”


“No I-”


“You’re actually playing on an organ Mozart performed on and you have the guts to complain? I can tell the prof to have you play Chopin next, if you find the difficulty level too low for this one. Or you know, you don’t have to hide you giddiness around me. I figured I would put into this the song that started your love of Mozart. I remember you telling my dad, telling me, telling everyone that from now on you would only play Mozart for Mozart. I thought it was stupid at the time, but I didn’t have the heart to tell you he was dead either. Everything has changed, but I figured, or what I know of you, this would mean something to you. To be playing him on his very own organ.”


“Yesung,” he sighed, his throat constricting with the rush of emotions, “you have no idea… I… you’re going to make me cry…” It was true, there was no better song to capture the essence of this moment. An Ode to Joy, a song to commemorate this moment of happiness. How very accurate. How very perfect.


“Kyuhyun, just shut up and play the damn song.”


And with a smiled this time, he pushed down on the first note, feeling the music vibrate through his whole body.


“Ugh, fine.”



So I know I said I was going to update in a really long time, but as it turns out, the chapter was already half written from my (many) failed attempts at the previous chapter and also I'm also totally procrastinating studying for a midterm and this is more fun that studying.

I also switched the editor? So the format might be a bit different again? I dunno. Not that it matters really, this is the final chapter. 

I had a lot of fun writing this, and hopefully this was fun to read. I might take a break from posting anything for a good while. Maybe indefinitely. I don't know yet. If this is my last post ever, I had a great run on this website and thanks a whole bunch for the perpetual support. 


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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 17: Omg this is so good. Wish you write more
Chapter 17: Wow this was such an enjoyable read! The way you wrote Kyusung is just *chef’s kiss* I enjoyed the sarcasm and bickering so much. Your sense of humour is immaculate! I also loved all music talk, it makes me want to get back into playing. Aww and the end, so cute and fluffy! Thank you for writing 💙💙
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun, just play the damn song. Nyahaahah so cute
Chapter 17: Can't believe i never read this masterpiece! I should ship Kyusung years ago.
Btw, i really love this line "Kyuhyun, just play that damn song." XD
Chapter 17: this was just amazing, i don't play piano and maybe i didn't understand what they were talking about sometimes but the progressions of the story and the ending was just perfect. Thank you!
487 streak #7
Chapter 17: Eniwei, thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I'm not fond of piano and music, but this story is fun to read, so yeah thank you so much~ <3
487 streak #8
Chapter 17: Like I said before, I love your story~ I read all of the chapters in one day LOL

Because of covid, I have nothing to do beside eat, sleep, read, repeat XD
487 streak #9
Chapter 9: I managed to read until this chapter, and let me tell you that I LOVE THIS STORY!
OneLastDae #10
Chapter 17: I really enjoyed this story. It was pretty well written and sweet and it was a healthy relationship which isn’t always a thing in fic. I love your characterization of both of them, but especially Kyuhyun. The one liners and the sarcasm and the dirty jokes were funny. I just really loved this so thank you so much for writing it! Have a nice day! <3