Chapter 3: Half-Step

Of Love and Music
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 “Okay, this is it. We put so much work into this!” Donghae said clutching the envelope containing their demo CD and sending a prayer to the heavens.

            “Damn right, now drop it in the box.” Siwon said opening the slot of the mailbox.

            “You do it. I’m too nervous. See, look at my hands shaking.” Donghae said showing his hand to Siwon. Siwon slapped him on the head and Donghae gave a noise of protest as he gently dropped the envelop into the box. The slot closed with a click of finality and they stared at the blue container for a long silent moment.

            “Now we play the waiting game.” Siwon said letting the slot close shut and dusting his hands off on his jeans.

            “There’s no way they won’t like this song. We’ve put our whole heart into this, Hyung!” Donghae said putting his arm around Siwon’s shoulder as they started walking down the street. Siwon started humming the melody of their song and Donghae chimed in with him. They sang their song all the way back home not noticing the eyes of a man just passing by looking after them as their voices drifted through the evening Seoul air.

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My stories are based on reality. There will not always be a happy ending and the characters may not always get what they want, but lessons will be learned.


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