Chapter 14: Staccato

Of Love and Music
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Shin Hye took the notebook out of her backpack the second she got home and sat on the bed. She thumbed through song after song, hoping to find a name amongst the works. As she read through the songs, however, she discovered that the owner of this book was a person that truly understood pain. He wove words into a poetic synchronization that would make a person feel sympathy and sadness over the situation. The songs ranged from anger to regret to acceptance. The latest must have been like a coming to terms type of thing. Shin Hye felt bad for thinking of the rest of the songs as trash the second she read them. Before she knew it, she had read and cried over every song in the book. And not one of the pages held a name.

She closed the book and put it on the couch beside her. She stared at the worn red cover and sighed softly. All these years she thought she knew pain and suffering. She was so blind. The owner of these songs is the one that knows pain. It was strange, but she felt as though she knew this man. Just by reading what he had to say, she became closer to him. She wanted to know more. But how? She didn't even know who the book belonged to.

The buzzing of her phone brought her out of her reverie and she pulled it out of the bag. The number was unknown to her and she answered, "Yeoboseo?"

"Shin Hye-shi, how are you?" A female voice asked and Shin Hye's heart dropped. Rachel, her father's new wife, had somehow managed to get in touch with her. Shin Hye knew her voice well. It was the same voice that had called her mother and told her to forget about my father that he was in good hands. This cunning female dared to call her.

"I'm busy, Rachel. What is it you want?" Shin Hye said letting the anger color her voice.

"I heard from your father that you had gotten out of surgery, but he hasn't been able to get in touch with you. I figured you didn't have my number saved, so I decided to give you a call. I'm hurt to know I was right." Rachel said sounding hurt. Despite stealing Shin Hye'

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My stories are based on reality. There will not always be a happy ending and the characters may not always get what they want, but lessons will be learned.


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I'll start updating. One to two chapters every Thursday. Look forward to it and thanks for subscribing. :)