Kiss Me

Kaisoo drabble

Jongin groaned when he felt the sun hit his face. Mornings were never his thing, especially after staying up until 6am with his friend, Kyungsoo, playing the latest zombie shooter game out in the market. He turned around in his bed, eyes still closed,  and spread his arm. Jongin expected for the space to be empty but instead his arm landed on something warm. He cracked an eye open and a tiny squeak slipped his mouth at the sight of Kyungsoo under his arm. Jongin was about to pull his arm back, but the small male underneath it snuggled up closer to him. He could feel Kyungsoo’s breath against the exposed skin on his chest. Jongin bit his lower lip, contemplating whether he should back away or just stay where he was. He decided to stay there and relaxed his arm around Kyungsoo. All signs of sleepiness were gone from Jongin. 

He was now looking at Kyungsoo’s face carefully. The thick eyebrows, long lashes, cute nose, and plush lips were all features he loved and could never get enough of looking at. He spent so much time staring at Kyungsoo that their friends always about it, telling him to ask him out.

Jongin had been staring at Kyungsoo’s lips intently that he didn’t notice the older male had woken up until he spoke up.

“Kiss me.”

Two simple words had Jongin look up into his eyes with a look of shock. The tan male was about to move away when he felt a slightly rough hand on his face and then soft lips against his. The kiss was quick and chaste, and it left him a blushing mess. Jongin brought up his fingers to his mouth and started touching his lips, not believing what just happened.

“Was that ok, Nini?”

Jongin smiled at him and let out a quiet mhm before finally leaning in and kissing him again. They spent their morning talking and kissing, most of the kisses initiated by Kyungsoo. Mornings were now totally Jongin’s thing.


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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!