Today I found out...

Kaisoo drabble

Today I found out that I, Do Kyungsoo, am in love with my best friend. I’m not entirely sure how it happened. It could be from the way his body moves so elegantly when walking. How passionate he is when it comes to dancing, spending hours upon hours in the studio perfecting his moves and continuing his dance while walking home. It could be the way he squeezes his eyes shut when he laughs and slaps the arm of whoever is next to him, the sound of his laughter is a sweet melody. Maybe I fell in love with how he treats his dogs, as if it were his own children. I’m not sure what it was that made me fall in love with Jongin, but what I do know is that I want him to be by my side forever.

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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!