The Carnival

Kaisoo drabble

Bright lights, children screaming and running around from excitement, the smell of cotton candy and popcorn is what the annual summer carnival consisted of. Kyungsoo loved it, he’d been going to the carnival every year since he was eight. Jongin on the other hand loved the smile it put on Kyungsoo’s face, and how excited he was to go on the rides. This year was a little different for Jongin. This year he planned on making Kyungsoo his boyfriend at the carnival.
Jongin walked next to Kyungsoo, or at least tried to. For a short man he walked fast, and the crowd definitely wasn’t helping.

“Come on Jongin, the night is almost over and we still haven’t gone on the Ferris wheel!”

The younger of the two picked up his pace, at this point he wasn’t walking anymore he was jogging, and linked arms with Kyungsoo. The last thing he wanted was to lose him in the crowd, especially since he still hadn’t been able to ask him out. He’d been trying all night, but Kyungsoo was just too ecstatic to be at the carnival he barely listened to Jongin.

His first attempt of the night was when they went to get funnel cake.

“Hey hyung, I only bought one. I thought we could share it like coup-“

Jongin was cut off by Kyungsoo’s whining.

“Jongiiiiin, you know I could easily eat two of those on my own. Please get me my own funnel cake.”

Jongin sighed, but did as he was told. What Kyungsoo wanted, Kyungsoo got.

Jongin’s second attempt of the night happened while they were walking by the game booths. He’d seen it happen in many movies, the guy would play one of the games and win a prize for the girl. It usually ended with a kiss, maybe it could work for him.

“Soo, let’s go to one of those games. I can win you a prize!”

Kyungsoo didn’t even think about it, he instantly shut him down.

“Jongin, no! You know those games are rigged. You’ll end up spending all your money.”

Jongin let out a sigh, but didn’t argue. He wasn’t going to quit, not yet at least. Like everyone says, third time’s the charm.

So now here they are, next in line to ride the wheel. Jongin still had his left arm linked with Kyungsoo’s right arm. He hadn’t spoken for the last ten minutes, too nervous and distracted with how he’d confess to his hyung. Kyungsoo on the other hand had not noticed his friends quietness, too busy talking about how he loved riding the Zipper; except for when he hit his nose against the metal mesh in front of him, that hurt.

"Next two for the Ferris wheel!"

The shorter male let out an excited squeal and pulled his best friend towards the waiting carriage. They sat next to each other shoulder to shoulder, thighs touching each other. Once the carriage was securely locked the ride started moving.
It’s now or never thought Jongin. He reached towards the elders hand to hold onto. Kyungsoo looked surprised at first, but then smiled at him causing butterflies to flitter around in Jongin’s stomach. Kyungsoo’s hand fit perfectly in his, as if they were always meant to be there.

"Kyungsoo hyung I…"

They were halfway up on the Ferris wheel. The people down below didn’t look like ants yet, more like tiny dogs scattered around the carnival. Jongin took a deep breath and continued speaking.

“I really like you. I’ve liked you for a while now. I like how just a smile from you makes my whole day better. I like how happy you get over the little things because when you’re happy, I’m happy. I like how nice it feels to hold your hand because it fits perfectly in mine.”

Jongin looked down at the crowd. They were really close to being at the top now. The crowd looked like ants. He looked up again and found Kyungsoo smiling at him, the heart shaped smile that makes his day better.

“Jongin, kiss me. ”

That’s exactly what he did. He slowly leaned forward, eyes fluttering shut, head tilting to one side. Jongin paused for a second before finally leaning in all the way and pressed his lips against Kyungsoo’s. Kyungsoo’s lips were soft and tasted sweet from the sugary treats he had earlier, a contrast to Jongin’s slightly chapped and spearmint gum tasting lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it was one of the best things Jongin experienced.

"Hyung, is it just me or did it feel like there was fireworks during our kiss?"

Kyungsoo let out a giggle and lightly smacked Jongin’s shoulder.

"The fireworks just started silly, look."

They were at the top of the ride now. Just like Kyungsoo said, the fireworks were going off, bright lights and loud booms. Kyungsoo rested his head against Jongin’s shoulder and Jongin leaned down a bit to whisper in his ear.

"Soo, are we boyfriends now?"

Kyungsoo nodded in response making Jongin smile. Jongin loved the carnival.

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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!