The Air Mattress

Kaisoo drabble

Kyungsoo was on the air mattress laid out in the middle of Luhan’s living room. He had had a long day visiting different places in Beijing with Jongin, and Luhan as the helpful tour guide. It was only the first day of their trip and he was already exhausted and didn’t know how he would survive 4 more days of constant walking. He loved visiting new places and learning about the history of them, but with Luhan’s energy and excitement to show as many places as he could in one day and Jongin matching the energy and excitement, Kyungsoo was often left behind and had to run in order to catch up to them. It was all very tiring, but he didn’t mind. Beijing was a place he had always wanted to visit since he was a child, and he was now crossing it off his list thanks to Jongin and his wonderful birthday present.


“Kyungsoo are you in bed already?”


Kyungsoo answered the younger with a grunt, and pulled the blanket further up his body until it was tucked under his chin. Jongin smiled at the sight of his boyfriend trying to sleep. He padded quietly around the living room towards the lamp to turn it off. Jongin walked slowly, in the dark, towards the air mattress. He felt his feet touch the smooth side of what he assumed was the bed. With exhaustion finally hitting him he let his body fall on his side of the mattress. All of a sudden he heard a yelp and a thump. Jongin quickly scrambled off the bed and towards the lamp, turning the lights back on.


“What the hell Jongin?”


He saw an angry Kyungsoo on the floor, in front of the bed, glaring in his direction. Jongin smiled sheepishly and let out a quiet sorry while he looked everywhere but at Kyungsoo. Making Kyungsoo fly off the bed was something he made sure not to do again.

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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!