Remember that time when...

Kaisoo drabble

Remember that time when we were supposed to go out on our first date? We were just going to go on a simple coffee date at the cafe two blocks away from our dorm. The only reason I chose that place is because I know you like how they make their cappuccinos, not too dry and not to wet, with just the right amount of foam.

We were just about to leave the building. We were literally one step away from reaching the exit when we heard the thunder, making both of us jump. That’s just our luck though. I’ll admit that I was a bit ticked off at first, but you’re full of great ideas Soo.

"Hey Jongin, lets build a fort instead."

I didn’t really have much of a choice seeing as the weather decided to do a complete 180 on us, and go from sunny and bright to stormy and dreary. Nothing mattered though because I would’ve happily robbed a bank if you had asked me (I’m glad you didn’t though. We’re idols we can’t do that sort of stuff).

We kicked Chanyeol and Baekhyun out of your room, both of them whining because it’s our room too and we have the right to stay here. All you did was give them a look and they instantly shut up.

"Alright Jongin go get a couple of chairs and I’ll get the blankets."

You’ve always been a bossy boyfriend, but I like that about you. I didn’t say anything and did what you asked of me. As soon as I got back with the chairs you got to work. I tried helping but you wouldn’t let me.

"Everything has to be done perfectly Jongin. Go sit down and watch me build the fort."

I sat down and did as you said. Getting my Soo mad on the first date? Yeah, that wasn’t happening. Watching you effortlessly build the fort had me wondering how many times you’ve done this before. I giggled at the thought of a 10 year old Kyungsoo locked up in his room building his fort on a Saturday night. Oh boy, you were probably a cutie.

You finished building it in a matter of minutes and we were soon inside of it laying down on top of layers of blankets. We cuddled, our legs intertwined together and our arms around each other, holding one another.  All we did that night was talk about everything and nothing at all. We kissed innocently and not so innocently. It was a night that I’ll always remember. It was my last first date, and I’m glad it was with you.

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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!