I Only Need You

Kaisoo drabble

Jongin tossed and turned in his bed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He let out a groan and a soft murmur of constant no’s could be heard coming from him. Kyungsoo laid in the bed across from him in a dreamless slumber. 


Jongin woke up with a start, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He brought both of his hands up to his face and rubbed at his glistening eyes. A quiet whimper left his mouth as he remembered the dream he just had. Kyungsoo had decided to leave him in his dream. Just the thought of Kyungsoo leaving and never coming back brought back a fresh wave of tears. He let one slip down his face before wiping his eyes with the hem of his cotton white t-shirt. 


He sat up on his bed and looked at Kyungsoo’s sleeping form. The moonlight coming in through the window was the only source of light, but it was enough for Jongin to look at his face and admire his features. Jongin smiled to himself. Kyungsoo made him so happy, and he was so thankful that he got to spend almost everyday with him; from early morning practices to awkward interviews to late night anime marathons, he loved it all. 


Jongin pushed the covers off of himself and quietly tiptoed towards Kyungsoo’s bed. He reached towards Kyungsoo and gently caressed his face. Kyungsoo didn’t move, but smiled in his sleep. If Jongin could, he would stay like this for hours, just looking after Kyungsoo in his most peaceful and stress-free state. He really loved the shorter man in front of him. 


After a few minutes of just standing there, Jongin pulled Kyungsoo’s cover’s up a bit to slide in next to him. He wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo and let out a sigh of content. The elder stirred awake and looked up at Jongin. 


“Jongin?” Kyungsoo’s voice was laced with sleep and just a bit deeper than usual. 


Jongin brought his face down to Kyungsoo’s exposed neck and nuzzled his face into it. 


“I had a horrible dream hyung. I dreamt that you left me.” 


Kyungsoo reached for Jongin’s hair, and started it in an affectionate manner. 


“Oh, Jongin. I would never even think of doing that. Don’t you worry.” 


Jongin couldn’t help but smile after hearing Kyungsoo say that. He stopped nuzzling the elder’s neck and looked at him with a loving gaze. He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on Kyungsoo’s full lips. Jongin pulled away and Kyungsoo tugged on his shirt, wanting him closer. He scooted in closer to Kyungsoo, placing an arm underneath the shorter male’s head and the other on his waist. Kyungsoo’s face was pressed against Jongin’s chest, and he could faintly hear the steady beating of his heart. Their legs had a mind of their own, and were now tangled together. After a few minutes, the two lovers were both asleep in the comfort and warmth of each other’s arms. 

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PhoenixChanSoo #1
Chapter 8: u r so cute nini. :3 but do u realize that u using a bright color boxer when u see soo? xD
PhoenixChanSoo #2
Chapter 2: this is how i always want to describe a story. simple and flowing like water. it's rainy n not so cold here, it makes me feel cozy(?) thank u for writing kaisoo!