08 ~ Thankful to you

Love Again

A/N : HAVE ONEW!!!! As a compensation of not updating for weeks


Jiyoung's PoV

"Umma... Who brought me to the hospital?" I asked Mom. I was not allowed to walk out, or even step out of my bed


"I asked, who brought me to the hospital?" I said again, looking at I hand. "Till what I remember, someone took me in their car and went. And I was all alone"

"Your neighbour did! His name was... Some O...On..."


"Ah, yes! That guy... he brought you!"

"Onew... took me... to the hospital?" I asked more to myself, looking at my hand again. How did he know...?

"Why are you so shocked?"

"N-Nothing..." I said and looked around. I wanted to go back to my house so badly.

"Umma... Can't I just leave? I have so much of work there!"

"No! You're still healing, and you're too weak!"

"Umma I can take care of myself! How much time do I tell you? I can take care of myself, get it?!"

"You aren't leaving, Jiyoung, It's final" Mom said with a firm tone, "And we don't want you dying on anyone's arms again"

"No! I am leaving!" I said and walked out, gathering my things.

"Jiyoung wait! I'll call Sehun to come pick you up-"

"I know to go by myself, no need to call that doubting freak" I said and walked out angrily. Ugh, I was so much angry! I ended up like this because of that idiot, but NO~ You won't admit it~

Onew's PoV

"When is Jiyoung noona coming?" Jaehyun was pestering me for the nth time today. I sighed again, and turned away from the paperwork I had. I had to bloody asses all those trainees, and there were, like, 50 trainees in my vocal class alone!

"Hyunnie, She will come when she wants to" I said.

"Why not now?" he pouted.

"How would I know?"

"Right... But we are seeing Noona whenever she comes!" He said, and pointed a finger at me, smiling. Just like her....

"I-I don't think I can come... You go see her, okay?" I said, remembering 'that' incident.

"Why you cannot?"

"I just... You won't understand it, Jaehyun-ah. Now, did you do your homework?"

"I finished it an hour ago" He scoffed. He reminds me too much of her...

"Okay, now go watch TV, I'll be back soon"

"You never do what you say" He muttered as he walked out. He was right though.

"Hye-min... I miss you.." I sighed and leaned back on the chair, looking at the ceiling blankly.

"Appa! Jiyoung noona came!!!" Jaehyun's voice snapped me out of the trance.

"Eh?" I said, quiet confused, and looked outside the window, which showed me Jiyoung's house straight.

I saw her come in, and then move away.

Why do I care about it? What can I do anyways? I thought and went back to my assesment works.

Jiyoung's PoV

I went inside my room, feeling the familiar feeling of coziness inside the room. Just then, like ruining a perfect time, came the dreaded call.

"Hello?" I said, a bit frustrated.

"Hey babe!" Sehun's voice irritated me to hell.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, just called to check on ya. How are you?"

"Be thankful that I didn't die, or you would've been in jail by now"

"Me? Jail? please! No one can do that!"

"Well, I can... Now, can you hang up?"

"Why?" As if you don't know a thing...

"Because I need to be free from you"

"You know something? No matter hiow m,uch you insult me, we're still gonna get married" Why does it sound like a horrible death threat to me?

"Yeah yeah, what-everr~!" I ended in English and hung up abruptly. I took a deep breath, worried about what's going to happen in the future. In the corner of my eye, I see a familiar person looking at me, and turn to see Jaehyun.

"Hi~!" I wave from my house, through the window. He waves back and smiles. It's surprising that how he makes me forget all of my worries in a second.

"When are you coming here?" He asked.

"Maybe... later?"

"Now! Come now!" Seriously, he was so cute.

"Now? Your Appa–"

"He's busy, i'm sure he won't mind~! Come on!! Or should I come?"

"No no, I'll come" I said and went out, locking the house.

I rang the bell, and waited outside, tapping my foot anxiously.

"Who is it?" I clearly knew who was coming. Who would not?

"I-I'm Jiyoung...!" I said, a bit unsure of whether he would actually open the door or go away, leaving me standing outside.

The door opened, and he stood, looking straight at me. Strange, I feel like how I saw Sehun first.

"H-how are you?" He asked awkwardly.

"I'm... fine" I sighed, but didn't show the worry I actually had.

"Everything's okay, right? Between you and... him?"

"Y-yeah" it was obvious that I lied. I'm sure he knew it too.

Onew's PoV

It was damn awkward. I mean, why wouldn't it be? I kissed a girl who's my hoobae's girlfriend! It sure would be awkward!

"Oh, come inside" I said, realising that I have been blocking her way all this time. I closed the door and went back to my room, feeling the atmosphere was too awkward.

"Noona!!" Jaehyun came out, obviously happy.

"How are you, Hyunnie?" That nickname she used shocked me a bit. T-that was what I use for him!

"I was worried! Why did you hurt youself?"

"I-It's just a small injury... I came back right?" It was surprisng that Jaehyun went along with her. He didn't like anyone who's a stranger.

"Now, don't hurt youself again! You're worse than Appa!"

"Okay, that was not necessary, Young man" I turned back, slightly annoyed. I know I'm clumsy, but no one needs to point it out.

"You cannot deny that you hurt youself a lot of times, Onew!" He said playfully and hid behind Jiyoung.

"A-Ah! You shouldn't say that to your Dad! Ask sorry to him, Jaehyun"

And then came the unexpected.

A/N: ... Sorry for not updating, I don't have anything else to say

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C3cilia #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!!!What did she notice?!?! Can't wait for next chapter
C3cilia #2
Chapter 10: I bet jiyoung is watching them. Ani. Authornim your story us good. Its okay if u cant come up with any idea. I know its hard.
C3cilia #3
Chapter 6: Oh so thats what happen. Oh, Sehun u should have not doubted her. -_-
C3cilia #4
Chapter 4: No problem authornim, i really enjoy your fanfic. Omo they kiss!!! Ah~ cant wait for the next chapter!!! >~<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 3: Cant wait to read more!! I was wondering why is Jiyoung is dating Sehun if she doesnt even like him? Was she force to by her dad??