09 ~ Promise

Love Again

Jiyoung's PoV

"Byun Ji Young!" All of a sudden, I heard Sehun's voice.

"Sehun?" I said and went out, Jaehyun following me. He was at the door, obvioulsy angry.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"And what do you think you're doing here?!" He shouted.

"It's my wish to come here, what's it with you?!" I shouted back. It was too hard to hold it in anymore. Who is he to control what I do?!

"C-Can you just come in, Sehun-ah?" Onew tried to bring him in.

"You! You don't talk in between us!"

"Don't you have any manners? He's your sunbae" I said.

"I'll explain everything, just come in now, Sehun"

"Now, what have you two got to say?"

"Look, she came to see my son, not me. Stop misunderstanding things for the second time"

"You thought I'd believe that?" He scoffed, and continued "You stop cooking up stories. Tell the truth"

"Think whatever you want to" I gave up, knowing it was impossible to make him understand.

"You don't even think about what I will feel?"

"Have you ever?!" I burst out. "Have you ever thought about me? Have you ever gave a thought about what I will feel when you keep following me everywhere, and think I'm cheating on you? This is the reason we broke up, Sehun. You're the one still sticking to me. I don't want to be with you anymore"

"Don't make up stories again and–" I slapped him really hard before I could realise what I did.

"You don't make up stories again and again!" I said as he looked away from me, hiding the burning mark I left. There was dead silence for some minutes, and he slowly walked away. Taking a last look, he closed the door forcefully and got on his car, driving away.

"Y-you didn't have to be so harsh on him" I heard Onew's voice, but din't reply.

"Why shouldn't she? He was being too much angry on her!" Jaehyun interrupted.

"Jaehyun-ah, you shouldn't be talking about this"

"But why?" He pouted.

"Because... Because it's hard for you to understand all of these..."

"You never let me talk!"

"But you shouldn't talk about someone else like that!"

"He's right" I said what came to my mind.

Onew's PoV

"Eh?" I asked, surprised.

"Jaehyun's right... he is a jerk, after all" She smirked.

I stayed silent. I mean, what can I say when she herself says her boyfriend is a jerk?

"A-Are you fine?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm.." She stopped, and bit her lower lip. Porbably to keep her tears in...

"I'll-I'll be leaving... Bye, Hyunnie" She said and walked out to her home.

"Why did noona go out?" Jaehyun asked.

i couldn't answer him. After seeing me being silent, he just ran back to his room, and locked the door.

Jiyoung's PoV

After almost a week, I went back to the clinic, and started working again. Sehun still kept bothering me, but I didn't mind him much. I got used to it.

"Jiyoung-ah! Emergency!" The nurse came in and said, making me perk up. I went out, only to see two familiar people. Onew and Jaehyun.

"What happened?!" I asked as I went along with them to the ER.

"H-He was just riding his bicycle outside... The kids came in and told me he fell down. S-Since then–" He choked out in between his tears. I went inside with Jaehyun to the ER, while Onew stayed behind, unable to come inside.

Onew's PoV

"No, I cannot lose him too... I can-not–" I choked out as tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes. All I knew was one thing : I cannot lose him. Just like how I lost her, forever. My mind went back to that fateful day.

"NO!" I shouted as the phone slipped out from my hand. The next minute, I found myself rushing to the Samsung Medical Centre.

"I-Is there someone named Lee Hye Min admitted here? It-It was an accident-" I asked in the reception desk hurriedly.

"Yeah, she's in the ER. go straight, turn left, and the last room" I didn't even bother to thank her, and ran towards the said place. As I went closer, someone came out. Probably the doctors...

"H-How's she-" I was abruptly cut off.

"Are you their relative?"

"Y-Yeah" I said, hardly able to breathe.

"We were able to save the boy, but the lady..." That didn't sound good. At all.

"H-Hye-min..?" I asked. He nodded, and sighed.

"She had too many internal injuries, and her pulse rate kept dropping down. there was nothing we could do. Sorry" They walked away, leaving me alone there. I fell down, unable to gather up my strength.

I was led to the ER to see her 'dead' body by someone who I don't quiet remember. It was all a blur for me. As I was made to sit beside her, fresh set of tears started to fall down my face again.

"T-this is all... just a joke, right? You are awake, right? Get up... You said you won't go anywhere leaving me..!! Get up! You promised you'll be with me forever, right? Why did you break it?! Who will I go to when I want to talk everything out?! Who will I go with to see the stars at night, Huh?! Wake up!" By that time, I was crazily shaking her, a small ray of hope still shining inside me.

"You don't want to hear me sing for you? Didn't you say we needed to go to the Han river once more?! Get up, we need to do all this! You can't just leave without telling me!!" I slowly gave up, but still never letting go of her hand. It was still warm, just as how it always was.

Almost a month after the incident, I started hallucinating her. They had to take me away from Jaehyun for a while to make me come back to my senses, and  to move on. It took me some long time to get out from my trance. It was hard, but I had to do it for my only son.

"Onew-sshi?" I Heard a familiar voice, and looked up to see Jiyoung.

"Jaehyun's fine now, it was just a concussion. He should be waking up in about.." She looked at her watch. "Two hours"

"T-Thank you..." That was all I could choke out. She just smiled and pointed at a room, and I just ran in there.

"J-Jaehyun-ah... Hyunnie...?" I called out, not exactly expecting a reponse.

"I was a bad Appa, right? I never looked after you.. never even bothered to check on you while you play" I held his hands tightly, fearing that letting it go might not be good. "I know, I am not as good as you expect me to be... Just.. Just give me some time, Hyunnie. I am trying to get over everything, but it isn't easy. I promise, I promise that I'll look after you. That's what your Mom would've wanted right?"  With that, I stopped. I don't know whether he would have heard all that I said, but I hope he at least knows I love him.

Never did I know that someone was watching us from afar.

A/N: Enjoy~!

It is boring, right? I know, but this was all I could make up... I'll try to write more interesting chapters from now on.

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C3cilia #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!!!What did she notice?!?! Can't wait for next chapter
C3cilia #2
Chapter 10: I bet jiyoung is watching them. Ani. Authornim your story us good. Its okay if u cant come up with any idea. I know its hard.
C3cilia #3
Chapter 6: Oh so thats what happen. Oh, Sehun u should have not doubted her. -_-
C3cilia #4
Chapter 4: No problem authornim, i really enjoy your fanfic. Omo they kiss!!! Ah~ cant wait for the next chapter!!! >~<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 3: Cant wait to read more!! I was wondering why is Jiyoung is dating Sehun if she doesnt even like him? Was she force to by her dad??