04 ~ Morning

Love Again

"Jaehyun-ah! It's time, let's go!" Onew called out, still a bit baffled by the sudden kiss. 

"Can't you guys stay for some more time? The party's not over yet" Minho asked.

"He needs to go to school tomorrow... So, can we leave?"

"I want to stay!!" Jaehyun pouted as he crossed his arms, huffing out a loud grunt.

"Jae, how about a sleepover with us? What do you say champ?" Jonghyun asked.

"Yes!! I want to come over! We can play a lot of games!!" Jaehyun said as he bumped his knuckles with Jonghyun's. (A/N-Or what do you call that?)


"Don't worry hyung, I'll bring him back tomorrow..."

"Okay, your wish... I'm leaving. Behave there, okay?"

"Okay... bye Appa" Jaehyun said as Onew walked away from that place. Entering his car, the first thing he saw was Jiyoung. She was completely unconscious, and her head was moving sideways. He didn't know why, but he couldn't take his eyes off her. Even when drunk, she looked cute to him. Shaking his head and buckling his seatbelt in place, he started driving towards his house. 

With her. 

He, stood clueless before the side where she was sleeping, thinking about how to take her inside. He obviously didn't know her house's passcode, so there was no way she could be taken to her house. Having no choice but to lift her, he took her in his arms and went to Jaehyun's room, placing her on the bed. 

"I guess.... she'll be comfortable.... here" He said, a sigh coming out of his lips. 

He couldn't sleep at all that night; he was confused and out of clue as to why she kissed him. He tossed and urned, and even tried to hear music till asleep, but none helped his insomnis of the night. Frustrated, he bit his teeth togther and threw a pillow with force.

"Aish! Just forget it and get to sleep!!" He said to himself and fell back on the bed. Nothing helped him.

"Gaah! My-My head!" Jiyoung gripped her head as she woke up. Squeezing her eyes shut and opening them again, she realised she wasn't in her room.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" She gave her loudest scream, and inside came Onew, panting for breath.

 "W-what?!" He asked her. She looked blankly at him.

"Why am I... here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You.... you were drunk last night. I didn't know where your house was, so I took you here" He said, his voice a bit afraid.

"O-oh......." She said and turned away. It was awkwardly silent for a moment.

"Ah!! My.. head!" She squirmed again in the pain, but he didn't do anything. 

Ooh~ Ooh~ Oh pretty baby!

Ooh~ Ooh~ chwihan geot gata!

Ooh~ Ooh~ Making me crazy!

Ooh~ Ooh~ nae-

"Aish! This guy!!" Jiyoung groaned as she reached for her handbag to take her phone out. She sighed at reading the Caller ID and answered the call.

"What is it, Sehun?" She asked, and Onew widened his eyes. He chose to remain silent until they finish talking.

"Where did you go last night?! I searched all over for you!!"

"The party was boring, so left home. I forgot to tell you"

"It was me who brought you there! Didn't you think of telling me before you leave?! I was so damn worried!"

"Why shoupd I? Because I'm forced to marry you?! Shut up and hang up!"

"That's no manners!! Tell me where you are?!"

"I'm in my home, idiot! Where else would I be?!"

"I'm coming there in 10, be ready. Bye!" He hung up, leaving a startled Jiyoung.

"Umm.... you know-"

"I'll be leaving! Thanks for bringing me here, bye!!"

"Wait! Should I drop you?"

"It's next door" She ran out, grabbing her belonging.

"What?!" Onew asked in disbelief as he went out, and indeed her home was next to his. He scratched his head in confusion, completely baffled.

"I never would have taken her here if I knew her house was next door!! Aish!" He smacked himself as he went inside, getting ready for work.

"Sweetie! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Sehun asked as soon as he entered her house. Jiyoung loojed up at him in frustration and annoyance.

"Cut it out with the sweetness. Tell me, why are you here now? You know you ruined my sleep!"

"Jiyoungie, I can't act like being harsh to you, you know I love you so much!"

"Oh~ Se~ Hun~" She hissed his name full of anger and venom.

"Okay, I give up! Geez, you're such a bore!"

"I like being that way, rather than act all lovey-dovey to you" She said curtly. 

"I don't see any reason for you to not be like that" 

"Sehun, you do remember why we broke up right? I don't..... we're not meant for each other"

"What? Is watching over you always a problem?"

"Watching over is not a problem, but what you do..... it's not watching over, but doubting me"

"I promise I won't be like that! I would never doubt you again!!"

"Sehun, please. I know my heart, and it's saying you're not the one for me"

"Jiyoung, please.... Marry me. I promise to keep you happy without any regrets for the rest of your life"

"The break-up was mutual, Sehun... And it's too late to reconcile now"

"Can't I get one chance? One chance to prove myself and my words?"

"No, we're too far from getting together again, Sehun"

"Please Jiyoung, please..... I won't ever bother you like I do again, I'll never call you so frequently"

"Sehun, stop"

"Not another chance?"

"No.... I know what I'm doing, and even if I'm forced to marry you, never expect me to like you like I did" She said with a straight face. Sehun hung hia face down, then looked up again.

"You like someone else, right?"

"Why does every boyfriend in the world seem to think this?! No, I'm not in a relationship, for your information"

"Then.... can you try to..... come on dates with me?"


"Please..." He said as he bent closer towards her lips, closing his eyes. Their lips touched, and her eyes slowly widened. She didn't respond, but a memory came back flashing to her mind.

She kissed Onew. She herself started kissing him. 

He soon realised she wasn't responding, and pulled away. She kept looking into space, and he sighed. He was now sure she wasn't liking him anymore.

"Then.... I'll wait for your answer, Jiyoungie. Bye" He said and went out with a heavy heart. No matter how much he tried, he could never make her like him.

Because of that one stupid mistake he did in the past.

Author's Note : 

Updated! Sorry for keeping you waiting, I know I'm a horrible author who doesn't update something that's worth the delay... :(

Anyways, the past of Sehun and Jiyoung will be revealed in the next chapter, and I cannot guarantee if it will be good... :/ Please expect the next update.... It will only be the past, and hence written in a different colour. There will be PoV's in the future~~

Till the next update, 

CUD's.............. Annyeong~!!! ♥

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C3cilia #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!!!What did she notice?!?! Can't wait for next chapter
C3cilia #2
Chapter 10: I bet jiyoung is watching them. Ani. Authornim your story us good. Its okay if u cant come up with any idea. I know its hard.
C3cilia #3
Chapter 6: Oh so thats what happen. Oh, Sehun u should have not doubted her. -_-
C3cilia #4
Chapter 4: No problem authornim, i really enjoy your fanfic. Omo they kiss!!! Ah~ cant wait for the next chapter!!! >~<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 3: Cant wait to read more!! I was wondering why is Jiyoung is dating Sehun if she doesnt even like him? Was she force to by her dad??