02 ~ Meeting each other

Love Again

"Aish! Why does that Sehun keep coming?! Must be Appa whose forcing him, but I said to him a thousand times that I won't marry him!" Jiyoung was whining as she went towards her house. Hearing a small whimper, she stopped and turned around to see a boy hidden inside the bushes. She got off her scooter and walked to him.

"Hey.... why are you crying?" She asked him, and he hid himaelf mire inside the bushes.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, don't be afraid of me. Come on, come out or something will bite you"

"What?!" He jumped out immediately at her words. She chuckled lightly and pulled him closer.

"Now, what's your name? Mine's Jiyoung"

"I'm Jaehyun"

"And why were you crying? Because your friends bullied you?"

"No, because I don't have an umma, while everyone else in my class have one" He said.

"Where is your umma?"

"Appa said once that she's up in the sky" He said innocently, that Jiyoung didn't know whether to comfort him or tell him what that exactly meant.

"Where's your Appa, Jaehyun?"

"He's at work.... He doesn't come until late night" he pouted cutely.

"Okay... do you want to come to my house? I have many games there!" She said, shoqing a big circle.

"Really? You have many games?" He asked, smiling brightly.

"Mhm! And I'm gonna make a chocolate cake today, wanna come help me?"

"Sure! But....."

"But what?"

"Appa said to not go with someone I don't know. He said they'll take me elsewhere"

"Haha..... don't worry, tell me where your house is, I'll leave you there. Then I'll bring the games and the cake there.. Deal?"

"Deal! My house is right there!" He said, pointing at a single house two buildings away.

"Really? My house is right next to yours! See? That's mine!" She pointed at her house, which was right next to Jaehyun's

"Ok! I'll wait for you in my house noona! Don't forget the cake and games!"

"Is there someone to take care of you?"

"No, I'm alone until Appa comes" 

"Isn't there a nanny or someone to take care of you so that no stranger comes inside?"

"I can take care of myself..." He gave a glare at her.

"Woah, okay big man! I'll bake the cake and bring it, then we can decorate it! For now, annyeong!" She said while waiting for him to open the door.

"Annyeong noona! Don't forget the cake!" He said as he entered the house and locked the door.

"Anyways, I'm lucky that my shift ended before today, at least I get to bake a cake!" She said to herself as she entered her house. Getting all the things necessary to bake a cake, she got ready with her purple apron.

Ooh ooh~ Oh pretty baby~!

Ooh ooh~ chwihan geot gata~!

Ooh ooh~ Making me crazy~!

Ooh ooh~ Nae son jabajwo~!!

"Aish! This guy! He will be the death of me someday!" She said as she answered the call.

"What is my baby doing?"

"Reading a book of 'How to Kill Oh Sehun'... want a copy?" She said sarcastically.

"Sarcastic much? I just called to check on ya!"

"For you kind information, I'm perfectly fine here, so stop calling me" She hung up immediately. Sighing to herself, she shook the anger away and went back to baking a cake.

"I'm starting to hate my favourite song" She pouted as she kept the cake inside the over, wauting for it to bake. At that time, she gathered the frosting, sprinkles and some other edible things for decoeationg the cake, and utt them in a bag. 

"Ah! Done! Can't wait to decorate it!" She chirped as she took the cake out and kept it on the counter for it to cool down. Gathering some games she had and the bag, she put the cake inside a box and took it to Jaehyun's house.

"Jaehyun-ah! It's me, Jiyoung noona! That cake's ready!" She shouted from the outside, and the door swung open. 

"Yay! Let's decorate it!" He jumped up and down like a happy seal. She entered the house, and kept the cake down.

"Cleanliness first! Let's wash our hands, okay?" She said and went to wash her hands, even though the thought of Jaehyun's Father thinking her of a Kidnapper itched her heart. She ignored it and started decorating the cake with him. 

"How's this Noona?" He asked as he pointed at a smiley face he drew with the frosting. She huckled lightly, thinjing how cute it was.

"It's good! You draw really well!" She said and went back to decorating.

"You know noona, I got first place once in a drawing competition! And today I got second place in the racing competition!" He said as he showed the medal and the certificate he got.

"Wow, really? You know something? Noona was always last place in running, I never ran as fast as you"

"Hmm, so that means I'm faster than you right?"

"Mhm.. Hey I was wondering...... how do your Appa and Umma look like?"

"Wait... I have a picture of them" He said and got up, running to his room. He soon came back, bringing a framed picture with him.

"This is Umma, and this is-"

"Who is this, Jaehyun-ah?" Onew asked as he stood on the doorway, looking shocked and surprised. 

"O-Onew?!" She stood up, equally surprised.

"Appa!" Jaehyun ran to him, hugging his legs tightly.

She was standing frozen in her spot, looking at Onew. She couldn't believe her eyes at all, she was looking at a former international star. 

"Who is this, Jaehyun?" Onew asked his son as he looked at the girl before him.

"A-Annyeonghaseyeo! I'm Byun Ji Young!" She introduced herself, still bewildered.

"What are you doing here?" He tried to ask as polite as he could.

"We're decorating a cake! Come on sit down!" Jaehyun oulled his Father to the table and made him sit.

"Really? What did you draw?" He asked him, and Jaehyun went on pointing the drawings he did on the cake. 

She was left dumbfounded. In the middle of the hall. 

"Noona baked this cake!" Jaehyun chirped, pointing at Jiyoung. 

"Ah, did you say thanks to her?"

"No, but I will now! Thank you noona, I had fun with you! Come on sit down!" Jaehyun pulled her right opposite to Onew.

"Thanks for being with Jaehyun.. It's just that I have lot of work and I couldn't come early howeer I try-"

"What do you do?" She asked bluntly.

"Umm..... I-I'm a vocal instructor at SM"

"You're.... You're SHINee's Onew right?"

"Was. Now I'm a vocal instructor for new trainees"

"I-I'm sorry....... I didn't mean to come in play with your son just like that that, he was crying and I had to calm him down-"

"Wait, crying? Did you cry, Hyunnie?" Onew cut her off, and asked Jaehyun.

"My friends teased me for not having an umma!" He pouted. Onew went silent, looking at him. An indescribable emotion was visible in his eyes, it was mixed with worry and sadness.

"Well, don't mind them. They don't know anything about you, so ignore them" Onew said and turned to Jiyoung again.

"Thanks, for everything. I hope he wasn't disturbing you"

"Oh no, not at all... I actually was relaxed like thia after a long time" She said and got up.

"Sò, I'll be leaving now. Be a good boy, and don't care about what your friends said. Your umma is always watching over you" She said and bowed to Onew, the left the house. 

"Noona said I draw really good you know?" Jaehyun said as he pointed at the cake.

"Oh, we forgot to give the cake back to her! But, where is her house?"

"She lives right next door to us! Aoppa, can we keep the cake? Please?"

"No, Jaehyun... It was noona who brought the cake right? We should return it to her" Onew went to get the cake, but found a note beside it.

'No need to return the cake, I made it for you. Tell me how it was tomorrow, okay? 안뇽~ :)'

"Okay, so noona kept the cake for you. But only one piece, okay? The cake will be there in the refrigerator, so you take another piece tomorrow" He warned the boy as he cut out a piece from the cake. 

"Okay! Tell me what happened today!" Jaehyun asked his Father as he grabbed the plate from him.

"Nothing much..... How did the race go today?"

"I got second in the race! Appa, you remember telling me Jonghyun uncle is a fast runner right?"

"Oh yes he is! There was this one show where he ran like lightning you know? He was so fast....."

And the two spent the night talking about many things in the past.

A/N : Late, but double update!

Isn't Hyunnie cute! Ugh I just wanna kiss him and hug him forever and ever!! And yes, Jiyoung does know Onew. He was a star, in the story.

Anyways, Thanks @GoldenAngelFeather! I hope u like the story!

Till then,

CUD's............ Annyeong~!!! ♥

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C3cilia #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!!!What did she notice?!?! Can't wait for next chapter
C3cilia #2
Chapter 10: I bet jiyoung is watching them. Ani. Authornim your story us good. Its okay if u cant come up with any idea. I know its hard.
C3cilia #3
Chapter 6: Oh so thats what happen. Oh, Sehun u should have not doubted her. -_-
C3cilia #4
Chapter 4: No problem authornim, i really enjoy your fanfic. Omo they kiss!!! Ah~ cant wait for the next chapter!!! >~<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 3: Cant wait to read more!! I was wondering why is Jiyoung is dating Sehun if she doesnt even like him? Was she force to by her dad??