Is there a chance?


The next day, Kyungsoo sighed as he stared at Jongin who was asleep with his head on Kyungsoo's lap.

Or so he thought.

"Kyungsoo, why did you sigh? Is there something wrong?" Jongin held Kyungsoo's hand which was caressing his face. 

"Jongin, I really really want you to see again, trust me... but..." Kyungsoo couldn't continue his words so he ended up sighing.

"Tell me, baby." Jongin kissed Kyungsoo's palm.

Kyungsoo smiled at the nickname. It was always his weakness.

"It's just that, I don't want you to hope. I don't want you to get disappointed in the end."

"Kyungsoo, I'm not one to hope so high and you know that, right?"

"But Jongin, even if you don't say it, I know you're frustrated." Kyungsoo's tears fell without warning.

Jongin felt the tears so he sat up and hugged Kyungsoo.

"Do you know why though?" 

"Because you're blind?" 

"No, baby. I'm frustrated because I always think that my disability is a burden to you. I'm frustrated because I'm worried about you."

"You know I will love you no matter what, right? I'd rather be with the person I love who can't see than any person who I don't love. That's just plain stupid." Kyungsoo cupped Jongin's face.

Even with Kyungsoo's reassurance, Jongin still looks hesitant.

So Kyungsoo squished his face which made Jongin whine.

"Kyungsoo, I'm probably looking like a fish now!" Jongin whined.

"This fish is the fish that I love then. You always forget one thing whenever you think negative."

"What is that?"

Kyungsoo kissed Jongin and the latter kissed back and held Kyungsoo waist close.

"You always forget that we met before. That before, we were both nobodies. So tell me now, why would I get tired of you when our childhood was far worse than this?"

Jongin could only smile as he hugged Kyungsoo tightly as the latter laughed.

After awhile, Luhan and Sehun came.

"Hi guys!" Luhan hugged both Kyungsoo and Jongin who was cuddled in the couch.

"Hi there!"

"So, let's go Jongin?" Sehun held Jongin's hand as the latter stood up.

"Please be careful. Both of you." Kyungsoo hugged both Sehun and Jongin tightly as the two friends chuckled.

"Don't worry, Kyungsoo hyung."

"Be careful, please Jongin. Don't wander around." Kyungsoo cupped Jongin's face.

"Yes, baby. I'm no kid to wander now." Jongin rolled his eyes.

"No one's too young to wander. Especially you, Kim Jongin." 

"Yes, baby. We're going now." Jongin wanted to kiss Kyungsoo's forehead but unfortunately, he kissed his hair.

"Missed." Kyungsoo smirked as Jongin pouted.

So later on, Luhan and Kyungsoo were the only ones in the house.

"So, Kyungsoo..."

"Luhan hyung, do you think what we're doing right now is ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if we end up making Jongin have false hope?"

"Don't lose hope already. We haven't even been starting."

"It's just that... why Jongin?" Kyungsoo began sobbing.

"Kyungsoo..." Luhan hugged Kyungsoo tightly.

"There's so many bad people in this world. But why is Jongin suffering again? He suffered so much ever since childhood. Why until now? Why does he need to suffer until now?"

"This ugly nerd is on my way, kick him!" One bully said.


Jongin was then kicked at the side. He winced silently at the pain.



"Such nerd like you don't belong in this school, Kim Jongin. I mean, why do you even exist?" 


The whole crowd in the hallway laughed at how pathetic Jongin was... except for Kyungsoo.


So when the bell rang, everyone ran to class except for Jongin who was still in pain and Kyungsoo who was worried so he went near Jongin.


"W-What do you want? D-Do you also want to look at how pathetic I am closely?" 


"No. Why would I be like that? I'm also a nobody like you."


"Really? Doesn't seem like it."


"I thought I made it clear that I'm a friend."


"Are you really, D.O.? What if you're just one of those fake people Chanyeol told me about?"


"Do you really think of me that way?" Kyungsoo went to get his aid kit at his backpack.


"Then tell me honestly, should I think of you that way?" 


Kyungsoo looked at Jongin's eyes and he was sad that he saw those sad eyes.


"No. Because I want to be with you, Jongin." Kyungsoo put medication on Jongin's bruise at the knee which made the latter wince.


"Really D.O.? You won't abandon me? Because I had enough of people abandoning me..." Jongin looked down.


As soon as Kyungsoo placed the band aid on the bruise, he helped Jongin stand up.


"I won't abandon you."


Jongin hugged Kyungsoo suddenly that made Kyungsoo surprised.


"Thank you, D.O. I guess I only have you. My parents... they don't care about me. Always in bussiness trips. I hope you won't make me feel lonely, yeah?"


"Never." Kyungsoo smiled at Jongin which made the latter smile back.


They both went to class with fingers interlaced.


"Woah, that's some story, Kyungsoo."



"He doesn't deserve the bad things in life. He's got enough of them."


"But Kyungsoo, did you ever thought that there's this one thing that makes all the bad things worth it for him?"





"It's you, Kyungsoo. I know that I have no idea about your past but I'm quite sure that Jongin doesn't give a care about his dark past as long as he got you now. So you should be strong for him. He's holding onto you, you know?" Luhan gently cupped Kyungsoo tear stained face.


Kyungsoo only nodded as they both hugged again.


While at the hospital, Jongin and Sehun was just sitting at information center when they heard a familiar voice.


"Sehun? Jongin?"


They both looked at the owner of the voice and Sehun saw Chanyeol.


"Who is it?"


"You can't see anymore?" Chanyeol sat next to Jongin and waved his hand in front of the other.




"What are you doing here?"


"Waiting for any news of available eyes that can make Jongin see again. Wait, why are you dressed in a hospital gown? You're sick?"



Jongin suddenly froze. Chanyeol is confined?





"Umm, where's Baekhyun hyung?"


"Umm, about that-"


"You haven't told him yet?" Jongin said.


"What do you mean? Chanyeol hyung?"  Sehun was beyond confused.



After a few silence...




"Can't breathe." Chanyeol clutched his chest.


Jongin was panicking but he doesn't know what to do.


"Doctor! Please help us!"


Soon, Chanyeol was in the operating room.


"So you're saying that Chanyeol needs a heart transplant?"


Jongin nodded.


"And he broke up with Baekhyun without letting him know about his sickness?"


Jongin nodded again.


"...Should I call Baekhyun and tell him this? I mean, Chanyeol-"


"Call him. I know that Chanyeol needs him. Chanyeol can't do this alone." Jongin's tears fell but he quickly wiped them.


So Sehun called Baekhyun and gave the phone to Jongin.




"Baekhyun hyung..."


"J-Jongin? How are you?"


The hoarseness of Baekhyun's voice was obvious.


"I've been doing fine. How about you?"


"I'm so broken. Chanyeol haven't been at school for months. I'm going crazy! Do you know what's happening?"


"Baekhyun hyung, I want you to calm down first."


"W-What do you mean?"


"Chanyeol hyung... he's at the hospital right now. He has a weak heart and he's in need of a heart transplant."



Jongin received no answer and then he heard the "beep" sound which indicate that Baekhyun ended the call.


"What did he say?"


"He ended the call."


30 minutes later, Chanyeol was in the ward.


"Why aren't you at home yet?"


"We wanted to see you wake up."


"I'm sorry for worrying you guys. You can come home now." 


"But you're alone, hyung."


"I can manage. I'm getting used to it." Chanyeol smiled bitterly.


"Chanyeol hyung, don't be like this." 


"Sehun, it's ok. Hey, what if your lovers are already waiting for you guys?"


"We called them awhile ago. They don't mind."


After minutes of silence, the door suddenly slammed open and revealed Baekhyun.


"Baekhyun hyung..." Jongin smirked.


"PARK CHANYEOL, I HATE YOU SO MUCH." Baekhyun went straight to Chanyeol and hugged him.


"Baek... why are you here?"


"How dare you lie to me, huh? How dare you!" Baekhyun cried at Chanyeol's chest.


"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to suffer."


"Stupid. No matter what, I'll always worry about you because I love you, Chan."


Jongin smiled as he remembered Kyungsoo saying the same thing.


"Don't shut me out." 


"I won't now. I love you."


"I love you too. We'll fight this."



'We'll fight this.' Jongin said to himself.


'Kyungsoo and I will fight this... together. Also with Sehun and Luhan.' Jongin silently chuckled at his thoughts.


Sehun then received a message from the doctor.


"Jongin... about your transplant..."


The people in the room suddenly turned quiet in anticipation for what was about to come.


But Sehun's face seem unreadable.


"It said that..."







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Cri_kpop #1
Chapter 17: oww that was so sweet e.e
Thanushika #2
Chapter 17: Oh that was an unexpected ending! But whatever...aww!!!! Soo carrying jongie's baby!!! Omg!! I love this so much!!!!!
kim_exolover #3
Chapter 11: I hope channie gets well soon !!
Kaisoo cute!
Don't let channie die
kim_exolover #6
Chapter 10: Cute kaisoo
But wat about baekyeol. Pliz don't let chanyeol die :-(
Authournim if channie dies I swear I'll haunt u in ur dreams
XD hehehe
DO_squishy_SOO94 #7
Chapter 10: kaisoo feels makes my head hurts lol!
kkaebsong365 #8
Chapter 10: YES!! Jongin's gonna see again and they are gonna get married!! Unless you are planning to troll us. Make Chanyeol live too!! Baekyeol can't be depressing!! They are the breakfast couple, the happy viruses!!!
Chapter 9: IT SAID THAT WHAT? D:< ;-;
kkaebsong365 #10
Chapter 9: Sehun and his pocker face....let it be good news!!