Say what you really mean.


Kyungsoo breathe heavily as he was in front of Luhan's doorstep. It sure is nerve-wrecking to enter his best friend and what used to be his dorm room at the moment.

He inhaled and exhaled slowly before knocking on the door.

What shocked him was the state Luhan was in.

Luhan's hair was sticking everywhere, his eyes puffy and red. Did he also mentioned that Luhan was looking thin despite the incident happening not even 24 hours long?

"You look... bad."

"Hi to you too, Kyungsoo." Luhan chuckled lowly.

Kyungsoo went inside and his eyes grew wider, if that was possible, when he saw the state of the room.

The vase was broken, pillows scattered everywhere, and ice cream tubs at the table.

Typical heartbroken Luhan. 

"Hyung, have you eaten?" 

"If Ice cream is considered, then yes." Luhan sat at the floor and Kyungsoo sat next to him.

"If you eat these tubs of ice cream, why do I think you look so thin?" 

"I guess I need Sehun than food more." Luhan chuckled bitterly.

"Hyung... why did you do that?"

"I don't know, to be honest. I guess I don't want to be awkward with an ex."

"How serious was your relationship with Doctor Wu was?"

"Pretty serious. We were close to marrying each other... but he cheated on me." Luhan looked down.

"Sehun... is pretty broken too, you know? He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't even go out of the room. I feel bad, you know?"

"It's my fault. If I only thought of his feelings..." Luhan started crying in his palms.

"Hyung, do you still love Sehun?"

"I love him, Kyungsoo. So much. I would probably die of I ever lose him and right now, I feel like it."

"Then why, Luhan hyung? Why did you do that?"

"Because I want to be friends with Kris again. I didn't tell Sehun because I know how concious he gets. I don't want to hurt him."

"But did it ever crossed your mind, what Sehun felt that you didn't trust him enough to share your relationship with Kris? And to think that I was actually there to witness everything, hyung."

"I'm so sorry." 

"And hyung, you'll break up with Sehun if he continues being immature?! I mean, what was that?! Would you really do that?" Kyungsoo upset suddenly when visions of Sehun crying his heart out to him last night came to him.

"I was frustrated at the time. We fought." 

"But say something you would really mean, hyung!" Kyungsoobegan crying too.

"Why are you suddenly crying?" Luhan scoffed.

"Because... I made a mistake like that, hyung." 

Luhan looked at him as the latter continued sobbing silently.

"I once hurt Jongin like that. And I couldn't forgive myself even though he forgave me."

"Oh, it's Do Kyungsoo! Hey, Kyungsoo!" Some guys went next to Kyungsoo as if they were close and Kyungsoo was probably close.

"Listen here, Do. You have to hurt Kim Jongin, you hear me?" One guy whispered to Kyungsoo's ear. 

"I would never." Kyungsoo glared at the guy.

"Come on, Do. If you don't do it, we might hurt the ugly kid ourselves." 

Kyungsoo looked at the other guys and he was sure that Jongin will really get hurt so bad if they ever hurt Jongin.

"You can't do that." 

"Oh, we can. We won't if you hurt him yourself, right boys?"

The others nodded his head.

"So... you hurt him or we hurt him?"

Kyungsoo closed his eyes for awhile and inhale deeply.

"I'll do it. Just please don't touch him." 

The boys nodded their head and left.

At the sidewalk, the boys were spying on the two boys.

Kyungsoo knew he had to do it or else Jongin will be dead meat.

"Jongin... let's stop this."

"What do you mean, D.O.?"

Kyungsoo bit his lip.

"Let's not talk to each other again. I don't want to see your disguisting face. I only pitied you. To be honest, you're so boring to be with and such a burden. I'm not a nurse to aid you. You're a ton of work. I'm already having a hard time making it through high school and you're putting me down. I'm sorry Kim Jongin but they were right. Why do you even exist?" Kyungsoo looked up with glassy eyes to see Jongin already crying.

"I-I thought you were different, D.O. I thought I could trust you!" Jongin ran away.

"Aww, there comes the baby." The boys get out of their hiding place.

"You did good, Kyungsoo. I knew you would hurt him badly."

Kyungsoo hands were turning into fists.

"I mean, a creature like him doesn't deserve to be happy."

Kyungsoo had enough.

"No, you're the creature who doesn't deserve to be happy."

The boys' laughter stopped.

"What are you saying, Do?" The boy raised Kyungsoo's cheek.

Kyungsoo didn't waste the chance to punch the guys face.

The other boys attacked Kyungsoo.

They kicked him, punched him until the principal caught them.

It hurts but Jongin is hurting much more, Kyungsoo knows that.

The next day, he went to school with a cast on his left arm and right leg. He also has bruises on his face.


Jongin's back was faced to Kyungsoo.

"I-I don't want to talk to you. Don't play with my feelings again. You're just like everyone else? But I guess you're all right. Why do I even exist? Well then, blame my parents for a creature like me." Jongin walked away, not even sparing Kyungsoo a glance.

At the cafeteria, Kyungsoo sat alone.


Everyone was surprised and saw Jongin who dropped his food while looking at Kyungsoo.

Everyone went back to what they were doing because... Jongin was clearly a nobody.

Kyungsoo looked down as Jongin ran to him.

"W-Who d-did this to you?"

"Apparently, Bigbang." (I'm sorry to the VIPs!!!)

"Huh? What? W-Why?"

"They threathened me. If I don't hurt you, they will. I can't afford them to hurt you." Kyungsoo's tears started falling.

"But why did they beat you up?"

"Because I hurt you."

Jongin stood there, speechless.

"I wanted to get hurt so I would think it's even. I also got gurt because of you. But no, the thought that I hurt you, hurt more than these beatings I got."

Jongin smiled and hugged Kyungsoo.

"I love you, D.O."

"I love you too, Jongin."

Luhan stared at his best friend as the latter stood up.

"You should get him back fast. I don't want the both of you to suffer much longer."

"You're a strong guy, Kyungsoo. I'm proud to have you as my best friend." 

Kyungsoo just smiled and left.

Later at night at their room.

"So how's Luhan hyung?" 

"Looks terrible." Kyungsoo cuddled next to Jongin.

"So, what did he say?"

"He would get Sehun back."

"And what did you talk about?"

Kyungsoo smiled a little and Jongin knew they talked about something.

"Hey, baby. What is it?"

"I talked about... the time I lied to you."

"Which one?" Jongin teased.

"Yah, it was only one time!" Kyungsoo whined on Jongin's chest as the latter caressed his hair.

Silence enveloped them and Kyungsoo sighed.

"I'm really sorry, Jongin."

"Kyungsoo, you know I forgive you already."

"But I hurt you so much. I can't seem to forgive myself."

"It's the past, baby." 

"It's just that-" Kyungsoo s his arms around Jongin as the latter does the same.

"Kyungsoo, it's done. You can't undo it. And you got hurt physically! It's worse than what you did to me."

"No, it's not." Kyungsoo pouted.

"Just sleep now, ok baby?"

"I love you." Kyungsoo reached up to peck Jongin's lips.

"I love you too."

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Cri_kpop #1
Chapter 17: oww that was so sweet e.e
Thanushika #2
Chapter 17: Oh that was an unexpected ending! But whatever...aww!!!! Soo carrying jongie's baby!!! Omg!! I love this so much!!!!!
kim_exolover #3
Chapter 11: I hope channie gets well soon !!
Kaisoo cute!
Don't let channie die
kim_exolover #6
Chapter 10: Cute kaisoo
But wat about baekyeol. Pliz don't let chanyeol die :-(
Authournim if channie dies I swear I'll haunt u in ur dreams
XD hehehe
DO_squishy_SOO94 #7
Chapter 10: kaisoo feels makes my head hurts lol!
kkaebsong365 #8
Chapter 10: YES!! Jongin's gonna see again and they are gonna get married!! Unless you are planning to troll us. Make Chanyeol live too!! Baekyeol can't be depressing!! They are the breakfast couple, the happy viruses!!!
Chapter 9: IT SAID THAT WHAT? D:< ;-;
kkaebsong365 #10
Chapter 9: Sehun and his pocker face....let it be good news!!