

"How could you do that?!"

"I know! What the heck came over me!"

"I mean how can you just freaking shout like that?! Your image is ruined!"

"I know, Luhan hyung. Everyone knows his my crush! Aish!"


Kyungsoo stopped infront of a chest. He looked up and saw Oh Sehun, Luhan' suitor and Jongin's bestfriend.

"Hi Luhan hyung! Hi Kyungsoo hyung!"

"Oh, hi Sehun."

"Hi Sehun!"

"So... you like my bro?"

Kyungsoo blushed a deep shade of red.

"It's actually quite obvious, Sehun." Luhan smirked.

"No. It actually sounds like you have fantasies for him."

"Aish. What do I do with my life?" Kyungsoo buried his face in his palm.

"Cheer up, Kyungsoo hyung! Atleast you can just publicly show that blush of yours."

"Aish, you're not helping me!" Kyungsoo pouted.


Kyungsoo looked and saw a ball coming his way...


Kyungsoo fell to the ground.

"You ok, Kyungsoo?"


A hand was shown infront of him.

"You ok?"

Kyungsoo looked up and saw Kim Jongin...


"Oh, you know me."

'Of course I do. I already embarrassed myself because of you so many times already.'


"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"

"Umm, well I guess I'm ok."

Kyungsoo held Jongin's hand, no doubt he felt butterflies, and wobbled as he went next to Luhan.

"Should I take you to the clinic?"

"No. Luhan hyung would do it for me."

"Oh. Ok, sorry again." Jongin left.

"Ouch." Kyungsoo rubbed his red forehead.

"Let's go."


"Aish. I'll be late for class!" Luhan pouted.

"Then I'll take him to the clinic."

"Won't that bother you?"

"Of course not. We don't have a teacher today. So it's sonewhat a free time."

"Are you sure?"

"Just go."

"Thanks Sehun." Luhan ran.

At night, Kyungsoo was asleep and Luhan wasn't home yet, or so he thinks.


The loud crashing of the door awakened Kyungsoo.

'Who's there? Is that Luhan hyung? No it can't be! Luhan hyung never slams the door! A robber got in? Omo!'

Kyungsoo took Luhan' soccer ball for defense.

He went downstairs and it was dark.

"Who are you?!"

Kyungsoo saw a shadow that froze so he hit it.


Kyungsoo opened the lights and saw someone unexpectable.


"Omo! Why are you here?!"

"Ouch." Jongin rubbed his head.

"I'm really sorry. Wait." Kyungsoo went to get the 1st aid kit and quickly went back.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were a robber."

"Atleast Luhan hyung won't worry that you can't protect yourself anymore." Jongin chuckled.

"Aish. That hyung."

While massaging the head...

"So why are you here?"

"Luhan hyung told me to get his wallet."


Kyungsoo secretly looked at Jongin and saw that he has new bruises.

'Where did he got those? He was fine awhile ago.'

"Did I also bruised your face?"

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo's eyes and looked down again.

"No. I-I just got into a f-fight."

"Aish. When did you become a bad boy?"

"I wasn't. I never will be. I just felt the need to get into the fight." Jongin smiled sheepishly.

"I thought you're going to be only a good kingka." Kyungsoo smiled softly.

"You know me?"

'Does this guy have amnesia or something? Omo! I'm crushing on a guy who can't remember anything at all!'

"Yeah. I know you."

"I have to go."

"Yeah sure."

Jongin left without saying goodbye.

The next day, Kyungsoo entered class and people began whispering about him.

"He likes our Kai oppa."

"I heard Kai oppa got into a fight because of him."

He froze at what he heard.

"No. I-I just got into a f-fight."

"I wasn't. I will never be. I just felt the need to get into the fight."

'Why would he even fight for me? Nothing bad happened to me. Well, maybe except for that ball... wait, they can't fight just because I got hit by a ball, right?!'

"Really? Who is he anyway?"

"I don't know either. What's so special about him?"

Kyungsoo's hands turn into fists.

But suddenly...

Hands held his.

"Do Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo looked up with teary eyes and saw Sehun's worried face and Jongin's curious face in the background.


'Damn. Why is my voice this hoarse? I haven't even cried yet!'

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing." Kyungsoi faked a smile.

Kyungsoo saw Jongin bit his lip.

"Umm, is there anything you need?" Kyungsoo wiped his tears on the corner of his eyes.

Kyungsoo didn't miss Jongin's hand pinching Sehun's side and Sehun's displeasant face didn't go unnoticed.

"Umm, I just wanted to check on you. Luhan hyung was worried sick because you two didn't go to school together today."

"Oh. Thanks for caring." Kyungsoo laughed lightly.

"...I'm glad."

'Did Kai just... no! Don't assume things!'

"What did you say, Kai?"

"Uh... umm, just call me Jongin. No one calls me Kai anymore and it's uncomfortable."



What a hopeless love... 

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Cri_kpop #1
Chapter 17: oww that was so sweet e.e
Thanushika #2
Chapter 17: Oh that was an unexpected ending! But whatever...aww!!!! Soo carrying jongie's baby!!! Omg!! I love this so much!!!!!
kim_exolover #3
Chapter 11: I hope channie gets well soon !!
Kaisoo cute!
Don't let channie die
kim_exolover #6
Chapter 10: Cute kaisoo
But wat about baekyeol. Pliz don't let chanyeol die :-(
Authournim if channie dies I swear I'll haunt u in ur dreams
XD hehehe
DO_squishy_SOO94 #7
Chapter 10: aww...my kaisoo feels makes my head hurts lol!
kkaebsong365 #8
Chapter 10: YES!! Jongin's gonna see again and they are gonna get married!! Unless you are planning to troll us. Make Chanyeol live too!! Baekyeol can't be depressing!! They are the breakfast couple, the happy viruses!!!
Chapter 9: IT SAID THAT WHAT? D:< ;-;
kkaebsong365 #10
Chapter 9: Sehun and his pocker face....let it be good news!!