At least I have you.


The next day, Sehun didn't want to go to school and locked himself at the guest room.

Soon, Kyungsoo was walking Jongin to school.

"Baby, you know that you don't have to bring me to school. I'm capable. What if you get late?"

"Jongie, it's okay. And we don't have first period today because Ms. Im is absent. And, it's my first time seeing your school." Kyungsoo pouted.

They arrived at the gate and the both of them were hesitant to let go of their interlaced hands.

"I'll see you later, baby." Jongin planned to pat Kyungsoo's head but patted his face instead which made Kyungsoo laugh.

"Hey, what now?" Jongin pouted.

"You've been patting my face." Kyungsoo chuckled.

Jongin pouted again as Kyungsoo cupped Jongin's cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you, Jongie." Kyungsoo said breathlessly in which made Jongin softened.

"Me too, Kyungsoo. I love you." Jongin held Kyungsoo's hands that were still in his cheeks.

"I love you too." Kyungsoo tiptoed to give Jongin a peck but Jongin pulled closer by carrying Kyungsoo on his waist for Kyungsoo to reach him without tiptoeing.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"I knew I'll miss your kisses too. Stop giving me such short pecks." Jongin pouted.

"Okay, okay. Bye." Kyungsoo gave Jongin a bear hug and kissed him on the cheeks.

"Stay beautiful, okay baby?" Jongin smirked.

"Shut up." Kyungsoo blushed as he pushed Jongin inside.

At school, Kyungsoo and Luhan were walking side by side.

"Is Sehun okay?"

"We don't know, honestly. He locked himself at the guest room since yesterday." Kyungsoo sighed.

"I've completely broke him." Luhan was starting to get teary-eyed.

"No, don't cry. It's not as if you're any better."

"But he won't even go to school. I understand that he doesn't want to see my face but this is for his future." Luhan groaned, frustrated.

"Then fix it quickly before he ruins himself."

"Then, can I go to your house? For us to talk?"

"Of course."

Then a bunch of 3 girls pushed both of them which caused them to fall.

It was Hyorin, Suzy, and Taeyeon. (AN: I love them! I just wanted to pick the pretty ones...)

"You two are really so full of yourselves." Hyorin smirked.

"I mean, this nerd over here already stole Kai oppa and now you..." Taeyeon looked at Luhan from head to toe with disgust.

"We gave you Sehun oppa because we thought you won't break his heart, but wrong! You're so flirty. I mean, do you even have the decency to flirt with other people when you have Sehun? Do you craved that much for men? How pathetic of you, Xi Luhan." Suzy flicked Luhan's forehead.

"You don't know anything!" Kyungsoi stood up but then was slapped harshly by Hyorin.

"Don't you even talk, Do Kyungsoo. Just because you have Kai oppa doesn't mean you're pretty. I mean, you must have bewitched him to love you!" Hyorin said, frustrated.

"Poor Kai oppa. When will he wake up from this nightmare?" Suzy pouted.

"Yeah, I mean, he doesn't deserve someone like you. An ugly, little nerd. What a hateful sight." Taeyeon sighed sadly.

"Let's stop wasting our mouth with them. How about let's just waste these heels?" 

"Hmm... okay. I bet they're worth the heels."

Before they can start kicking the two with their incrediblely high heels...

"What do you think you're doing?"

The five students looked at the owner of the voice.

It was Sehun.


Sehun stood with his poker face on but he glared a little.

The three girls ran to Sehun.

"Sehun oppa, are you okay?"

"Oppa, did he hurt you so much?"

"Sehun oppa, we're here for you."

"What were you two doing?"

Sehun's cold voice made the five other students shiver.

"We..." Taeyeon looked at the other girls for an answer.

"We were punishing them, oppa." Hyorin smirked.

"Why did you do that?"

"Oppa! He hurt you. Why are you siding with a person who just cheated on you?" Suzy scoffed as he let go of his hold on Sehun.

"Suzy's right, oppa. He hurt you. He deserves to get hurt too." Hyorin pouted.

Taeyeon just nodded cutely.

Luhan looked down. Maybe he does deserve to get hurt.

"The three of you should just go. I-I'll be in charge of here."

"But Sehun oppa-"


The three girls pouted but left eventually.

"Sehun, I thought you weren't going to school."

"I wasn't about to but Jongin pleaded me to lool after you. I can't just say no." Sehun helped Kyungsoo stand up.

Sehun looked at Luhan, whose head is still down.

Sehun fake coughed loudly for Luhan to hear.

Luhan looked up to be met by Sehun's hand.

Luhan looked down again as tears began streaming down his cheeks.

With his head down, Luhan began standing up by himself.

"A-Are you o-okay, Luhan?"

Luhan nodded in which made Kyungsoo frown.

But Sehun's eyes were roaming Luhan's body for injuries.

Found one. At his arm.

Sehun held Luhan's arm and saw a bruise in which shocked the two best friends.

"Kyungsoo hyung, go to class. I-I'll take care of Luhan."

"Okay..." Kyungsoo quietly left for class and the other two went to the clinic.

As Luhan was seated on the bed, Sehun was just leaning against the wall.

"Thanks... for coming." Luhan muttered 


Luhan was uncomfortable as he felt Sehun's piercing gaze directed at him.

"Is there something in my face?"

Sehun wordlessly went in front of Luhan and put a band aid on his forehead.

"W-What was that?"

"You're forehead also has a bruise." Sehun smirked at how red Luhan's cheeks were.

"S-Sehun, I-I'm sorry."

Sehun swallowed the tears that were trying to form into his eyes as he looked at Luhan who was sobbing quietly.

"I-I didn't mean to lie to you. I just... I didn't want to hurt you."

Sehun scoffed which made Luhan shook.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I told you before that I had an ex who I had a really serious relationship with. You were sulking and I thought if you meet him, we would fight over it." 

"Luhan, do you not trust me? I also told you that I would put the past behind. Did you not believe what I said?"

"I do. I just didn't want to make it worse."

"But you still lied, Luhan! The point here is you lied to me. And what did you say about breaking up with me if I continue being childish? Look at yourself, Luhan! For your information, you're actually more childish than me but I put up with you because I love you and you can never be Luhan if you're not childish. I accept you for who you are. I put up with all these problems but it takes you one unlikeable act to just say that?"

"I'm sorry, okay! I was frustrated! I was frustrated and sad because you forgot our monthsary! You forgot something I cherished and it pissed me off that why would you forget that?"

"I didn't forget that, Luhan. I was planning to surprise you at home."

Luhan and Sehun grew silent after that.

"Sehun, I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I'm not letting you go. I love you, Oh Sehun." Luhan hugged Sehun.


"I can't face another day without you. I've been feeding myself with ice cream and I can't even get bubble teas or coffees because they remind me of you and I don't know! It seems impossible to move on."

"I love you too."

Luhan stopped his inner rambling and looked at Sehun who had an amused smile on his face.

"You do?"

"Of course. Then why would I be the one with you here?"

"Don't ever run away again, please." Luhan clutched at Sehun's shirt real tight.

"I won't." 

They continued hugging with smile on their faces.

As for Kyungsoo, he picked up Jongin with a gloomy aura. And of course, Jongin noticed it right away.

"All right, tell me what's going on in my baby's mind." Jongin nuzzled his nose on Kyungsoo's hair.

They were riding a bus and Kyungsok just quietly leaned into Jongin's chest."

"You're hallucinating, Jongin. I'm fine." Kyungsoo tried hard to laugh but it obviously sounded fake.

"No, you're not. Stop lying to me." Jongin pouted as he pulled Kyungsoo near him.

"Well, we were bullied by Suzy, Taeyeon and Hyorin."

"Did they hurt you?" Kyungsoo suddenly started touching Kyungsoo's arms, feet, and lastly, face.

And Kyungsoo flinched when Jongin touched the his left cheek.

"Who slapped you?" Jongin suddenly sounded cold and it made Kyungsoo gulped.

"Hyorin." Kyungsoo muttered.

Jongin's fists immediately softened when Kyungsoo touched them.

"Don't get angry. They're not worth it."

"But they hurt you."

"And I'm still fine."

"I know but what if Sehun wasn't there?!"

"How did you know?"

"Sehun called me a while ago. Though he didn't tell me you got hurt too."

"I'm okay now."

"But Sehun also told me that he called you ugly and that you bewitched me..."


"They're evil. They don't even know you. I mean, how dare they judge you like that? They actually look worse than a wi-"

Jongin was stopped when Kyungsoo's lips landed on his.

"Stop talking, okay? I'm okay now. I have you and they don't so I have no reason to be insecure."

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too." 

They were interrupted when Baekhyun called Kyungsoo.

"Hello? Baekhyun hyung?"

"Guys..." Baekhyun' voice was hoarse.

"What happened?"

"Chanyeol... he's in life support."

The couple's smiles were replaced with looks of horror.

Chanyeol is in LIFE SUPPORT NOW?!

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Cri_kpop #1
Chapter 17: oww that was so sweet e.e
Thanushika #2
Chapter 17: Oh that was an unexpected ending! But whatever...aww!!!! Soo carrying jongie's baby!!! Omg!! I love this so much!!!!!
kim_exolover #3
Chapter 11: I hope channie gets well soon !!
Kaisoo cute!
Don't let channie die
kim_exolover #6
Chapter 10: Cute kaisoo
But wat about baekyeol. Pliz don't let chanyeol die :-(
Authournim if channie dies I swear I'll haunt u in ur dreams
XD hehehe
DO_squishy_SOO94 #7
Chapter 10: kaisoo feels makes my head hurts lol!
kkaebsong365 #8
Chapter 10: YES!! Jongin's gonna see again and they are gonna get married!! Unless you are planning to troll us. Make Chanyeol live too!! Baekyeol can't be depressing!! They are the breakfast couple, the happy viruses!!!
Chapter 9: IT SAID THAT WHAT? D:< ;-;
kkaebsong365 #10
Chapter 9: Sehun and his pocker face....let it be good news!!