Chapter 6

Flames of a Phoenix
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Eunji and Kai landed just outside the courtyard.

She turned and faced him. "Thanks for tonight, Kai. I guess I'll see you later."

Kai leaned down and kissed her again, slowly and gently. "Bye, Ji."

Eunji bit her lip and walked in the courtyard. Rain was already there, his arm in a cast and sling.              


Headmaster Kim was standing next to two buckets of soapy water along with a bunch of other cleaning supplies.

"How nice of you to join us, Miss Jung."

Eunji walked closer. "My apologies, Headmaster. I was…distracted and lost track of time."

"Well thanks to your tardiness, you will stay an extra minute for every minute you were late. I will be back in half an hour to see how you have done. Oh, and you cannot use magic to clean this. If you do, it will only worsen your punishment."

After the headmaster walked off, Rain glared at Eunji. "This is your fault. If you hadn't challenged me, we wouldn't be here."

Eunji grabbed a sponge and a bucket of water and walked to a large set of scorch marks. "I didn't challenge you," she said through clenched teeth. "You attacked me and I defended myself."


Rain laughed harshly. "I came at you and you broke my arm and took my Grellon."

Eunji applied her anger to the scorch mark on the smooth stone. "I did not take your Grellon, half of them came to me. They chose me."

Rain started circling her. "You're just a power-hungry little half-breed, aren't you?"

Eunji stood up and faced him. "Rain, I didn't want to fight you earlier. I don't want to fight you now. And just remember what I did to you and know that I can do far worse."

Rain angrily grabbed a broom and started sweeping up the phoenix feathers. The half hour passed in silence. Eunji had scrubbed up nearly all the scorch marks and Rain was putting all the feathers in bags. Headmaster Kim walked into the courtyard and surveyed their handiwork.

"That is a good start. Mr. Aviary, you may leave. Miss Jung, you are to stay here for another twenty minutes."

Rain set a bag of feathers down and walked away. Headmaster Kim pulled a steel pocket watch out of a pocket in his jacket and checked the time, then snapped it shut and followed Rain. Eunji sighed and pulled the bucket to another large scorch mark. She had just started to scrub when a bub

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Limonium #1
Chapter 12: This is one of the best kaiji fantasy fic. I really like the creatures and the storyline, how i wish you will continue this.
effaeffa #2
Chapter 5: I really don't understand anything now .
effaeffa #3
Chapter 4: Okay ~~ i don't understand this part
effaeffa #4
Chapter 3: Wow , and now kaiji moment is on .
effaeffa #5
Chapter 2: Woww~ dayummm . This story is perfectly fine . Awesome .
Chapter 12: This is good..I wish you back
Wow sounds interesting
Can't wait