Chapter 3

Flames of a Phoenix
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After a three-way phone call between her sisters to check in, and a pep talk from the socialite Luhan, Eunji finally felt ready to go meet some of her new classmates. The courtyard, although larger than any other she’d ever seen, was filled with mingling students and giant bonfires. She watched as some students showed off with small magic tricks and laughed as two students started a mock battle with miniature armies conjured from fire and ice.

            She crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned back against a stone pillar, enjoying the spectacle around her, when an icy hand on her shoulder made her jump.

            “Don’t do that, you scared me,” she scolded DJ as she turned around.

            DJ laughed. “Come on, I want you to meet some of my friends.” He grabbed her hand and started weaving through the crowd.

            “I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” she asked with a grin.

            He shook his head as he pulled her into a large group of students. The talking slowly stopped as everyone turned to look at her. Just by looking around, she could see that quite a few were vampires. They were the ones who were standing a bit further from the flames and had dimples beneath their bottom lips that hinted at their long fangs.

            “Everyone, this is my new friend, Ji. She’s part phoenix and fey, among other things. But she only likes to turn into flying creatures,” he slurred as he swung his arm around her and laughed, as if it were all a joke.

            He pointed toward a dark skinned girl with white hair and steel eyes. “That’s Stratus, and her boyfriend, Thor, is the tall one with the red hair showing off.”

            Eunji looked behind Stratus to see Thor wrestling with another guy.

            “The guy who’s getting his kicked is Dune, and Laura is the girl standing behind them,” DJ said, grabbing a cup from another vampire and chugging the contents. “And there’s some more phoenix, Blayz, Rain, and Ashe.”

            Eunji gagged as she smelled the stench of blood coming off DJ. “It was nice to meet all of you, but I’ll catch you later.”

            “Why you leaving so soon, babe? The party’s just getting started,” DJ protested, wrapping his arm tighter around her. “We could go find somewhere quieter.”

            She shoved him off of her, ignoring Stratus’ laughter as he fell on the ground. “We’ll talk tomorrow. You’re drunk.”
            “No I’m not,” he protested. “It’s only AB positive.”

            She shook her head disgustedly and looked to find another space with a few less people. While crowds had never bothered her, she preferred to observe and only interact with a few people who interested her.

            “Stupid drunk vampire. Like I’d go anywhere alone with him. He forgets I grew up with a vampire. Still have scars from her learning not to bite everyone,” she muttered, leaning against another pillar and looking around.

            “Then you’re probably immune to their bites, aren’t yo

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Limonium #1
Chapter 12: This is one of the best kaiji fantasy fic. I really like the creatures and the storyline, how i wish you will continue this.
effaeffa #2
Chapter 5: I really don't understand anything now .
effaeffa #3
Chapter 4: Okay ~~ i don't understand this part
effaeffa #4
Chapter 3: Wow , and now kaiji moment is on .
effaeffa #5
Chapter 2: Woww~ dayummm . This story is perfectly fine . Awesome .
Chapter 12: This is good..I wish you back
Wow sounds interesting
Can't wait