Chapter 12

Flames of a Phoenix
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In a wing of the school that no one used and everyone avoided, a cold wind rushed through, making the remains of curtains flutter. All the doors were boarded up and all the windows filled in. The wind stopped moving and blew violently in one spot. A shadow began to move and the wind took shape. DJ formed out of the wind. He was a shade, a spirit that cannot pass on because of ties to this world. DJ walked down the hallway making no sound, sure of his destination. When he reached the edge of the hallway, he stopped and bowed his head as if in prayer. The wall slid open soundlessly and DJ walked in. Here the walls were corroded stone covered in thick slime and plants that don't need the sunlight to survive. Shreds of the red patterned wallpaper hung on the wall, lending a sinister air in the eerie light. The edges of the stone were jagged, eroded by the acid that dripped from the ceiling. DJ walked until white gleaming bones appeared through his wraith body.


He stopped walking and dropped to one knee. "Master."

There was a low growl, the sound of rocks crashing against each other. Smoke appeared out of the gloom.

"You have failed, djamphir."

DJ gritted his ghostly teeth. "Yes, I have. But I came to ask a favor, Master."

The beast in the dark pulled its lips apart and revealed gleaming white serrated teeth. The beast laughed. "You have come to ask for your body back. You want another chance at your mission, djamphir."

DJ nodded. "Yes, Master."

The beast laughed and the grinning skull of a djamphir rolled to DJ as the beast shifted positions. Bones cracked as they grated against each other beneath the beast’s weight. "Now give me one good reason I should give you your body back, djamphir. You have failed once, you will f

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Limonium #1
Chapter 12: This is one of the best kaiji fantasy fic. I really like the creatures and the storyline, how i wish you will continue this.
effaeffa #2
Chapter 5: I really don't understand anything now .
effaeffa #3
Chapter 4: Okay ~~ i don't understand this part
effaeffa #4
Chapter 3: Wow , and now kaiji moment is on .
effaeffa #5
Chapter 2: Woww~ dayummm . This story is perfectly fine . Awesome .
Chapter 12: This is good..I wish you back
Wow sounds interesting
Can't wait