Chapter 11

Flames of a Phoenix
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Eunji woke the next morning lying in her own bed. She stretched and looked at the warm sunlight filtering through the French doors and heard a fire crackling in the fireplace. A soft knock sounded on the door. Eunji turned her head, not sure if she was imagining it or not. The knock came again, a little louder. No, she wasn't imagining it. Eunji threw back her blanket and unsteadily got to her feet. With one hand against the wall, she slowly made her way to the door. Eunji leaned against the wall and opened the door to see DJ. His green eyes stood out against his black shirt and white pants.


DJ pulled his arms from behind his back and held out a small bouquet flowers to her. "Here. It's a get well present."

Eunji grabbed the flowers. "Um…thanks, DJ."

DJ nodded. "Can I come in?"


Eunji hesitated a second, and then stepped aside and let him in. DJ walked in and looked around as Eunji walked to her bed and set the flowers down on the purple comforter.

DJ turned and looked at Eunji. "Ji, can I say something as a friend?"

Eunji sat on her bed. "Sure, DJ."

DJ walked closer. "I'm worried about you."


"Me? Why me?"

DJ looked at the floor. "I've known Kai for awhile, and I know what he's doing."

Eunji nodded. "Uh huh. And what's he doing?"

DJ looked back up and put his hand on her leg as he leaned forward. "He's using you, Ji. He does this with every new girl."

Eunji moved his hand off her leg. "Thanks for the concern, DJ, but I don't think…"


DJ put his hand higher on her leg. “Ji, I've known the guy for years, I know how he ticks. He only wants you for what you can do and what you can give him."

Eunji moved DJ's hand off her leg again and pushed him away. "I'm sure, but DJ, I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

"I'm sure you can, Ji, but let me help you."

A red flag went off in Eunji's mind and she scooted back in her bed, trying to reach the dagger under her pillow. "So what exactly did you have in mind?"

DJ walked to the foot of her bed and started pacing. "You're part djamphir, and I'm a full blooded djamphir. And I read somewhere that if a full blooded djamphir bites someone who has even the smallest amount of djamphir in them, they'll become full blown." DJ stopped pacing and looked at Eunji, fire burning in his green eyes. "I can help you access the djamphir part of you and then Kai won't be able to use you anymore. Ji, please let me help you."


Eunji leaned back, pretended to stretch, and grabbed the dagger from under her pillow. She held the dagger hidden under her forearm. The feel of cool diamond against her skin helped her think clearer.

"DJ, I really don't need your help. Thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine."

DJ climbed on the edge of her bed, crouched like a hungry panther about to spring. "Ji, please let me help you. Please."

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Limonium #1
Chapter 12: This is one of the best kaiji fantasy fic. I really like the creatures and the storyline, how i wish you will continue this.
effaeffa #2
Chapter 5: I really don't understand anything now .
effaeffa #3
Chapter 4: Okay ~~ i don't understand this part
effaeffa #4
Chapter 3: Wow , and now kaiji moment is on .
effaeffa #5
Chapter 2: Woww~ dayummm . This story is perfectly fine . Awesome .
Chapter 12: This is good..I wish you back
Wow sounds interesting
Can't wait