Chapter 11

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A/N: I was going to wait a few more days, but I guess I was just as excited to see the response as you all in wanting to find out what happens. And oh, I think Beast doesn't really sound like Beast themselves here, but it's fiction after all, so yeah. Hope you all enjoy this chapter :3




“Hyunseungie can have fun together.” The alpha leaned towards his ear. “Right, Sungminnie?”


Sungmin shuddered. He was a hundred and one percent sure that he had never met this alpha before, yet his name left the alpha’s mouth with such familiarity. It scared him to think that this alpha seemed to have come directly for him. Sungmin tried to wriggle out of the alpha’s hold, but the arm pulled him flush against the alpha’s body again.


“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re playing at, Junhyung-ssi.” Siwon beckoned with his fingers. “Return him to me.”

The alpha clicked his tongue twice. “I don’t think you have ownership over pretty Sungmin here.”

“Neither do you.” Siwon retorted, reaching out an arm towards them.


An unexpected tug from the third direction caused Sungmin to lose his footing and fall towards a fourth party, who caught him firmly. He was about to struggle when he realized the familiarity of the scent.




“I do,” Kyuhyun declared, holding him upright. His alpha fixed his bow tie, before wrapping an arm possessively around his waist like how the other alpha did.

Sungmin glanced at the warm, comforting hand before lifting his head to look at his alpha. As their eyes met, he dropped his gaze quickly as usual, lowering his head. It wasn’t because Kyuhyun was glaring at him. It may have been the same level of intensity as Kyuhyun’s usual stares, but Sungmin knew that those flames of anger weren’t for him. For the first time, Sungmin didn’t find the dominant aura of his alpha frightening. In that strong aura enveloping him, he felt safe and protected.

A finger ran past his fringe, tidying them to the side. Sungmin froze when the finger slid down, tracing his jaw before it joined lightly with other fingers on the side of his face. His alpha closed in, the fingers tilting his head slightly.

“Are you alright?” Kyuhyun asked, speaking right into his ear. His alpha’s hushed voice flushed out the background noise of the party.

Sungmin drew a quick, short breath before meeting his alpha’s eyes. “Yes, Master.”


At his response, a frustrated click of tongue sounded from Siwon.

“Oh,” Kyuhyun straightened himself, acknowledging Siwon’s presence with a hostile gaze, which confirmed that the anger wasn’t directed at Sungmin. It was at Siwon. “Nice to see you again, Siwon-ssi. Please excuse us.”


Without waiting for Siwon’s reply, Kyuhyun led him away from the scene, arm firmly wrapped around his waist, as they moved briskly towards another corner. Sungmin found Minhyuk and Jinhee waiting with another pair of alpha and beta.



“Are you okay, Sungmin?” Jinhee asked worriedly as they neared the group. Sungmin felt it distinctly when Kyuhyun’s arm slipped away from him.  

“I’m fine.” Sungmin turned, freezing when he saw that the alpha named Junhyung and his beta, Hyunseung, had joined them. Another pair of alpha and beta stood on the other side of Kyuhyun, seeming to have followed them over. Sungmin took a step backward, hiding himself partially behind Kyuhyun. His hand instinctively reached out for his alpha, but he caught himself in time before he grabbed Kyuhyun’s suit jacket.


“You scared him, Junhyung.” The beta named Hyunseung said.

Junhyung laughed, a stark difference from his dominant side earlier. He pulled Hyunseung close to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Isn’t that good? He will stay away from me and you won’t get jealous.” Hyunseung pushed his face away when Junhyung tried to kiss him the second time.


“Enough, boys, not here,” Jinhee chided, pulling Sungmin forward by his hand. “I’m sorry for leaving you alone; I sent my boys over to you right after.”

“Your… boys?”

“Introduce yourselves, brats,” Jinhee addressed the six suited men.


One of the alphas stepped forward, offering Sungmin a handshake. In his nervous state of mind, Sungmin briefly considered not taking the alpha’s hand to avoid any more contact with others. However, his manners surfaced, prompting him to reach out his hand. He didn’t want to come off as rude by rejecting a handshake.


“Nice to meet you, Sungmin-ssi. I’m Doojoon.” Doojoon released his hand. “My beta, Yoseob.” He pointed to the pair that followed them over. “This is Kikwang and Dongwoon. And Junhyung and Hyunseung, whom you already met.”


Sungmin bowed at each of them, his eyes lingering slightly longer on the alpha that had touched him.


“We are all adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Park, and are part of Kyuhyun’s team in the Youth Council.” Doojoon lowered his volume, “To be exact, we’re Kyuhyun’s bodyguards.”



Sungmin glanced at his alpha with a hesitant look.


“My father made them keep an eye on me since young,” Kyuhyun explained. “You can trust them.”

“Yes, Master.” Sungmin replied, finding himself finally relaxing around his alpha and away from strangers. He had yet to even remember the names of the six guys before him, but they weren’t strangers. Not after his alpha said he could trust them.


The alpha named Kikwang chortled, followed by the rest. Without notice, Kikwang took a step forward and ruffled Sungmin’s hair. “You answer so well to your master hur? How is it possible that you are the same feisty omega Kyuhyun talked about before today?”

Sungmin tensed up immediately, unable to stop himself this time from clutching the edge of his alpha’s jacket. They weren’t strangers, but that didn’t mean he was comfortable with them touching him.


“Hyung,” Dongwoon pulled Kikwang’s hand away. “You’re making Sungmin hyung uncomfortable.”

“Are you jealous like Hyunseung?” Kikwang teased.

“No, what are you talking about?” Dongwoon replied. Kikwang laughed, ruffling Dongwoon’s hair similarly.


Sungmin brought his hands up to tidy his hair, pushing his fringe away from his left eye. He didn’t even notice that he had grabbed his alpha’s clothes out of anxiety.


“So, what did Kyuhyun do to you to make you kick that attitude?” Yoseob asked. “Poor kid, Kyuhyun’s one strict alpha, isn’t it?”

He stole a glance at Kyuhyun, but his alpha was focused in a discussion with Minhyuk on a document in his phone, attention on them gone.

The six bodyguards were still staring at him when he turned back, expecting him to give a reply. Sungmin shook his head, not knowing what he should reply. There was no doubt that Kyuhyun was a strict alpha, but after the little incident earlier, Sungmin felt that he couldn’t speak negatively of his alpha. “I’m sorry…”


Fortunately, Jinhee came to his rescue. “Stop asking stupid questions, boys. Go get some dessert for me and Sungmin.”

“Get it yourself if you want to eat, Mum.” Kikwang replied, but Dongwoon silently moved towards the tables of food.

“Brat. If it wasn’t for your Dad, I’ll never tolerate you six—no, five. Dongwoon’s my only sweetheart.” Jinhee held Sungmin’s hand. “You make my second sweetheart, Sungminnie.”


Kikwang snorted, Doojoon shrugged, Yoseob waved his hand dismissively, while Junhyung and Hyunseung chuckled.

Sungmin returned Jinhee a tiny smile, before stealing another glance at his alpha.


One more fact to add on - Kyuhyun has six bodyguards.












“Here, have this.” Yoseob held out a fancy glass of alcohol to Sungmin, who was cu

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evil-bunny #1
Chapter 55: Hello authornim! I know it's kinda late to find such a beautiful, heartbreaking yet lovely, and I fall so deep in love in your writing, and I know that you haven't showed yourself in this site, but I just wanna say that I really really love this story and how it ends! It was a long journey through the story, and I finish it like in three days, couldn't help my self to keep on reading it until the end. How I wish I could read another story of yours, and probably I will after I finish this, and thank you so much for this masterpiece!

I came here to refeshen my memory of Kyuhyun and Sungmin because I'd been an unactive ELF for almost seven years, so I thought I wanna come back to those years full of love, and so I found this story and fall in love with it instantly and I just realize that I missed kyumin so much :"(
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 55: This story is amazing! All the bad things that could happen, in this story passed in only in 2 months! Thank you for sharing this story, it was really sad but it was really entertaining to read it.
EXOholic-itine #3
Please help me author I'm I can't save the story offline in app.. I really wanna read the whole story.. ???
hanimana #5
Chapter 55: Chapter 55: The best masterpiece i've ever read ... thank you so much for writing this story ... You don't have an idea how much i enjoyed... indescribable story that has ever been writen ... THANKS ??
re-reading this again!! It really keeps me away from loneliness. . . i really miss my OTP

Thanks again authornim for creating this wonderful story ??
Chapter 55: I just .... love your story ... although, i need to skip the parts when sungmin got claimed by siwon and so on and so forth ... but overall .... i love the plot, the story ... the characters ... and all ...
Chapter 55: I love it!thank you so much for this awesome history? I think I'll gonna read it again?
Chapter 55: Author-nim~ this story is literally one of the best written stories on this site. It was really really good
Now I’m sad it’s over TT.TT
Chapter 36: Omg this chapter has me feeling so frustrated! I don’t like how the society works in this story but laixjajalskaowwowidjsnansj what can I do~ I’m so glad this is completed because the anxiety of waiting for the next chapter would literally kill me