File 5: The Rescue

Duty vs. Love - Discontinued

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Sungjong fit an arrow into his bow, taking aim and releasing. The arrow snapped in half, laying in two broken pieces on the ground while a card was stuck in the wall, a colored joker.

There was a loud crash and dust and debris rained upon the group. Miho, Jungwon, and Erang, being the closest to the crash, coughed, shielding their eyes. 

"I'm afraid that you'll all have detention with me," Sooyeon calmly stated, holding multiple cards, alike to the one before between her fingers, calm and unfazed despite the fact that she just came through a barred window. She threw them and with precision, pinning the two males onto the wall. 

"Aw, you didn't even need us!" Taemin whined, popping his head through the wall. "Why'd we come Sooyeon-Noona?" 

"What I don't get is why we're dragged into this," Jeongmin groaned, walking into the hall with the rest of Boyfriend behind him.

"It's your fault," she hissed at them as a reminder before turning swiftly on her heel, walking down the hall. 

"Uh oh," Taemin mumbled, following her. "She's mad."

Woohyun looked at the guilty group of Boyfriend and Hoya silently, giving them a hostile glare, before following after her. Miho, Erang, and Jungwon looked at each other before chasing after the trio. As they left, Boyfriend and Hoya looked amongst each other before sighing and waiting with the two prisoners. 

By the time that Erang, Jungwon, and Miho had reached the room from before, Seungyeon was sitting against the wall, looking bruised but fine overall while Sooyeon was sitting on Sunggyu's stomach, clutching his collar angrily. The ones known as L and Dongwoo were slumped against each other, beaten and bruised while Taemin and Woohyun were staring with disbelief.

"Don't harm my students," Sooyeon hissed, shaking him.

"Students?" Sunggyu asked arrogantly. "Are they not the future Heads? If I recall correctly, your subordinates told them that 'only they could do it, no one else' or am I wrong?" 

"Future Heads?" she said bitterly. "I wish that I had fellow Heads to share my burden, but you seem to be mistaken. I am the one and only Head. Forever. Do not forget it. They are merely my classmates. I do not control my subordinate's love lives." She shoved him, standing up. She looked at Woohyun and Taemin. 

"Take them to detention and take care of my students. I'll be in my office," she said, standing up and brushing past the three shocked girls. She didn't spare a glance as she paused and muttered something coldly before walking off. 

"Who gets kidnapped so easily?" 

"What's her problem?" Seungyeon huffed, stomping around her dorm room where she and the other nominated Vice Heads were gathered. 


"I don't know, but I sure as h311 don't like her," Miho muttered, playing with her bracelet while on her stomach on Seungyeon's bed. Her eyebrows furrowed as she bit her lip nervously. "Where have I seen her before?" 

"I'm not too sure either, but I definitely saw her before," Erang mumbled, her face scrunched up in thought as she fiddled with her hair on Seungyeon's chair.

"I remember," Jungwon almost shouted, her eyes wide from the floor where she sat. "I think I remember how I met her now." 

"Do tell," Seungyeon said half-sarcastically as she flopped onto the bed beside Miho. "At least we'll have one mystery solved then." 

"Well, I was at the mall once and my friend and I were talking about a really cute clothing shop while eating ice cream," Jungwon started out. "We went to the shop and just looked around and stuff. We went and tried on cute clothes and looked at some jewelry. Aft-"

"Get on with it!" Seungyeon snapped impatiently. Jenny pouted.

"Well, fine," she said, sticking out her tongue. "Then, my friend started walking somewhere, I think she went to the bathroom, but she went really oddly, like she was possessed or something. So, I was just looking around at the clothes and jewelry without her but I saw someone just staring at the mirror really calmly, but no one was near her. I mean, this shop was always so crowded, but for some reason, there was almost like a barrier around her because people were almost avoiding her." She took a breath.

"Anyways, I walked up to her and started asking her about stuff like her name and her grade and her school because I couldn't recognize her school uniform at all. She was silent the whole time and after a while, I stopped talking because there wasn't much to talk about. So I just asked her, 'What'cha looking at?'

"She looked at me for the first time before turning back to the mirror, but she didn't answer me so I looked over her shoulder and all I could see was our reflection, but it was really weird, like it was blurry and stuff and I could see something else in the background, but I thought it was just a trick of the eye and all that other stuff. I got bored waiting for my friend so I took her hand and began to drag her around the mall, just talking and pointing out clothes. So, I dragged her into this other really cute store and we just looked at jewelry together.

"I think we spent like 3 hours before my mom called me so I said goodbye to her and when I was about to run off, she grabbed my hand and muttered, 'Sooyeon Choi' before she walked off. I was going to follow her, but my phone rang again and I ran to find my friend, who was hanging with a really cute guy by the way, before running to my mom's car who dropped my friend off before we went home." The room was silent.

"How interesting," Seungyeon said sarcastically, getting up. 

"Where are you going?" Erang asked her with confusion. 

"Out. Don't steal anything," she said, pulling on her sneakers and shutting the door behind herself. 

"Well that was nice," Miho said jokingly, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm going out," Jungwon half-sang, pulling on her shoes. "I need to go to the nurse." 

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Erang asked with wide eyes. 

"I just twisted my ankle yesterday. It's nothing big," Jungwon waved off. 

"Well, I have to get to my room," Erang excused casually. "I need to do my homework." 

"I should get going too. I'm craving some chocolate," Miho said, leaving first. Erang and Jungwon walked down the halls, talking about random topics until it led to what had happened yesterday. 

"I think that she could have been nicer about insulting us," Jungwon said stubbornly. 

"Well, we did refuse. Besides, an insult is an insult either way," Erang pointed out. "Oh, here's my turn. Goodbye." There was a mixed tone to her voice, a cross between confusion and, surprisingly, contentment as she turned left. 

"Okay. Let's meet up again later," Jungwon suggested, turning right with a wave. She bumped into someone right away. She cursed, her high voice contrasting the lower voice of whoever she bumped into. She blinked as the person got up, brushing himself off. He held a hand to her and helped her up

"Oh, hi!" Jungwon said with a smile, leaning on her less injured ankle. She held her hand out. "I'm Jungwon from Class 1-C. Who are you?" The boy stared at her for a bit before walking passed her. 

"Thanks for your help!" she sincerely called out to him. The boy's friend looked at her strangely. She noticed and turned to him.

"Is there something on my face?" she asked, touching her cheek with confusion. 

"Oh sorry," the male apologized. "That was the first time Jonghyun helped someone up. I'm Key by the way." He held out a hand and she took it with a smile. 

"Jungwon," she introduced. "Well, I have to be going to the infirmary."

"Oh why?" Key asked concerned. 

"I just hurt my ankle. It's no big dea-"

"Yah! Key! What's taking you so long?!" the boy, now identified as Jonghyun, shouted. Key rolled his eyes. 

"Wait here for a moment, okay?" he requested before half-jogging to Jonghyun. Their voices rang loudly, but their words were indistinguishable. The two argued for a few minutes and she just waited, watching them curiously. Jonghyun made a disgusted face before stomping towards her. He grabbed her bag roughly with one hand and held her hand in the other.

"Come on," he ordered, clearly upset. 

"O...kay?" she said, confused as she tried her best to keep up with him. Upon entering the nurse's office, he dumped her stuff on a bed and left her standing beside it. He rummaged around the cabinets, grumbling. 

"What are you doing standing up?" he growled when he turned around. He half-shoved her onto a bed and handed her an ice pack. "I'm leaving now." He turned and quickly left the room, the door shutting behind him. Jenny stared, mouth wide open before she finally registered what had happened.

"YAH! Who the h311 are you and what makes you think you can treat me like that?! Huh?! Idiot!!!!" she shouted angrily. She huffed, flopping on the bed and holding the ice pack to her ankle. She pouted, unconsciously acting cute. Outside, someone snickered, unnoticed by the blushing girl.

"You know, I really regret not listening to her now," Hoya groaned, his legs stiff as they all sat in the President and Vice President's Office with his hands up as if in surrender. 

"I sort of agree," Jeongmin complained, his arms shaking as he matched Hoya's position. 

"I'm still here," Sooyeon said from her desk, signing something, as Boyfriend and Hoya sat in a row, enduring punishment. The seven boys sighed.

"I don't get why we're here in the first place," Minwoo grumbled, pouting. 

"You all ignored my order: Do not disturb the ex-candidates," she said blankly, reading another document. She glanced at the clock on her desk. "You're all free to go now." There were collective shouts of happiness as the seven boys stood up and stretched. 

"Oh and Hoya?" Hoya stiffened as Boyfriend scurried out of the room to avoid her wrath.

"Don't plan anything else for them. We do not want them to get involved."


"No buts," Sooyeon broke him off sharply. "Our students should not be put in danger."

"They're more than your students!" Hoya protested. 

"They are simply my students," Sooyeon stressed. He stomped up to her desk, slamming his hands on the surface.

"Look me in the eyes Sooyeon-Noona and tell me they're simply students! You normally wouldn't have even went to rescue them in person, let alone threaten the leader of Infinite for them," he shouted. She looked him in the eyes with a blank, cold stare.

"They. Are. My. Students," she said firmly, her eyes locked onto his. He broke his eyes away first and began to leave, stomping in anger. He paused at the door, his hand on the knob. 

"Why do you always lie to yourself the most?" he murmured before leaving, the door shutting gently. Now alone, the girl heaved heavily and pulled her glasses off, placing them gently on the desk. She put her hands together, covering the bottom of her face, trying, in vain, to compose herself. She sighed again, quivering slightly before pulling on her glasses and grabbing her pen with a shaky grip. She rested her forehead on her hand, staring at the page and reading it, but not absorbing it.

A week passed and it was almost as if nothing had happened. Erang, Jungwon, Miho, Seungyeon, and Sooyeon acted as if they had never met and it was almost as if the kidnapping incident was only a dream. As ordered, none of the members of the Student Council bothered the four ex-candidates and they never paid attention to other lower-ranked officers in their classes.

At times the four girls would see a faint shadow of Sooyeon, passing the halls, but always away from them. At times, the four would pass by each other in the halls, but they only met eyes, a silent agreement made to have never met. Tales and rumors spread, however.

Miho became the somewhat-rebellious, but sweet girl while Jungwon was the hyper, happy girl. Erang was a teacher's pet, but she got along with everyone while Seungyeon only had to snap and fearful people would cater to her every whim. Not often, but conversations would sometimes briefly mention the President, talking shortly about her kind nature and her silence before moving on quickly. For a whole week, the four girls were somewhat content.

But there was always that lingering question.

That lingering "What if...?" that made them dream and wonder.

"Oh, it's you. Woohyun, right?" Seungyeon recognized the boy who was kneeling in front of a tree, his hands and knees dirty. His sleeves were rolled up and his usual vest was lying discarded on the ground. He looked at her with surprise.

"You remembered my name! Shouldn't you be in class?" he asked.

"Shouldn't you, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes?" she retorted, flopping against the tree on her back, her hands behind her head for comfort. "And for the record, my memory isn't that bad." 

"Oh, it's not like that, it's just I thought that you would choose to forget about what happened...before," Woohyun tried to assure without success. 

"It's not like it matters," she said shortly, her eyes closed as she easily recalled the kidnapping incident not too long ago. Woohyun gazed at her. 

"So are you going to tell on me?" he asked innocently, guilt lining his tone. Seungyeon broke out in to laughter. 

"For what? Ditching?" she asked with a smirk. "I'm technically ditching too you know." 

"No, I mean..." he tried to word.

"You mean telling to that bookworm of a President?" she guessed, readjusting herself so that her back was leaning on the wood of the tree. 

"Well...yes," Woohyun admitted.

"As if it matters," Seungyeon said, looking at him seriously. 

"Huh?" he asked. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure that she knows even if I don't tell her," Seungyeon stated. 

"What makes you say that?" he wondered curiously. 

"My gut feeling," she bluntly blurted out. He coughed somewhat awkwardly.

"Wake me when the bell rings," she ordered, her eyes closing. Woohyun looked around wildly, trying to say something, anything, but failed to as he watched her breathing even out as she fell asleep. He placed his jacket on top of her gently and sat against the tree next to her. He brushed a strand of her short hair out of her face and smiled before he whispered four words lost in the soft wind.

Seungyeon walked aimlessly around the school. The sound of a basketball bouncing on the pavement caught her attention. Bored out of her mind, she followed the sound and found a large number of various sports fields on the school campus. She raised her eyebrow when she saw one good-looking boy, practicing shots alone on the basketball courts. She walked closer, somewhat intrigued by the handsome guy.

"Yo," she greeted. He nearly jumped out of his skin, dropping the ball in shock before catching it just as quick. He looked at her with deep eyes.

"Hi," he greeted breathlessly, sweat pouring from his body and turning his grey shirt a darker shade. Though it was obvious that he was a student (since outsiders weren't allowed in the school), he had changed into a grey, baggy shirt, and black sweats.

"Mind if I join in?" she asked. He blinked, wiping his sweat off of the back of his hand. 

"Sure," he said after a while. He bent his knees, throwing her the ball, ready to block.

"Let's play," he decided. Seungyeon smirked.

"You're on," she laughed, dribbling. 

The boy panted heavily as Seungyeon aimed her final shot. He jumped, trying to block her throw, but swoosh! won the boy 28-24. He groaned, sitting on the ground with exhaustion. Seungyeon smirked and offered the boy a hand.

"Name's Seungyeon, Class 1-F. You?" 

"Minho Choi. Class 2-A," he greeted, taking her hand and standing up. A boy began running towards the two, calling Minho's name. 

"Oh, Onew," Minho greeted. 

"Minho! Did you forget? We were supposed to...Who's this girl?" Onew blinked. 

"The girl who just won this boy in basketball," Seungyeon said proudly. He blinked again.

"But no one's beaten him!" Onew gawked. 

"Whatever. I need to get going," Seungyeon waved off, picking up her discarded bag. She grabbed her jacket and began walking off with a backwards wave.

"Later," she said shortly, walking towards her dorm for a long, hot shower. (I'll never admit it, but that guy is really something. I don't really recall anyone coming that close to beating me in sports.)


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omg! omg omg! :O
So intresting!
update soon! :D
update soon! (:
OMG OMG OMG !<br />
THE SCENE !!!♥♥♥ <br />
THE SCENE !!! ♥♥♥:D Haha! I Love it ! <br />
Well besides the scene, It's amazing! <br />
Keep it up ! <br />
Update soon ^-^
Kkkk I love how you always write your chapters so lengthy ^_____^<br />
Keep it up!
I love it ! <br />
Don't keep me waiting for too long ! lol <br />
Can't wait to read how it all ends up! :DD
Please update really soon! I can't wait to hear everyone's reactions!!
berrysnowywinter #8
Update soon!
berrysnowywinter #9
Update soon!^^