✖ weekly idol with doni

SR14GB : Idol-in-Progress!
chapter eight 
weekly idol with doni

Everyone except for the maknaes groaned because it was a time where they had to give in to their beloved dongsaengs. "Yah. Donghyuck. Say something. Hyung will protect you if anything happens later. " Coni hyung urged.
"Donghyuck, don't listen to him-" "Where's Donghyuck-ssi? Yah. Bi An. Where's your manners?" He said confidently. Bi An could not stare and open in shock and disbelief. Her eyebrows twitched and only a word of daebak could pass through . She gritted her teeth and smiled even though she was angry. *See what happens to you then. See if your noonas or hyungs care.* 
"Seo youngho. Stand in the middle." Donghyuck ordered. Apparently he was getting more smug. Doni and Coni could only laughed evily and their uncle laughters as they see the kid order his hyung and noona around. Mark and Jeno could only shake their heads at the unfolding situation. They knew better than to do that because the consequences would have lasted a whole day if they were to enjoy this 10 minutes.
On the other hand, Bi An was feeling a little sympathy for that kid. Was he just plain dumb or did he have some sort of back up plan for him to survive the ordeal of angry seniors? Because, *I'm also going to get my hands on him and kill him.* She scoffed. "What did he do?" Hyungdon asked. "Johnny always make us bath together. Is being small a reason? Do you think I like being this way?" Mark and Jeno silently agreed.
"Then hit him." Coni suggested as he went forward to grab the hammer from the PD.
Donghyuck took it and with the new weapon and new profound idiocy, he did his warrior cry and smacked Johnny hard on the head with a clear and resonating sound. He clutched his head while staring at Donghyuck soulessly. "Yah, this crazy kid-" Doni and Coni stepped forward and held Johnny back from clutching onto his collar. Donghyuck immediately took flight and giggled as he took his place beside Taeyong. Lee Bi An probably had a death wish as well. What was she thinking? She probably wasn't.
"Pass me the hammer." She rolled the handle in the palm of her hand,"Those younger than me come out. Ppali! Dagawa." She curled her hair back her ears and they filed up in a straight row facing the cameras on the order of Coni. She laughed inwardly and just YOLO-ed her life. Taeyong was perplexed and was the first person in the queue.
"Chamkanmanyo. Are you going to hit every one of them?" "I can't? " she sweadropped for a moment because calling them up here was reason enough for her to get beaten up later.
"Then let's do it this way. You tell them what you want them to change and hit them while they have to stay yes to everything." Doni smiled an insane smile.
"Yah. Lee Taeyong." She smacked his head as hard as she could,"Too pretty." He was suffering from a dizzy attack and dont want to hear her complains right now. She suddenly felt someone tugging on her hair violently. Taeyong was irritated and hoped she suffered as much as he did.
Next in the queue was Johnny.."Stop using my handphone when I'm out. And stop taking selcas with them." She hit the same sore spot and he moaned in pain as he went running around, hoping to alleviate even a little of the hurtful sensation on his head. He came back to the same spot to tousle playfully with her, ranting about how she and Donghyuck would so regret this later. Bi An smiled wryly *I know and which is why all of you are gonna get hit. Because it would be meaningless if I don't. * "Kojo." She pushed Johnny away roughly as she chuckled to herself.
"Why is your korean better than me!" She jumped-hammered Ten to which he smiled meekly and rubbed his head naive and could hear him whispering to Johnny,"Hyung. I am going to take revenge on you again. The hammer seems fun!"
"Chamsinmanyo. Can I just hit because I want to?" "We can't protect you from the fans like that." They laughed in absurdness of the situation.
"Ahhh. So the reasons for the fans. To be honest I just want to hit people." She muttered under her breath. Doni and Coni sweatdropped and shouted to the PD,"Please cut that out!" They continued shrieking,"Yah. Is that how she's usually act? Yah. You guys have it hard. It must be tough taking care of her. michineo-jinja." To which she held the hammer up in the air, joking to be ready to beat the hell out of the two uncles.
"Ahjussi, help me! I'm running out of reasons!" She pondered as she and Yuta exchanged glances and let out a snort.
"And this is why I am a MC. Girl, listen up well. In the variety world... Hitting them without a reason is funnier." Doni exclaimed crazily and gave her an eyebrow wriggle. They high-fived each other.
Continuing her routine, she hit Yuta as hard as she could after saying how he was too handsome and that was such a crime to all those noonas out there. She seriously was running out of reasons. "Sumimasen. Sumimasen." She tried to hold back her laughter as she ruffled his hair from his squating position. Like using Japanese as an apology would make it all better. What hurts would hurt. He suddenly stood up and flicked her forehead before she could hit him back.
She sighed as she hit Jaehyun on the head and clicked her tongue. "Too much Suho in you." He snatched the hammer from her hand and hit her back with no held back force. "And too much Bi An in you. " He sticked out his tongue childishly. She clutched her head in horror and winced,"Jinja appa...?" Her voice had a slight tone of inquiry in it and all senses were lost as the two MCs chuckled benevolently at her, "That's what happened to GD and IU. They just stare in wonder of the world and what happens in life. It makes you think. " Hyungdon tried to quote smartly. "And because I'm so nice I would like to give some of you the chance to talk or teach your dongsaengs some manners."
His laughter was the cause of her uneasiness. "Taeyong the prince. Who would like like to bestow the great hammer unto?" Deffcon cackled beneath his great sunglasses of doom. "Danyonghajo, my princess.” He said with tightly pursed lips and ‘innocent’ eyes. “UNNIE, WENDY-UNNIE, I’M GETTING BULLIED?” Her danger sense tingled almost immediately and ran behind her trustworthy Wendy-unnie. She just chuckled at the young girl’s behavior and gave a knowing look to Taeyong. “…Arasso, noona,” Taeyong cleared his throat and looked for another opponent because Wendy was scary when she wanted to. Just like this, they moved on with the games with Donghyuck as a constant victim, and it was finally time for the end of the show.
"Eottae? How do you feel about today?" He questioned everyone. Everyone chattered amongst themselves. 

"Terrible!" Donghyuck moaned.
"My head hurts like shi-a lot!" Johnny almost cussed.
"Pleasantly mind-scarring." Yuta smiled and Doni was impressed with his wonderful korean.
"..." Taeyong just shook his head and sighed.
"..." Min Soo also shook her head. A migraine was incoming.
"I don't want to come here again." Mark commented under his breath. 
"Totally agree." Bi An snickered and high-fived him.

"SO, would Red Velvet give us their thoughts about today's episode?" Coni enquired.
"I think today was very interesting! I will try my best next time as well!" Irene smiled and said with determination.

"Look at that! The leader is doing so well unlike some other unmannered people..." Doni made a face and glared at the humans who was polluting the earth with much unneeded noise.

"Talk about Red Velvet fans!" Doni added. 

"I hope everyone will like Red Velvet and please give us lots of love!" Irene added with a twinge of aegyo and smiled proudly at her conclusion. Everyone, including the SM Rookies, waved and bowed towards the camera as they made their way backstage single file. Being a er for cameras, Bi An grinned wickedly and moved nearer to the camera lens, saying bye for the last time and blinking her eyes as she found the camera fascinating.

Johnny joined her from behind and blinked at the device as well. She smiled at the camera innocently. "Yah, share the space, your face is so damn big!" He mentioned without turning to look at her.

"Hmph. I'm not playing with you anymore." She walked away and went backstage, leaving him alone. Johnny gave the camera a handsome smile and waved.

"Until now, it was Red Velvet and Sm Rookie's Weekly Idol!"

 MarioNe's note Meh. This update marks the end of the freaking arc!! Woo!! Now I can move on with other parts. Some(?) of you gave sweet ideas and I would probably write them next time! thanks for the suggestions. I don't know. meh. ooh. gossip time. recently i saw the best friend game AND OMG SO KAWAII LIKE OMG? taeyong x ten woot woot. i think im going to use that as a part so watch out for that too ;) . tata.
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Waffle_Berry #1
Chapter 14: taeyong and ten is just so cute when they're jealous! i pity jaehyun for always getting stuff thrown at his face for some reason and i look forward to more interactions between her, taeyong, ten, jaehyun and mark. i need more fluff since you got me hooked on this very fluffy but not fluffy enough fic, update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Taeyong I know your jelly but leave sweet innocent Taeil alone....
P.S. loving this story so far I read all of what you have in one day and just finished 're-reading to ensure I missed not a single detail HEHE I am definitely hooked! Can't wait to see how the story progresses~ ^^