
High School Life... ?



[Minny's POV]

Today was my first day in Korea, and I had no idea, once so ever, how to navigate through the town. I knew some Korean, but I was far from fluent, which leads me to question why my parents decided to make me leave my studies in Canada to continue at Korea.

None of my family members, besides myself, worked on Korean. Trust me, I was happy to be here, it was like a dream come true, but after getting the signs for the bathrooms mixed up at the airport, instructing our taxi driver incorrectly and having an accent on top of my Korean, I wasn't exactly in a happy-go-lucky kinda mood.

I slumped my bag over my shoulder as I walked towards my new school, Orchid High School. There was apparentaly a difference in education levels since I was a University student in Canada, but now, I was reliving the hell that was high school, all over again.

I could feel my face was in a sour expression, considering I haven't had time to sleep off the jetlag, and just had to live with the first impression that I gave my peers: annoyed and y.

Quite frankly, at the moment, I didn't care. I just wanted to get this first day done and over with, wanting ot rest in my bed already.

I walked through the big enterance of the school, going to the main office, boys and girls, younger and older, pushing pass me as if I was nothing to them.

I rolled my eyes as I heard a group of girls point and laugh at my basketball shorts and fitted t-shirt, a headband holding my hair out of my face. Let's just say, it looked like I was sporty and was about to jump someone with the mug look I gave everyone.

That was just the kind of person I was if I didn't have my sleep: cranky and hard to please.

I walked into the office, asking for my schedule in a language I barely understood. For all I knew, I could've been saying that I was a robber, but according to the way the woman smiled and nodded, typing on the computer, it seemed my Korean was somewhat decent.

"Well, that's one thing going right on the horrid day..." I thought as I grabbed my schedule from the secretary.

I made my way to my first class after being told I'd be getting my uniform tomorrow, wondering the halls aimlessly. This school seemed to be like a maze with symbols and chicken scratch that I hadn't learned before. I groaned, running a hand through my pulled back hair in frustration as I bumped into a hard object.

"Let me guess... I walked straight into a wall..." I looked up, rubbing my head to find a very attractive boy with a smile on his lips, longish brown hair that outlined his facial features perfectly. "Great, I was sleep walking..."

I looked at the male above me, waiting for my dream-boy to dispurse into thin air, but he never did. He lent me a hand, smiling at me, "My hand's just going to go through his hand, like some ghost..."

I reached for his hand, and almost squeeled in surprise and shock as his skin warmly touched mine, lifting me up with actual physical strength. I could feel my cheeks flush from fear as I looked up into his dark warm eyes, expecting him to stay mute, but yet again, he threw another curve ball.

"Are you new?" Oh. No. He. Didn't.

He spoke in fluent English, making me feel like I had just found some God of somesort, but I must agree, he did look like a God, a very hot God. 

I mentally slapped myself as I tried to instruct myself to speak and not be an idiot for once in my life," Y-Yes, I'm new. Do you know English?" I facepalmed myself mentally as I reviewed what stupid question I had just asked. Of course he was fluent, or else he wouldn't have spoken in English!

But he just smiled his perfect smile and said,"Yeah, I'm fluent. Do you need some help navigating around the school?"

I nearly fainted. This guy, this Korean guy, just used big English words. I could feel myself go to cloud 9 for my thankfulness of finding my English savior.

I nodded, trying to keep myself under control as I answered this man. He smiled, "Well, I'm Taemin. If you need help, just let me know." He flashed a smile as he grabbed my schedule from my hands.

Usually, when I'm in the disgusting mood I was in now, I'd go all karate-chop on his hottie , but surprisingly, I remained calm and didn't mind as his soft, evenly tanned, hand went through my schedule, his eyes analying as he smiled.

"We have all the same classes, so I'll take you to class...?" He hinted for a name. I smiled, and nodded, not forgetting to bow 90 degrees.

"Minny," He smiled as I straightened myself out as he handed me my schedule.

"Minny?" He thought for a moment, humming before chuckling, "Cute."

All I could think of as I followed his tall figure down the long hallway to our class was, "Who ever is my guardian angel, thank you for blessing me with all my classes with the God-like hunk-of-a-man."

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Chapter 9: MOZART OMG! That is so long! xDD I love love the update!! Thank you ;u;♥ Two stalkers.. LOLOL OTL Y they stalking Minny?!
Mo should do the competition!Screw Jinyoung YUNO Go to Sandeul xD
Myungsoo ♥♥
You lied to me when you said it'll turn out y xD Never doubt your skills Mozart =w= ♥
mccammond #2
Chapter 9: Yay I love this
OH MY GAWSH. MYUNGSOO.-spazz- <br />
<br />
Minny's definitely gonna like this chappie heehee
Twinnie, imma read it as soon as i can <3
I agree with Lissy Unni <3 OMG. Minny would seriously fall in luff with this chapter haha :D
Ryeoluv #6
This site should create a like button X'D I really like this fic ~ just wanted to let you know that I'm also reading it ;)
OMG.<br />
sleepover with taemin.<br />
my freaking dream. <3
<br />
T____T <3<br />
its soo good so far ;DDDD <3