Love Connection

♫Replay The Music♫
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Listen To: You and I by Park Bom


You and the rest of 4Ever couldn't WAIT to debut tomorrow!


Your P.O.V:

All four of us stayed up very late in order to practice dancing to our very first debut song, "Love Connection". (A/N: LOL, Stupid title! XD)

We danced rhythmically, carefully matching the beat and melody. Overall, I thought that the song was cute and fun to dance to. I tried to sing the chorus, but it was very hard.

"Aigoo~ Our cute little hoobaes are training so hard!" Five voices rang, bringing a smile on my face. "SHINee oppas!" I giggled, and hugged each and every one of them.

"Hey, don't forget that we're here as well!" Super Junior oppas grinned while filling the whole dance room.

"Hey Joonmi!" Eunhyuk oppa winked. Joonmi turned bright red. "Hi Haneul~" Yesung oppa smiled. Haneul giggled. "Hello, Rika." Ryeowook oppa lightly grinned, and Rika turned faintly pink. I sighed.

"They are so easy to read~" Suju, SHINee and I all chimed together. We all laughed.


It was finally our debuting day! We all went to the recording studio and followed Mina Unnie's exact words. "Alright, ________-ah, you go first!" Mina Unnie exclaimed. I nodded and walked into the room.

'Put on you headphones!' Mina Unnie mouthed. I nodded once more and put on the black, stylish headphones. I then began to sing the chorus. After a lot

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
bliss- #2
Aprilia_Jasmine #3
So great
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 38: Kyaaaa this story is DAE to the BAK!!! So good xD
Congratulations :)
congrats :3
Congratulations :)
finalist #8
Congrats! ^^
congrats :)
Congrats :)