CH. 8

Prince Academy

Third Person (No One's POV)

"Here. Just shut your trap, take the money, and go, you stalker, spy, bastard," Yun Ho said.

The other man mentioned by foul names bowed and took his leave with a pouch of coins.

"Shall we pay our son a visit, Yun Ho?" Jae Joong asked.

Yun Ho frowned. "That Chinese bastard... Get his father on the line."

"Doesn't have one. His father died years ago."


Jae Joong shook his head.

"Then who the is taking care of him?! He's not allowed to run the KoTan kingdom at this age!"

"His uncle..."

"Then get HIM on the line! Someone needs to take responsibility for that bastard and make sure he keeps his promises!"

Jae Joong shrugged. "Whatever you say, dear. Personally, I think you're being over dramatic."

"Shut your mouth!" Yun Ho shouted.

"Alright, but then I'm not going to get his uncle out here, nor do you get me later."

"What? Jae Joong! I'm sorry! Come on! Jae Joong!" Yun Ho was screaming after his husband who was walking away swiftly.

Ki Bum's POV

Having Eun Hyuk in the dorm with Dong Hae and me was as awkward as ever! Si Won and I couldn't grasp the fact that they were still together and all. Every time I looked at Dong Hae, he was staring lovingly at me. When he looked at Eun Hyuk, his eyes just said that he wanted to get away from him. I wish I could help, but I couldn't show that I loved him, not in front of Eun Hyuk and Si Won.

"Yah! Dong Hae! Where're you sleeping?" asked Si Won.

"I'll sleep with Ki Bummie tonight," he said. It made me smile.

"What?" an indignant Eun Hyuk yelled. "You'd rather sleep in the same bed as that KoKim than me, your own boyfriend?"

I heard him sigh deeply and I frowned. Hyuk Jae was being selfish and rude. Dong Hae put a hand on my leg to stop me from bursting out at Eun Hyuk like he knew I would do at any moment. "I'll sleep with you tonight if you want me to, Hyuk Jae," Dong Hae said quietly.

"No..." Eun Hyuk said. "Sleep with that KoKim if you want. I'd much rather have muscular Si Won in my bed than a scrawny Fishy like you."

I thought with all of the insults Dong Hae would make some comment back, but he didn't. He just smirked, like he'd won something. Well... I guess he just won a night in bed with me and a sore Hyuk Jae. Dong Hae laid in bed with me and nestled his face into my chest. “Saranghae,” I murmured into his hair, only loud enough for him and me to hear.

“Saranghae,” he said before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Han Geng didn’t show up for class. “He’s talking with someone,” Tony said when we’d asked.

“Who?” Hee Chul asked.

“Your dad,” Tony said quietly.

“That bastard!” Hee Chul muttered, standing up and rushing out of the classroom.

“My office!” Tony yelled after Hee Chul, giggling. “Well!” he said. “What drama!”

After lunch Hee Chul came back angry, sad, torn, depressed, and crying. “I couldn’t stop him,” he whispered hoarsely. “He took him from me…”

We all understood without trying. Han Geng had been fired as Hee Chul’s protector. Now, either the alliance with KoTan would slowly deteriorate, or Hee Chul’s dad would be smart and keep it strong.

Later that night, I regretted leaving Dong Hae in the room with Hyuk Jae alone. When I’d come back from the gardens with Hee Chul, I heard screaming from inside of the room. It was obviously Dong Hae’s. “Dong Hae!!! Dong Hae!!!” I shouted. I burst down the door since I had left my key inside and it was locked.

I found Dong Hae tied up, his shirt missing, and Hyuk Jae standing over him, something shiny on his knuckles. Brass knuckles, I thought grimly. On instinct, I lunged at Eun Hyuk with as much force as I had. He punched me repeatedly, but I somehow held out. I didn’t want to hurt Eun Hyuk, so all I did was hit him hard on the back of the neck to make him pass out. I laid him in the bed he shared with Si Won, which previously was Dong Hae’s up on the second story. I untied Dong Hae and he cried in my arms.

Dong Hae was bruised up his arms and legs, cuts accommodating the black and blue spots up his sides and back. I placed my jacket over his shoulders and carried him down to our bed. I kissed away his tears and said, “Shh~ It’s alright now. I’m here, Dong Hae. I’ll protect you.”

Dong Hae wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my lips softly. “Never leave my side, Bummie,” he whispered. “Promise…”

I closed my eyes and kissed Dong Hae’s hair lightly. “Promise,” I murmured.

“Ki Bum,” I heard a voice say. I froze, shocked. ! I thought. “Appa…” I muttered, hugging the sleeping Dong Hae a bit tighter. What was he doing here?! I left Dong Hae on the bed and followed my dad outside.


A/N: Wow... I abuse my characters a lot, don't I? TT I'm such a bad author to my characters~~ TT XD anyways.... Who wants a preview of CH. 9!?!?!? You want it, ask for it~ XD And I totally did NOT plan to make DBSK part of the story, but after a while, it seemed alright. Sorry if I don't get any of DBSK's personalities or anything right. I wasn't a Cassie when I wrote this ^^;;


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Chapter 15: You should make an EXO version of this since there's 12 kids it can be a continuation of this. It can be EXO-M and EXO-K.
160 streak #2
Chapter 15: Hahaha~ a very cute short story. I love it ! ! ! I'm not at all surprised at the bad eunhyuk. It suits him. Haha ~ ^^ i love kihae <3 such a great story. I laughed at the last part where they all decided to get married at exctly the same time. Hahaha :D
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 4: I feel bad that Hyuk is the villain ~
thecoolauthorstories #4
Kekeke XDDDD what a dramatic story after many hardships :] *clap clap*
puckbunny #5
hurry and update please
I loved how Jessica was SHINee's umma! XD
kangin1995 #7
I love your story......whatever...thank you for writing this....please write more kihae's stories....Have a good life....bye bye....
Kekeke, KiHae and YeWook are so mean xD<br />
SEQUEL !?!?!!?!??!!?<br />
Pretty please ?:3<br />
I love this story~~~~~<br />
Oh, from the previous chap:<br />
"SIWON ! STOP PRETENDING YOUR NOT GAY" Oh god, I was cracking up.<br />
LOL.<br />
LOL.<br />
"Jessica...."<br />
And then it's all, "OHMYGAHD, DON'T TELL MOM !"