CH. 11

Prince Academy

Ki Bum's POV

I was walking down the street quickly. I needed to blow off steam. How the could I just let Dong Hae go like that? And lie to him?! I ought to kill myself now. I don't want to live without him next to me.

I miss him already. His smell, his clothes, his voice, his body, his face, his smile, everything. I missed him. I loved him. No. I love him! I need him! I want him! Dong Hae's the only one for me... And I let him go... I filled him with lies and let him go...

. I'm not letting it go down like this. I love Dong Hae. Love conquers everything. If Yun Ho appa has a problem with this, well... He could just deal with it. Disown me. Who cares? I just want Dong Hae back in my arms.

I turned around to go back to the school and was met by a tall figure. ! I turned around and ran into another person, smaller. I realized I was cornered, trapped. With nothing more I could do, I was about to shout... Until a pair of hands covered my mouth. I'd already shouted, loud enough to reverberate through the trees and carry all the way to the academy. I was knocked unconscious. And when I woke up, the first thing that was on my mind was Dong Hae.

Yun Ho's POV

Jae Joong put an arm around my neck and sat in my lap. "Jae Joong... What am I going to do?" I muttered. "Hee Chul and Han Geng were successes, but Ki Bum and Dong Hae? It's hopeless, yobo."

"Yah! It'll all come through," Jae Joong said.

Suddenly, I heard two other voices down the hallway, slowly progressively getting louder. "Jun Su, do you really think Dong Hae loves Ki Bum?"

"It seems real enough."

"Maybe we could talk to Yun Ho and Jae Joong."

They walked into the room and Jae Joong got out of my lap. "Yoo Chun... Jun Su..." Jae Joong and I greeted coldly.

"Drop that act," Yoo Chun snapped.

"Our plan might've worked after all, Yun Ho," Jun Su said.

I glanced at Jae Joong. He was grinning widely. He nudged me. "Told you," he whispered.

"So... Please tell," I said to Yoo Chun and Jun Su. "What's working so far?"

"Dong Hae and Ki Bum might be in love." I heard the uncertainty in Jun Su's voice.

"What the hell is wrong? You sound... Uncertain," I replied.

"Well... Umm... It's about your son... Ki Bum..." Yoo Chun began.

I stood up hurriedly. "What? WHAT?! What about our son?!"

"The SHINee kingdom has him..."

Dong Hae's POV

I shot upright in my bed. I'd heard it. I know I did! Clear as crystal! A scream. I'd heard someone scream. Not just anyone though. I'd know that voice out of the entire world. It was Ki Bum.

I sprang out of bed and headed for the door. A hand slammed the door shut again as I tried to open it. "What the-- Lee Hyuk Jae!!! What the ing hell do you think you're doing?!?!" I screamed.

He just smirked and threw me back onto the bed. He was stronger than I remembered. As I tried to get back up again, I glanced quickly around the dim room. There were bottles of soju everywhere and Eun Hyuk reeked of alcohol. , he's drunk! Eun Hyuk sat on top of me and didn't allow me to move. He forcefully kissed me and I groaned in frustration.

"Hyuk Jae! We... Aish~ we have to go help-- get off me! We have to help Ki Bum!!" I yelled with failed attempts to shove him off of me.

"Si Won!" I screamed. "SI WON!" Dear gods, I hope he was here. Eun Hyuk chuckled. "No one's going to help you, Hae," he muttered drunkly into my ear, my earlobe at the same time, his hands already ripping off my clothes.

! I couldn't stand against Hyuk Jae. I cried in desperation, fear, anger, sadness, and frustration as I let Hyuk Jae do whatever he wanted to me. I think Sung Min heard my screams of pain and came to my aid after a while, maybe after a few hours. Hyuk Jae, being fueled with alcohol, would've gone on until dawn. Before I out, only Ki Bum was on my mind. Ki Bum, I silently pleaded, prayed, please... Please come back and tell me you were lying about not loving me... Please... Take me away from Hyuk Jae... I'd give up my name, my kingdom, everything, to be with you, Ki Bum... Please...


A/N: OKAY! I PROMISE that this is the LAST time that HYUK JAE hurts ANYBODY!!! ^^;; heart.gif It is officially the last time, arasso? ne! okay! So... Comments are loved heart.gif


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Chapter 15: You should make an EXO version of this since there's 12 kids it can be a continuation of this. It can be EXO-M and EXO-K.
160 streak #2
Chapter 15: Hahaha~ a very cute short story. I love it ! ! ! I'm not at all surprised at the bad eunhyuk. It suits him. Haha ~ ^^ i love kihae <3 such a great story. I laughed at the last part where they all decided to get married at exctly the same time. Hahaha :D
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 4: I feel bad that Hyuk is the villain ~
thecoolauthorstories #4
Kekeke XDDDD what a dramatic story after many hardships :] *clap clap*
puckbunny #5
hurry and update please
I loved how Jessica was SHINee's umma! XD
kangin1995 #7
I love your story......whatever...thank you for writing this....please write more kihae's stories....Have a good life....bye bye....
Kekeke, KiHae and YeWook are so mean xD<br />
SEQUEL !?!?!!?!??!!?<br />
Pretty please ?:3<br />
I love this story~~~~~<br />
Oh, from the previous chap:<br />
"SIWON ! STOP PRETENDING YOUR NOT GAY" Oh god, I was cracking up.<br />
LOL.<br />
LOL.<br />
"Jessica...."<br />
And then it's all, "OHMYGAHD, DON'T TELL MOM !"