CH. 5

Prince Academy

Ye Sung’s POV

“Ddangkoma… go to sleep,” I said, staring at my turtle. I heard the door open. I glanced at the entrance and saw Kyu Hyun with messy hair and his shirt was wrinkled. “Who’d you just ?” I asked.

He glanced at me, a bit surprised. “You’re still awake, hyung?” he asked.

“Well seeing as how I just lost the most important thing in my life to one of you, of course, I wouldn’t be sleeping well!” I said bitterly.

I heard Kyu Hyun come up the ladder and kneel next to my bed. “Ye Sung hyung,” he said softly. “Please listen… Hyuk Jae hyung. It was his idea. Sung Min… He’s not really dating Wookie. Ryeo Wook still loves you. The guy I just ed was Sung Min. He doesn’t love Wook. He loves me, and I love him. You love Ryeo Wook, and he loves you. Hyuk Jae hyung is hurting, so he wants everyone else to hurt too. Don’t tell anyone what I just told you, hyung. Just keep making sure you show your love to Ryeo Wook hyung. And whatever Minnie does to intercept, or whatever Ryeo Wook hyung says to hurt you, don’t take it personally. Sung Min doesn’t want to do this, but we can’t disobey Eun Hyuk hyung… That’s just how it is, hyung. I’m sorry.”

I just nodded and patted Kyu Hyun’s hair and turned over on my side. I cried quietly and fell into a restless sleep as Kyu Hyun changed his clothes and laid in his own bed.

Henry’s POV

Zhou Mi and I could see how torn up everyone was. As we sat in class waiting for the teacher, everyone was completely silent. Even Kyu Hyun’s PSP wasn’t as loud as usual, and he was losing too. Everyone gazed at our teacher who loudly waltzed into the room. “Well!” he said sarcastically. “Aren’t we a riot this morning!”

Everyone eyed him blankly. “Okay… To make it short, we’re going on a camping trip. Say ‘YAY!’”

Everyone stayed silent. No one moved. “Well! Aren’t you all excited!” he retorted.

“We’re all in no mood for celebration,” Hee Chul said. “What’re the dorm teams?”

“Team one: Henry and Han Geng. Team two: Hee Chul and Ki Bum. Team three: Ryeo Wook and Ye Sung. Team four: Sung Min and Kyu Hyun. Team five: Shin Dong and Lee Teuk. Team six: Zhou Mi and Si Won. Team seven: Eun Hyuk and Dong Hae.”

Everyone tensed up at the last team. Eun Hyuk smiled triumphantly as Dong Hae fidgeted in his seat. “Alright,” our teacher said. “Get packing! We’re leaving at noon!” He smiled brightly and walked out.

“What’s this camping trip about?” I asked Zhou Mi in our dorm.

“It’s the one we miss every year because we always come for the first semester, remember? First semester we all go to the island; second semester we go camping. This is the first time we’re going camping because we didn’t come first semester,” he said.

“Ah~~ yeah yeah yeah! I got it now,” I said before Zhou Mi could keep repeating himself.

As we all piled into the giant van, the tension let up a little. Everyone sat in groups. Ki Bum, Dong Hae, and Eun Hyuk sat in the back. Dong Hae was stuck between the other two and couldn’t decide whether to lean on Eun Hyuk or Ki Bum to fall asleep on. Ryeo Wook, Sung Min, and Kyu Hyun sat together. Sung Min was watching Kyu Hyun play his game while his arm was around an uncomfortable looking Ryeo Wook, who was staring at Ye Sung playing with Ddangkoma, sitting next to Si Won.

Hee Chul sat with Lee Teuk, and Shin Dong sat with Ye Sung and Si Won. Han Geng sat with Zhou Mi and me. The van was still awkwardly quiet. I pulled out my phone and texted the worried looking Han Geng.

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
What’s wrong?

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
Nothing… Why?

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
You seem sad… and… yeah…

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
Henry, did I ever tell you what Hee Chul’s dad said to me when we were 8, during the time they had just signed the alliance papers?

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
………. No! XP

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
He told me that I wasn’t allowed to love his son openly. The reason for the alliance was so I could watch over and protect Hee Chul.

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
Do you love him?

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
Yeah! Of course I do! For years now. And I know he loves me too, but I’m not allowed to love him! I’m not allowed to tell him!

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
WTF! That’s messed up! XP

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
Words of Love, Henry!! What should I do?? T.T

To: Prince Geng
From: Mochi
Screw his dad! Just tell him! Tell him everything. He’ll understand.

To: Mochi
From: MiMi
Hey~~ What ya talking about? Secrets aren’t cool, Henry! :P

To: MiMi
From: Mochi
Why are you texting me?! You’re right next to me!

To: Mochi
From: Prince Geng
Thanks, Henry! ^^ <3

I nodded at Han Geng and didn’t reply back.

To: Mochi
From: MiMi
So? You’re texting Geng and he’s only two seats down!

To: MiMi
From: Mochi
It was private stuff! Alright? Stop badgering me! :P

To: Mochi
From: MiMi
Ha! Secrets! :P

To: MiMi
From: Mochi
Not my secrets! Zhou Mi, stop it!

Ah~ Zhou Mi… I loved him, but sometimes he was a bit nosy. I heard him chuckle as I laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep instantly.

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Chapter 15: You should make an EXO version of this since there's 12 kids it can be a continuation of this. It can be EXO-M and EXO-K.
224 streak #2
Chapter 15: Hahaha~ a very cute short story. I love it ! ! ! I'm not at all surprised at the bad eunhyuk. It suits him. Haha ~ ^^ i love kihae <3 such a great story. I laughed at the last part where they all decided to get married at exctly the same time. Hahaha :D
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 4: I feel bad that Hyuk is the villain ~
thecoolauthorstories #4
Kekeke XDDDD what a dramatic story after many hardships :] *clap clap*
puckbunny #5
hurry and update please
I loved how Jessica was SHINee's umma! XD
kangin1995 #7
I love your story......whatever...thank you for writing this....please write more kihae's stories....Have a good life....bye bye....
Kekeke, KiHae and YeWook are so mean xD<br />
SEQUEL !?!?!!?!??!!?<br />
Pretty please ?:3<br />
I love this story~~~~~<br />
Oh, from the previous chap:<br />
"SIWON ! STOP PRETENDING YOUR NOT GAY" Oh god, I was cracking up.<br />
LOL.<br />
LOL.<br />
"Jessica...."<br />
And then it's all, "OHMYGAHD, DON'T TELL MOM !"