CH. 13

Prince Academy

Tae Min's POV

"I want my pin back!!" I complained. The night we'd gone and stolen this worthless piece of a great kingdom, I'd accidentally dropped my pin due to Ki Bum thrashing around.

"Here. You can take mine!" Jong Hyun offered.

"Aniyo~!!" Key shouted. "Have mine Tae Min!"

Just then, Onew and Min Ho came back with their second captive. I ran to them. "Onew appa!!!!" I wailed. "I want my pin back!! And MY pin! Not anyone else's!!"

Onew held my hand as Min Ho took the boy in his arms down to where we stored Ki Bum. "Appa will get you a new pin, Tae Min-ah," Onew said.

I smiled triumphantly and sat down on Key umma's lap. "Do you feel better now?" he asked.

I nodded and grinned. Oh how it was great to be the pampered one in this little family of ours. And how great it would be when we get some cash as ransom from TWO great kingdoms for their princes.

Dong Hae's POV

I don't remember much. I remember taking a walk in the gardens by myself. Next thing I knew, I was waking up in a basement with my hands chained to a wall. Across the room was the one person I really didn't want to see right now.

"Dong Hae!" Ki Bum screamed.

Ki Bum's POV

My head was pounding against my skull and then I looked up. I forgot all the pain. "Dong Hae!" I screamed.

"Shh!!" he hissed. "Do you want someone to hear?!"

I wanted to wrap my arms around him so badly, but the shackles on my wrists wouldn't allow me to. "Dong Hae..." I cried. "I didn't mean it! The night... In the gardens... I didn't mean it at all. I love you! You're not a toy, and definitely not my toy. You're Dong Hae. Lee Dong Hae. The one and only that I will give my whole heart, soul, and body to."

Dong Hae's eyes told me that he wasn't ready to believe me yet. I almost cried, but I sufficed with a small whimper and watery eyes. "Dong Hae... Please... Forgive me... I'm so sorry. Please believe me... I love you... I'd do anything for you!"

"Anything?" he asked.

I nodded vigorously. "Anything!"

"Go die..."

My heart shattered, but somehow I managed not to cry. Maybe the shock of his words gave me the voice to say my next sentences. "Tell me that you don't love me then... I'll die easily and quickly enough if you do that..."

Dong Hae let out a small cry and soon tears were spilling from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Ki Bummie... I... I didn't mean that... It's just... SARANGHAE~!!!"

I smiled gently and my heart fluttered. "Saranghae, Dong Hae~!" I yelled. I don't care who heard. In fact, I wish everyone had heard me.

Eun Hyuk's POV

"Hyuk Jae," Yun Ho began. "Are you sure this is correct?"

"Do you want to check, Yun Ho-ssi?" I asked, handing him the pin.

Jae Joong looked over his shoulder. "This is it," he said.

I sighed as we all gazed at the small cottage-like house that was brilliantly garnished with lots of flowers. In fact, it looked like this house was pulled out of the Snow White story, because we were standing in the middle of a forest. Luckily, the SHINee World isn't far from Prince Academy. And there were many ELF who lived in the SHINee World that helped us find this place. ELF are so nice!

We went up to the door and just burst it down. Well... Yun Ho did, just as Jae Joong was about to knock politely. Jae Joong sigh heavily and walked into the house-cottage-thing... Hideout! Right... Hideout...

Inside there were the all five of the SHINee Kingdom's prized princes. I remembered them from that camping trip. Tae Min sat on Key's lap who was reading a story to Tae Min. Jong Hyun and Min Ho were busy arguing while Onew was trying to simmer their tones down while simultaneously eating chicken. Wait... Didn't he also eat chicken at the camp? Damn! This guy ate chicken A LOT!!

I saw Yun Ho and Jae Joong smirk evilly as they approached the princes. I saw Yoo Chun appa and Jun Su umma smirk just as maliciously. They rounded up on two groups. The SHINee princes obviously didn't see or hear us coming in. "Where's our son?" Yun Ho asked Min Ho, holding him by the scruff of his collar.

Min Ho just grinned slightly, nervously, and darted his eyes to Jong Hyun. Jong Hyun shrugged. "They're not up here..." he murmured.

"Come on," Yoo Chun appa said, head-locking Key and Tae Min uncomfortably. "Let's all be friends. Besides, all we want is our sons back."

"And all we want is a hefty sum of money and they're all yours," Onew said while chewing his chicken.

Jae Joong took Onew's jaw and snapped it shut with such a force that we all heard his teeth clack together. "Didn't you ever learn to eat and then talk?" Jae Joong commented.

"All we need is money," Jong Hyun said.

"I'm not going to ask why, but being princes of a rich kingdom would supply you with enough money, neh?" I said to no one in particular. I was just speaking without thinking.

Jong Hyun just scoffed. "He's got a point," Jun Su umma agreed.

There was a bit of silence. The SHINee princes wouldn't give up where Ki Bum and Dong Hae were. "Alright! I didn't want to do this!" Jun Su umma yelled. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. We all waited to see what would happen. "Jessica," he began.

Instantly, the SHINee princes' eyes bulges out and they all shook their heads simultaneously. "We'll tell you!! Okay! Just don't tell Umma!!!" they screamed. "Don't tell Jessica umma!!!"

Jun Su umma grinned in triumph. "Oh nothing..." he said into the phone. "Your sons are behaving wonderfully!" He snapped his phone shut and we were shown to the basement. Right after we'd been given our prize, the princes ran out of the hideout. The last thing I heard from them was, "Alright... No more ransoms..."

I grinned as I saw my Fishy Dong Hae still intact and with no injuries. Everything would be fine now... I hope...


A/N: Omo~! What happens next? O.o XD heart.gif It's really almost over... I can't believe it!!! TT


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Chapter 15: You should make an EXO version of this since there's 12 kids it can be a continuation of this. It can be EXO-M and EXO-K.
160 streak #2
Chapter 15: Hahaha~ a very cute short story. I love it ! ! ! I'm not at all surprised at the bad eunhyuk. It suits him. Haha ~ ^^ i love kihae <3 such a great story. I laughed at the last part where they all decided to get married at exctly the same time. Hahaha :D
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 4: I feel bad that Hyuk is the villain ~
thecoolauthorstories #4
Kekeke XDDDD what a dramatic story after many hardships :] *clap clap*
puckbunny #5
hurry and update please
I loved how Jessica was SHINee's umma! XD
kangin1995 #7
I love your story......whatever...thank you for writing this....please write more kihae's stories....Have a good life....bye bye....
Kekeke, KiHae and YeWook are so mean xD<br />
SEQUEL !?!?!!?!??!!?<br />
Pretty please ?:3<br />
I love this story~~~~~<br />
Oh, from the previous chap:<br />
"SIWON ! STOP PRETENDING YOUR NOT GAY" Oh god, I was cracking up.<br />
LOL.<br />
LOL.<br />
"Jessica...."<br />
And then it's all, "OHMYGAHD, DON'T TELL MOM !"