RMB - 16

The Rivals meet the Best Friends


The clock seemed to tick interminably. It seemed quieter in the office that day for some reason; the buzz of chatter and work was lower than usual. Perhaps it was because his staffs has been busy for overtime this past week to finish the year-end report, now that it was done everyone was starting to dose off now and rest. But even the frequent ringing of the phone on the secretary’s desk at the other end of the office didn’t seem to break the quietness. Minsoo didn’t like it. Not when his mind was so inclined to wander to discomfiting thoughts for weeks now.


He can’t concentrate in reviewing the year-end sales report. But everytime he scanned the numbers – it looks like they were mocking him. Involuntarily, his eyes moved to his own hand phone and he felt suddenly inclined to pick it up and call Niel. He blinked and turned back to his computer. Why had he thought of that? There was no reason to call Niel. It wasn’t like it was a bad premonition of something happening to him. He felt sure he was fine. After all, if anything happened at work, Chanhee would surely tell him – or Jonghyun. Or Byunghun?


There it was again – that confusing circle of thoughts that had plagued him almost the whole day (and the weeks before, in fact). It usually began at that when Byunghun insulted Minhyun infront of Niel, Niel got mad at Byunghun and Byunghun Apologising. He was shock to witness the latter but from time to time images of Minhyun with Niel at Xiuhan’s party appeared in his mind. Or recollections of Niel talking and laughing with Minhyun all in all just haunted him more.


For the first time, you recognise you could actually lose Niel, that’s why.


Irritating or no, he knew that it was right about it. It had taken him a few days to reconcile himself to the fact, but he had to admit it in the end. He didn’t want to lose Niel, and suddenly it looked as though he actually might. As far as he knows him from that academy, Niel hadn’t been in any serious relationship before and had never seemed like he was inclined to favour any fellow in particular, as far as he knew. Perhaps subconsciously he had recognised that, and had seen himself in a very favourable position, knowing he was among his closest friends. But now here was Minhyun, posing a very real threat to him and was closer to than him.


A glance up at the clock showed him he had about half an hour of work left. Good. Perhaps going home would give him a little more peace. With his fear in mind, He grabbed his phone and dial the person he can’t get out of his mind (heart too).


“Hello? Minsoo?” he heard, after a few rings. The voice that greeted him didn’t require any effort to identify it though, because it just naturally calms his heart.


“Will you go out with me tomorrow??”




“Can I just go with you??” Chanhee whined to Niel. “I can baby sit too.”


Niel just gave Chanhee a judging look.


“What??! It’s true… I have been babysitting Byung for years, can it be reconsider.”


“I don’t want my cousin to be like Byunghun, Chanhee. Plus, you need to go to that weekend lunch right? Your aunts will all be there.”


“That’s why I want to go with you” Chanhee pout and defeatedly sit in their office couch. “You know what they like when I’m there.”


“I know. That’s why I want you to go” Niel smiled evilly.


“Meanie!!! I hate you!” Chanhee got up and annoyingly grab his bag.


“I love you too Chanhee” Niel respond and still with his teasing smile.


“Shut Up!” Chanhee leave their office and he even closes the door with a bang.


Niel just shook his head and begin to clean his desk too. He thought that maybe being a brat thus runs with the Lee. He even imagines the horror of the child if his/her parents be Chanhee and Byunghun together. The image was changed to the last party when Byunghun apologise to him and Minhyun. Eventually, a smile appears on Niel upon his best friend’s future with Byunghun – maybe it won’t be that bad.


His train of thoughts about Chanhee’s lovelife halted when he heard his phone rings. He grabs it and look at the caller. Minsoo


He slides on the accept side. “Hello? Minsoo??”


“Will you go out with me tomorrow??”


Karma at its best. Niel shot a glare at his brother in the harmless picture frame on his table. Trust something to come up the day he was supposed to go in a date with Minsoo.


“I’m so sorry,” Niel said, resting his head on one hand and holding the phone in the other. “I can’t go out tomorrow. My brother has some emergency work that needs to be finished and I promised to babysit his twins. (Mentally cursing his brother)”


“It’s all right. I understand.” There was a second’s pause, then, “I’ll go with you tomorrow, if you’d like.”


“Eh? Are you serious? You don’t need to…” Niel trailed off, not really knowing what else to say.


“I don’t have any other plans for tomorrow – and I haven’t been out in a while.”


“Oh. Well… Er, if you want to come, I wouldn’t mind the company.”


“All right then. I’ll pick you up. And no, it’s no trouble at all.”


Niel let out a small laugh. “You knew I was going to protest, huh?”


“You usually do.”


Niel had to smile at that. He wondered if Minsoo was smiling too.



A/N: I'm Back!!! Sorry for waiting this long... Thank you for patiently waiting. 


I have plan to post an update last july for Teen Top 6th year anniversary and my 5th year anniversary as well here in AFF (YEY!!!). 

but reality world have been cruel to me. T.T


anyway, I miss CHUNJOE so much



but I'll go for a CAPNIEL update for now. I hope you like it.


(poor Chanhee)

ThanKYU for reading and please leave a comment too..

-----> Chanhee's Eomma

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nickmo #1
Chapter 15: Chanhee omma!!!glad u still update..dun give up on updating these story to the ends ok??
Our meerkat chanhee really lost his chubby cheek a lil bit lately..i hope ljoe notice him more n more chunjoe reaction on their up coming comeback..by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU i think i dun wish u yet am i??^^
Hwaiting chanhee omma update soon ok??
Love ya ^_~
Chapter 14: Don't stop writing & please continue updating! Hoping for N.A.P in the next chapter hehe
Chapter 10: I like this chapter a lot ! ChunJoe is so cute here + Gangjoe being all jealous <3
nickmo #4
Chapter 14: Yahh...i love chuniel new hair...n please let chunjoe be together in this story..i craving on chunjoe lately n i miss them..by the way..update soon..ur story getting better...hihihi hwaiting!!^^
masyira #5
Chapter 13: based my opinion, chanhee already felt the feeling but he is afraid about the fact of losing something in his life if something happens in their life. I think byung need to learn there a gap in the feeling of love too. everyone need gap between another person even soulmates. the plot shall be distance up the best friend for a while. n they will figth for their love.
thomasina0211 #6
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for the update!!
I really really missed this story...
Fighting author-nim!!!
nickmo #7
Chapter 13: I miss u too..huhuhu...please update if u have time authornim..my heart always got tortouring by that two pabo lately..huhuhu
Hwaiting authornim!!
nickmo #8
Chapter 13: I miss u too..huhuhu...please update if u have time authornim..my heart always got tortouring by that two pabo lately..huhuhu
Hwaiting authornim!!
nickmo #9
Chapter 12: Hi..hello authornim..i like ur fanfics story and i am Chunjoe stans too like u..please update dear..i already subcribes ur fanfics even i just reads today..update please..i want chunjoe moments more..wish their cb on 22/6 will get more chunjoe ship well..i miss them n teentop too even i start duty as surgeon this years..but i will wait for ur update..hwaiting authornim..^^