Sugars and Vitamins

Syndrome [ 신드롬 ]

Daniel groaned and flopped on the bed messily like a fish without water. He huffed heavily through his pair of nostrils and awaited for the wide-eyed MinSoo to respond. His hyung had blinked twice, answering in a flirty tone, "You go on a date with me. It'll convince the guys to think gayness in fine, oh, and convert your sugar diets to a much more healthy one consisting of more carrots and sweet potatoes. They're a super food you know?"


Once more, younger boy Daniel had his mouth held out wide, his eyes throwing the statement of disbelief and frustration. "Explain why a date would be the 'correct' solution. I personally think dating is practically nothing, morely bromance if you consider their perspective of outer life and relationships in terms of mentality. Besides, our priority here is to find out if ByungHun likes ChanHee, not allowing them to think a homoual relationship comprising of us will persuade him any further into loving his BROTHER,"


MinSoo, who seemed to have spaced out, blinked rapidly with one eyebrow raised up much higher giving off a drunk or spacious look. He had huffed through his nose with his lips parted. "That was a long speech. It has words and letters, but even so, I didn't care," He shrugged. "ANYWAY, let's go on a DATE~!" He said in a sing-song voice, skipping along the room towards the door and leaving the irritated and twitching Daniel at his demise at what would go on throughout the day, holding hands, hugging, feeding each other and most importantly... A CHANCE AT A KISS. With this thought left wandering in his head, he shivered, ruffling his hair messily and sighing deeply.


"Where are we headed?" Asked pale Daniel, who's eyes were dreaded with glimpses of annoyance.


MinSoo had turned back towards the walking-zombie, waiting for him at the end of the hall. "We'll be going around the shops across the street, especially the Vitamin Shoppe, that's most important,"


'The Vitamin Shoppe?! That's his ideal of a date?! God, I'd feel horrible for his future-girlfriend,' Daniel thought quietly, sighing once more before heading down the stairs and onwards to the date.


Meanwhile, in the twins dorm lay busy ChanHee, finishing his project due for Physics 3 days from then, but morely did the older twin know, procrastination will get you nowhere. ((<- I've been trying to get out of this habit for years, it doesn't just go away. T~T)) ByungHun had stepped into the room with a dragon fruit vitamin water held in hand, uncapped, and half-empty. "Yah, isn't that due like... This Friday?"


"Yes, but I want to get this done as soon as possible dongsaeng," ChanHee looked up from his laptop, momentarily stopping his rapid typing. "Vitamin water? Since when did you drink stuff like that?"


"Well, it's full of electrolytes so it quenches thirst much better than all those soda's and juices, plus, it's not high in calories and neither is it too bad in sugar. You'd be surprised at how refreshing it really is," He took another sip, realizing what he just said. ", MinSoo!" He scoffed, setting down the drink on the maroon wooden desk across the room. "He poisoned me with all this nutritional crap and I'm actually considering them," He sighed, frustrated as he recalled back to his meals today consisting of salads without dressing, eggs without the yolk, and most importantly, instead of ice cream as a snack, he ate a granola bar.

ChanHee blinked in astonishment. "At least you're eating better? I mean, he is right about the whole sugar thing - that's why I started replacing my ice cream Fridays to fat-free frozen yogurt. I actually prefer the taste, you know?" He set his laptop down, closing the lid. "Tell you what, I'll go buy you some candy across the street and later, I'll treat you to some ice cream," He smiled confidently, unsure why he had seemed so full of glee this specific moment. Probably because of Daniel's confidence rubbing on him? Perhaps.

"Will you?" ByungHun stared straight into ChanHee's eyes with his hands clasped together, his face glistening with the accent of plea and cuteness. He pushed out his lips like a chicken, acting as a pout when it really just looked awkward.

ChanHee nodded in return, motioning his brother to get up, it seemed like what happened earlier on was just nothing. At the thought though, older twin ChanHee had blushed lightly, remembering the sudden peck from the chicken lips twin.

"Are you okay?" The older twin asked. "From earlier... I mean..."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you and all... I was just kinda... Uhm... Just a new feeling you know?" He responded back, still looking forward towards the end of the hall.

"Oh, yeah, I understand,"

On there way to the candy factory next to the Vitamin Shoppe, they spot 'couple' MinSoo and Daniel, about to head inside.

"Hey, there are the twins, act like we're actually together," MinSoo whispered into his dongsaeng's ear, both nodding in agreement.

"Oh! Hey, guys!" ChanHee smiled brightly, waving his arms in the air as they headed across the street. "What're you guys up to?"

"Oh, muffin much," Daniel gulped, acting wasn't exactly his best forte.

"Muffin much?" ByungHun raised a brow, unsure of his choice of response.

"I mean, NOTHING, much. Haha, I saw it on a shirt and... uh... yeah..." He turned away, embarrassed at his fail attempt to crack a joke. MinSoo rolled his eyes, linking his hands quickly to the dongsaeng beside him.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" MinSoo asked, breaking the awkward silence exerted into the atmosphere.

"Buying Byung some treats, I MEAN, DARK CHOCOLATE AND SOME VITAMIN WATER AND ALL THAT HEALTHY, GOOD STUFF!" ChanHee blurted out, hoping MinSoo would forget about the beginning of his statement.

MinSoo's eyes brightened. "Really?! Oh, ByungHun! I'm so proud of you! Taking this step to health and less sugar! Come inside with us, I'll show you guys my secret to a healthy body," ByungHun face-palmed himself, this was not what he was expecting to get into.


Hey ChunJoe lovers! Apple here with some news on what's been going on in the past few weeks.

I'm really sorry for not being able to update, school work has been piling up and up and up and I just couldn't find time to update. I even stayed up till 11pm (and I started at 4pm) just trying to do my project that was due the next day. It's really hard you know, to finish something so big in such little given time. >.< -sigh- But, I'm here again, hoping that this week won't consume as much.  ALSO~ Some quick good news!

I will be opening a "Top Corner: Q&A" section at the end of each chapter. You leave your comments below and the cast of 'Syndrome' will happily answer! (( You can choose who to direct it to. )) ALSO~ I will also have sub-chapter specials here. For example: If a certain amount of characters show up for a chapter, than over here, in the author's note, the characters who didn't will be able to pitch in as to what they were doing while everyone else was playing there part. Sort of like an "Off-Camera" thing but in worded-form. :D


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strafield #1
Chapter 12: No more updates? :(
notgoingtotell #2
ljoe so handsome!! :DD
New reader!! This is the best story ever!! :D
Can't wait for next chap~~
Plz update soon ^^
I know how grrrr it is when all the comments just ask for a new update so... HEY! i keep re reading the both of your fic because yes, it is THAT good! The idea is fantastic, so is the super fluffy writing (which i love so so so much) so dears, keep this up and I'm sure i wouldn't forget this wonderful fic! Fighting!!!!^~^
--chunsa #5
What happened? Why aren't you guys updating this...? I love this story so much.
Please please update soon.. T^T
Update? Pleaseeee :(
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I need an update.... T_T
bigbang15 #8
Please update soon~~ *^*