Secret Musicians

To The Top!

Minah was beginning to get used to MAE. The school didn’t focus on academic studies as much which explains why there’s never any homework or textbooks.  Her skills in tennis were improving and she was creating stronger bonds with her friends. 

There was a knock at the door. “Hey Anna can you get that?” Minah yelled.

Anna got up from her bed. “Sure I have nothing better to do” she sarcastically commented. When Anna opened the door she gasped and slammed the door.

Minah came out of the bathroom. “Who was that?”

Anna shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Tell your little boy friends that it’s against the rules to be in the girl’s dorm.”

Anna left Minah confused until she realized what she was talking about. “The door!” Minah opened the door to see L.Joe. “L.joe you can’t be here”

“I wanted to walk you to class” L.joe scratched the back of his head.

Minah sighed. “Oh, okay hold on” She grabbed her stuff and headed out the door.

L.joe starred at Minah while they walked.

“Stop doing that”

“Doing what” L.joe asked while still staring.


“But your hair looks cute today” L.joe pointed at Minah’s Pigtails.

Minah blushed. “Ugh, we’re gonna be late.”


Minah and L.joe endured another day of history. Today Mr. Roberts reviewed the cold war and everything that caused it.

When the bell rang everyone was relieved even Mr. Roberts.

“Minah want me to walk you to your next class?”

“No thanks L.joe, I know where it is.”

“What is your next class anyway?”

“See you after practice okay”

Minah walked out into the hallway and L.joe followed.

L.joe was suspicious, why was her next class a secret? He decided the best plan was to follow her and find out.

Minah walked out of the school building and past the cafeteria. L.Joe followed, hiding behind every tree and trashcan.

Minah walked into the Music building with L.joe still following.

She walked into a classroom and sat down. When the bell rang the teacher shut the door. L.joe peeped through the window.

Minah was playing guitar in a room with a bunch of other people. She was in the music program?!


After class Minah put her instrument away and said goodbye to everyone. When she came out of the room she saw L.Joe waiting for her.

“It’s not what it looks like?”

“Uh huh” L.joe was angry. “We need to talk”


“So when did this start?” L.joe asked. They were sitting outside on the patio.

“The second day of school” Minah began to feel guilty and started kicking the dirt below her feet.

“And when were you planning on telling me”

“I wanted to but I was afraid you wouldn’t like me”

“You could’ve told me Minah I wouldn’t have cared that you play the guitar”

“Bass guitar” she corrected.

“It doesn’t matter to me that you play an instrument.”

“You can’t tell anyone not even the others!” she begged.

“Minah they don’t care”

“What if they tell me I can’t sit there anymore or worse, Sue said that one time the football players taped a kid to his trombone”

“Minah that would never happen to you”

“How do you know? I heard a the marching band hid the swim teams clothes so they had to run home all wet and cold”

“Minah!” L.joe grabbed her hands and looked her straight in the eyes “That would never happen to you because I won’t let them.”

Minah froze and then relaxed.  She slowly pulled her hands back from L.Joe. “Thanks”

The two of them walked to lunch together. “Where have you guys been? Lunch is almost over.” Chunji pestered.

“We had to stay after class for talking again” L.Joe blurted out.


After all Minah’s academic classes she was ready to head off to the courts for practice.

“Hey you ready?” Sue asked.

“Actually I think I left my locker key in my last class. I’ll meet you there”

“Alright don’t be late.”

Minah ran back to her English class and found her key under her desk. “There you are”

Minah was heading back to the tennis courts when she heard singing. She searched for the source and figured it was coming from the science classroom. She cracked open the door.

Niel was inside singing while using a mop as a mic  “I need you  baby baby baby~”


He turned around “Hey Minah”

“Were you just singing?”

“Oh, um I think I was. Sorry”

“You’re really good”

Niel pointed to himself “Me?”

“Yes you, you sing really well, a little nasal but well.”

“Minah your crazy” Niel continued to mop the floor.

 Minah stood in his way “I didn’t get accepted for tennis”

“What are you talking about Minah”

“I got accepted into this school for bass guitar not tennis”

“You play guitar?” Niel starred in puzzlement.

“Bass guitar” she corrected “And yes, I love music and sports. Niel you can do both too.”

Niel shook his head” Minah I’m not even that good.”

“But you are”

“Aren’t you late for practice” Niel reminded her.

“Right” Minah ran out the door. “We’re not done here!”


At practice Minah was forced to run laps for being late.

“Alright Minah that’s enough” Coach Roseau called.

Minah was completely out of breath.

“Team meeting!” Coach gathered everyone in the locker room.

“So as you all may know the season is about to start next week. I have the list of the eight of you that will be competing. Now if you do not make the team don’t beat yourself up about it. It won’t affect scholarships or sponsors.”

The coach posted the members on the bulletin board and everyone ran to see the list. Minah stayed in the back and watched the girls walk away either happy or depressed faces.

“Minah don’t you want to see it?” Sue asked.

“I’m just a bit nervous”

“Me too, shall we check the list together?”

Minah nodded and they inched up to the list. Minah scanned it for her name which was placed right underneath Sue’s.

“I made it!” Minah squealed

“Not only that but your singles-2” Sue applauded. “This calls for a celebration!”

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~