
To The Top!

“Why would you do that?” Niel yelled. “Now they’ve kicked us out of the show”

Minah looked straight at the ground.

“C’mon Niel, It’s not her fault don’t be mad at her” L.Joe defended Minah.

“Oh I’m not mad at her, I’m mad at that loser George!” Niel ran his fingers though his hair. “Well you know what, I’m not just going to sit back and let him do this.”

“What can we do it’s his show” Changjo mentioned.

“I’ve got a plan, but we’re going to need to get an audition”


“Next!” George yelled. “You call that acting!”

“George, be nice” said the snotty girl from the Music Department meeting.

“Lola honey, these people are armatures.”

The auditions were being held in the auditorium and George was flying through all the acts.

“I said next!! Send the next act out please” George was irritated.

Then a student walked in and handed George a letter. After reading the letter George groaned “Now! Ugh! Lola you’re in charge, don’t let anyone in without talent got it”

“You can count on me George!”


Behind stage the boys were getting ready. “Do we really have to wear these?” Ricky said while holding up the wrestling mask.

“Yes now put it on” Niel replied.

“Let’s do a count off, everyone’s hands in the middle” Sue held her hand out and everyone placed theirs on top. “Now on the count of three we yell something like ‘never give up’ or ‘break a leg’”

“What do we say?” Ricky asked.

“How about ‘to the top’?” Minah asked.

“Alright! I’ll count off” Sue replied.

1 2 3 “To The Top!!” everyone shouted.


The boys walked onto the stage. Lola gave them a weird look “What’s with the masks? Do you have bad acne or something?”

“We just thought we’d try something new” Niel replied.

“Alright” she shrugged “What’s your name?”

“Excuse me?” Niel asked.

“Your group name, what is it?” Lola asked.

Niel froze. Chunji spoke for him “Teen Top”

Lola giggled “Teen top? What kind of name is that?”

“Were teens aiming for the top” Chunji replied.

“Whatever just start”

The music started and Teen Top was ready. They danced and sang to the song ‘Be Ma Girl’ and when L.Joe’s part came up Minah was speechless. It was so cheesy and he even did the cat daddy while he sang yet Minah loved it.

When the song ended Lola stood up. She stared at them for a while and then started clapping. “That was amazing! I need your act in the show!”

Teen Top applauded and hugged each other.

“But one condition, No masks” Lola added.

“Deal!” Ricky shouted

Once the next act entered the stage George was already back.

"So where did you run off too?" Lola asked.

"The principle called me to the office but it was a mistake. I swear the secretary needs to double check the notes she sends out."


After the audition Sue decided it was time to celebrate so they went to the local pizza place. “That was so amazing!” Minah fangirled.

L.Joe blushed “You really think so”

“You could be in a pop group for sure” Minah smiled.

Ricky became jealous “What about me, was I good?”

“I think so; you didn’t have very many parts though” Minah commented.

Ricky turned to Niel “I want more parts!”

Niel laughed “We’re preforming a song by Chunji for the show so you better ask him”

“Chunji!!!” Ricky whined

“Alright I heard you!”

Changjo cut in “Could I get a dance solo?”

Chunji thought for a while “Okay I think I can do that”

Sue tapped on Minah’s shoulder “How bout we pick out their outfits?”

Minah nodded “Sounds like a plan”

Minah looked over her friends. Would anything change after the show? Once the school saw how talented her friends were would they even want to hang around her anymore? 

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~