First Fight

To The Top!

L.Joe reluctantly walked to Minah’s dorm room.  When he knocked on the door Anna opened it “What are you doing here? Minah already left” Anna walked back inside and shut the door.

She didn’t wait for me. Is she mad?


L.Joe walked into history class and sat in his usual seat. He looked over at Minah who was looking out the window.   Is she ignoring me?

“Hey Minah, Why didn’t you wait for me this morning”

She looked over at him “I just felt like walking by myself. We don’t always have to go everywhere together” Minah looked back out the window.

But I like being around you.

Mr. Roberts walked in and started the class. “Okay let’s have everyone get into pairs again”

L.Joe turned to ask Minah to be his partner but she was gone. He looked around the room and saw her talking to another classmate.

“Hello, would you like to be my partner?” Minah asked the girl.

There is no way I’m working with L.Joe


At lunch Minah sat on the opposite side of the table as L.Joe.

L.Joe moved over so he was right in front of her “Are you mad at me or something?”

Minah sipped her juice “No, I just want to try being apart for once. We don’t always have to sit next to each other you know”

How can she be so insensitive?

L.Joe scooted back over to his original seat.

I miss him already

Niel, Chunji, Ricky and Changjo sat down. “Minah, why are you sitting over there?” Changjo asked.

“Just thought I’d shake it up a bit”

Ricky and Changjo were walking to their next class when the topic of Minah and L.Joe came up. “So you think their mad at each other?” Ricky asked.

“Did you not feel the tension during lunch” Changjo replied “We have to get them to make up before the talent show”

Ricky smiled “Hey Changjo, I have an idea”


“But it’s a good one this time!” Ricky whined.

“Alright let’s hear it”


Minah was walking back to her dorm when she got a text from Ricky. Need to see you in practice room B -urgent!

Minah sighed What now Ricky?


Minah walked into the practice room as instructed. “What are you doing here? Where’s Ricky?” Minah was surprised to see L.Joe in the room. She turned to leave but the door wouldn’t budge. “You locked me in?”

L.Joe spoke up “Hey don’t go blaming me! I’m trapped in here just like you”

“Ricky!” they both said at the same time.

Minah walked over to the corner of the room and sat on the floor.

Great just how I wanted to spend my evening

Why can’t she just forgive me already?

L.Joe walked over to the stereo and pressed play.

Minah looked up at him “Is that necessary?”

“Hey we don’t know how long we’ll be in here. The least I can do is play some tunes”

Minah recognized the song in a second. It was Fantastic Baby by Big Bang.

I love this song

I love this song

L.Joe noticed that Minah’s mood was brightening. He started to move to the music.

“What are you doing?” Minah asked.

L.joe danced to the music. “Dancing, wanna join?”

Minah let out a laugh “No thanks weirdo”

L.Joe started busting serious moves and Minah could no longer hold in her laughter.

He looks like a chicken! He really isn’t a good dancer.

She’s laughing!

Minah stood up and joined him. “You need to loosen up a bit, you look too stiff”

L.Joe followed her instrustions “Like this?”

Minah clapped “There you go!”

When the song ended they both sat on the floor. “I’m sorry” they both repeated at the same time.

“You go first” L.joe said.

“I’m sorry that I was mad at you” Minah admitted “You didn’t do anything wrong. I really miss sitting next to you and walking together”

“And I’m sorry I didn’t try to understand what you were feeling”

Minah held out her hand “Friends?”

“Sure” he grabbed her hand and shook it “Friends”

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~