First Day Tour

To The Top!

“I’m finally here!” Minah stepped out of the car and took it all in.

“Honey come here and kiss me goodbye” Minah’s mom yelled while pulling out her luggage from the trunk. “My baby is leaving me already; I thought I had at least two more years. Oh look at you! My baby girl all grown up!”

“Mom” Minah started whispering “There are people watching”

“Oh I’m sorry dear” Minah hugged her mother goodbye. “See you later okay, don’t forget to call.”

“Alright mom” Minah grabbed her bags and walked towards the school.

Minah’s mother continued to yell from the car “Don’t forget to brush your teeth!”

“Bye mom!”


Minah struggled to pull her luggage up the stairs behind her.

“Need help?” A voice asked.

Minah turned around to see a lanky tall guy in the school uniform.

“You must be Minah, the new student. I’m Chunji the junior class president” He held out his hand for Minah to shake.

“You knew I was coming” She shook his hand.

“I’m supposed to give you the tour. After you drop off your stuff that is, I’ll show you to your dorm.”

They walked over to the dorms where there were four large brick buildings. Chunji pulled out his notecards from his pocket.  He cleared his throat “MAE was found in the year 1980 by its founding fathers George Heron and Bill Parkson”

Minah giggled and Chunji ripped up the cards. “Forget those, these are the dorms. There are the two girl dorms on the left and the two boy dorms on the right. Boys are not allowed in the girl dorm just like how girls are not allowed in the boy dorm, understand?”

Minah nodded.

“Okay good, now where is your dorm?”


Minah walked into the dorm room amazed. It was pretty big, enough room for bunk beds, two desks, and two sets of dressers and a sitting area with a table and bean bags.

Someone walked into the room behind her. She was reading a magazine when she stopped and looked up “Are you Minah?”

“Yeah that’s me”

The girl walked over to the bunk beds and pointed to the bottom one “This one is mine, you can take the top. I already claimed the dresser closer to the door so of course you can have the other one. I don’t like a mess so clean up after yourself. Laundry goes in the bin by the door and make sure not to bring any food in here.”

“No food got it, hey what’s your name?”


“Hello Anna, I’m Minah”

“Good for you” Anna went back to reading her magazine.

Minah headed back outside to where Chunji was waiting. “Took you long enough”

“I’m sorry, I just met my roommate.”

“Was she nice?”

“No but I think I can warm her up.”

“That’s the spirit. Now let’s start the tour shall we?”

Chunji brought Minah to the field first. “And this is where we hold practices for most of the sports. Over there is the gym and to the left of that is the pool.”

There was soccer practice taking place in the field. Minah was amazed at how good they were. One guy in particular hit the ball with almost every part of his body. "Wow they're really good."

"I can get you an autograph if you'd like?" 

“No that's okay. Where are the tennis courts?” Minah interrupted.

“Oh so you play tennis? Guess we can’t be friends then.”

“Why wouldn’t we be able to be friends?”

 “Right your new, well there is this rivalry against the Athletic and Music departments.”

“Why” Minah asked.

“Both want more funding from the school. It’s kinda stupid really.”

“So which side are you on Chunji?”

“Me, neither, like I said it’s stupid. But I guess because I sing and play piano I’m in the Music department.”

Chunji led her to the tennis courts. “Woah” Minah was amazed with how nice the courts were.

“The tennis players have their own locker room over there.” Chunji pointed towards the cement building in between the courts and the batting cages.

“So where are the music classrooms?”

“Why would you want to know?”

“Just curious”

“This way” Chunji showed Minah the music building which was filled with all sorts of practice rooms and instruments.

“Cool” Minah said.

“Well, that’s the end of our tour. See you around”

“Wait Chunji!”

He turned around.

“Where is the office?”


When Minah walked into the office she was surprised to see other teens working there. She walked up to the girl at the front desk “hello?”

The girl looked up and then popped her gum. “What do you need?”

“I’m here to pick up my uniform.” The girl behind the desk scanned Minah’s T-shirt and shorts.

“Name please”

“Lee Minah”

The girl handed her the uniform and then continued her work.

Minah tried on her uniform as soon as she got back to her room. Looking in the mirror it finally hit her that she was here. She squealed and jumped up and down.

Anna popped her head out of the bathroom. “New rule, no squealing”

“Sorry, got it” 

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~