
To The Top!

“Ew my bread is soggy again!” Ricky pouted.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to grab the tuna sandwich” Chunji smacked Ricky on the head.

“Ow” Ricky pushed the sandwich away from him.

“Here Ricky you can have mine” Minah handed him her half eaten sandwich. “I’m already full”

“Thanks Minah!” Ricky chowed down on the sandwich.

“Minah!” Anna angrily stomped over to Minah’s table.

“Hey Anna what’s up?” Anna asked.

“You! How long did you think it would be until people found out?!” Anna threw a piece of crumpled paper at her.

Minah stood up “What’s going on Anna”

“They trashed our room! They dumped a ton of trash everywhere. I am not cleaning it up” Anna was furious.

“Why would they do that?”

“You entered the talent show! You’re a tennis player not a musician! And now we live in a dump, you better get back to the dorm right now and clean it” Anna yelled.

Minah nodded and followed after Anna.

Once she was gone the boys stared at each other in awe. “It’s our fault” L.Joe spoke up “If she hadn’t signed us up for the talent show none of this would’ve happened”

“We have to back out” Changjo added. “She can’t get bullied for us”

Niel slammed his fist onto the table “We can’t back down! That is exactly what they want us to do”

“Then what do we do?” Chunji asked.

“We’ll just have to protect her until after the show.”


Minah walked into the room to see that Anna was right. It was covered in trash, the blankets where thrown down and everything in their desks was on the floor.

“How could they do this” Minah asked.

Anna sighed “Because their jerks” Anna pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket “They left a note”

We don’t need any meatheads in our talent show –The Music Department

Minah crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash. “Who did this?”

“It said on the note, the Music Department”

Minah walked up to Anna and looked her in the eyes “Who did this?”

Anna sighed “There is no use talking to them”

Minah grabbed her shoulders “Just tell me”

Anna gave in “The head of the Music Department, they’re the ones that pull of all the stupid pranks. They meet afterschool in the orchestra room.”

Minah let go of her shoulders “Thank you”


After school Minah talked Sue into going with her to see the head of Music Department. “Minah I don’t know if we should do this. It’s out of athlete territory” Sue complained.

“Sue you can still leave”

“And leave you alone! I don’t think so”

They walked into the meeting and saw five kids sitting in a circle in the orchestra room. They all stared at Minah and Sue. “What are they doing here” a snotty girl asked.

A boy with glasses walked up to them. “Hello Minah, Sue, I’m George the president of the Music Department.”

Minah shook his hand “How do you know who I am?”

George gripped Minah’s hand. “Because you’re special Minah”

George took a seat in the director’s chair. “I know Sue because she is the captain of the tennis team. You though are on the tennis team and you play an instrument, that’s pretty special isn’t it.”

Sue gave Minah a glare “You play an instrument?”

Minah ignored Sue’s comment “Is there a problem with playing an instrument?”

George put his feet up on the podium “No, in fact I love it when people play instruments. It’s the tennis that bothers me”

Minah rolled her eyes “Well I’m not quitting if that’s what you want”

George started playing with his thumbs “Why would anyone want to run around to the brink of exhaustion just to score points?”

“Because I love it, and I love playing my bass too. I don’t see why you would trash my room for that”

“Minah I want the best for you, and the best for the school. Either you play your bass guitar with us of you remain a meathead with your friend there”

Minah laughed “You have no power to kick me neither out of music classes nor off the tennis team. Get a life you four-eyed loser” Minah turned around and grabbed Sue “Let’s go”

“You’re going to regret that” George yelled after them.


Sue laughed uncontrollably “I cannot believe you just called him a four-eyed loser”

Minah laughed with her “Yeah I guess that was pretty lame”

When Minah opened her door to her room dropped. “L.Joe? Changjo? Cap? Niel? The boys were cleaning her room with Anna.

“Where have you been? Were almost done” Cap asked.

Minah smiled “Nowhere”

“Hey Minah” Anna was reading her magazine on her bed while they cleaned. Changjo looked over at her and Anna noticed. “What are you looking at?”

“Is that Popular Science?”

Anna put her magazine down. “You read Popular Science?”

“I used to but I can’t get issues sent to my dorm.”

Anna nodded “You can read some of mine. My parents send them from home”

“Do you have any new issues?”

Anna, for the first time, smiled “Yeah, I do”


The next day L.Joe and Minah went to check the audition list before class. “I hope our addition is during class so I don’t have to go to math” Minah yawned.

“Did you get enough sleep last night” L.Joe asked.

“No, Changjo and Anna talked about space practically the whole night” Minah complained.

L.Joe “Well let’s hope our addition is later so you can get a nap in”

They looked up at the list. “Hey our name isn’t here” Minah pointed.

“There must be a mistake” Another kid came to check his name and L.Joe stopped him. “Hey do you know who is in charge of the show?”

“George Parker, the president” The kid replied.

“Alright Minah let’s go ask him.”

Minah grabbed L.Joe’s arm “There is something I should tell you”

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~